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Everything posted by thisguy

  1. It will be interesting to see how Coach McQ handles this season. This is the first time in a long while there hasn't been an abundance of talent and experience returning.
  2. Agree with all the statements on here. I've also know AJ and his family since his Pee Wee days and he's a great kid and a great athlete. Not to steal his thunder on this thread, but who are some of the other "underrated" athletes in the area?
  3. Official visit to Notre Dame today. Watts unfortunately attended a funeral.
  4. I'd rate it slightly above average today. Conner did not run a lot of sets as they were really up tempo and beating Walton down the floor and shooting (and missing) a ton of layups. Riddle and Way were on the floor together quite a bit today. Remains to be seen if that changes when Watts returns. Way is still getting his basketball legs under him but was very serviceable. Turnovers were not an issue today at all from the Conner PG spot, which is very encouraging. That said, Walton did not press a whole lot so we shall have to wait and see if they can handle the pressure when the heat is turned up.
  5. Conner defeated Walton by 2 points in the 1st half and by 7 in the 2nd half (they reset the score at half). Both teams were a little sloppy as you'd expect. Conner missed at least 15 point blank lay ups and a ton of FTs as well. They had some very good success in the 1st half with a zone press and played hard the whole game (several charges and floor burns). Walton doesn't have a lot of size but has some shooters. I'd say they had around 10 made 3 point baskets. Watts and Barker did not attend the scrimmage for Conner.
  6. Clyde I think you may underestimate the Conner crowd. They typically fill their "half" of their stadium. There has been a weak visitor section all year sans the Cooper game. In addition, there are Conner fans across the field in the "C" Club. Furthermore, there appears to be a new tradition of tailgating in the east end zone in which there are typically a couple hundred more fans. Granted, Conner hasn't shown a "ton" of fan support throughout the years but there are a lot of folks supporting this team.
  7. Yes, that is what I was referring to. Drew spent a lot of time bringing the ball up the floor last year due to the PG woes. Not exactly the ideal spot for him but I don't think Conner had too many options. Think this will now allow him to bang inside and also be a more intregal part of the offense both inside and from the outside. Should also help Hemmerich and Padgett out on the offensive boards.
  8. I haven't heard too much about Will Ruholt other than he has had some lingering back issues, which has limited his participation. My guess would be that Way would beat out Riddle and Ruholt for the starting PG position but that remains to be seen. Nice for Coach Hicks to have some options.
  9. It is confirmed. Andrew Way will be playing once again this season. That should really help boost the backcourt talent and depth and hopefully allow Barker to go back down low and bang inside.
  10. Correct on Maines. He was cut from the team as a junior and again this year as a senior. Austin Price, who quit last year late in the season and is also a senior, tried out but did not make the team this year either. Conner's lone seniors are Brady Padgett and Sam Riddle, who have both played all 4 years.
  11. Alec Garnett and Michael Scott are playing up for Conner. I believe Kyler Padgett will also be playing JV hoops once football ends.
  12. Yes, I believe Moss is in fact moving back to WVA once football is over. I'm not sure if Downs is playing either. Has lost some interest in football and basketball and seems to really enjoy soccer.
  13. Boo hoo. Typical CCH fan. And you guys have the nerve to say Highlands feels like they are self-deserving. Fact is Conner won and that is that. Go share some cake.
  14. That is correct. Conner scored in the final minute to beat Cooper freshman. Very good game.
  15. Fogle would have my vote 100% if he didn't miss the past two games. Now, I think you can make a legitimate case for any of the other players mentioned above.
  16. Coach Rowland has retired. Coach Garnett is now the head varsity coach for tennis and golf at Conner. Coach Bowman has come from Ryle to be the JV coach. Coach Herst has moved up from the 8th grade to be the freshman coach. Coach Padgett remains on staff as a varsity asst.
  17. I like Conner to be a "surprise" team this year in the 9th Region. I've stated in other threads that I would put their frontcourt up against anyone in the 9th. The size, talent, and experience that Hemmerich, Barker, and Padgett bring is as good as anyone has. I don't think it's a big secret that the concern revolves around the guard play. If Riddle can handle the pressure and get them in their sets they will be dangerous. Also, if Way decides he wants to play again that will be a huge boost for depth and the overall talent level at the PG spot. Lamblez is going to be solid and is a "hustle" guy that brings good energy on both ends. I'm curious to see what Watts can bring this year as a sophmore. With his speed and athleticism he can really guard, but I'm interested to see if he has learned to make better decisions with the ball in the open court. If football makes a deep run they could start slow. Throw in a revamped/reenergized coaching staff and I think Conner will be a handful come season's end.
  18. I saw both teams play as well and that score sounds about right.
  19. Very true. I also heard that Maines and Price tried out but they were not retained by Coach Hicks and staff. Shame because both could help but I guess the negatives outweighed the positives.
  20. Heard a rumor Way, McKeehan, and Fogle are all thinking about coming out of "retirement" and playing hoops for Conner this year. Valid?? That would really solidify the PG issue for the Cougars.
  21. Final thought- I had not been to the Scott complex in a few years. Absolutely a beautiful facility now. No one has anything better in the 9th/10th Region.
  22. I agree Fogle is the "straw that stirs the drink" for Conner. Love Barker but if I was starting a team Fogle is my #1 pick. Love Castleman from Scott. No one does more with less than him and that is stated as a compliment. One of the most hard-nosed kids in NKY. Way and McKeehan ran well for Conner last night. I am interested in seeing how they will mesh when Fogle returns. Padgett was clutch again with several tough catches including a 60 yd td reception for the game winner and two 2 pt conversion catches in the 4 qtr.
  23. Here's hoping Brian Loney from Conner recovers quickly. Did not sound good last night as the prognosis was an ACL tear.
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