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Everything posted by thisguy

  1. Disagree. I still do not know if Padgett from Conner is right handed or left handed with those "swoop" hook shots he takes and makes.
  2. In speaking to a few Conner players, it seems they were not too upset with how/where Ryle came onto the field last night. They were in the corner of the end zone and they waited until the field cleared before coming onto the field themselves. However, they did have an issue with how Cooper came onto the field last week. As stated in previous comments, Cooper did a complete lap around the field and then entered the playing surface from the 25 yard line on Conner's sideline. Seems like Cooper had a little more intent to go out of their way to try and "intimidate" Conner. I am not sure I would go as far to call it bush league, but apparently it did irritate several Conner players.
  3. That play reminded me of Franco Harris! Immaculate Reception sans the TD.
  4. Beechwood is pretty good. Stringer is a beast. Great speed and really runs hard. I am shocked he is not playing JV (or is he?) Beechwood did pull their starters in the 2nd half, as did Conner in the 4th qtr. Conner qb Padgett is a tough kid. Took some licks and kept going.
  5. Can Ryle get on track? Can Conner avoid a letdown after the big Cooper win?
  6. Sorry to hear that. That is not good news for Cooper OR Conner!
  7. Gotcha. Mays has always played hard, just noting that it looks like the "senior light bulb" has come on and he realizes that this is his team this year.
  8. Didn't mean to infer that Barker doesn't play with confidence. He certainly does. If you consider that he now has a year of varsity basketball under his belt and you throw in his football success I am expecting a big season from him. Just noting that Mays seemed to have a little more bounce in his step over the summer than he has in past years.
  9. Agree with most on here that, on paper, Cooper will be the favorite. They return alot and have the experience of playing in a regional tournament from last year. I would put Conner's frontcourt against any team in the region. Barker, Padgett, and Hemmerich will be tough and all have put on some height and size from last year. If they can find someone to get the ball up the floor and get them into their sets they will be tough. I think Boone takes a step back with some key losses. Obviously, some of the younger players will need to step up in order for them to have success. I'd pick Ryle to finish 4th in the district but watch out for Mays to have a big year. Saw him in some of the summer camps and he has also added some size and is playing like a very confident senior.
  10. Please, please no more numbers, scoring margin, points allowed, points scored, or any other miscellaneous stats! Haaa. Let's play this sucker!!!!
  11. Wow. If you took the under at 119.5 you are a loser!
  12. Surprised there isn't more dialogue going on surrounding this game, especially since the latest rankings have Conner at #6 and SOldham at #10. Top 10 matchup to kick off district play. I look for Conner to win, but think it will be closer than some may think. The Conner D stepped up big in the 2nd half vs Campbell Cty, but they still make me nervous, especially vs the run. If they can be as solid as that 2nd half at Campbell I think Conner wins rather easily. If not, could go down to the last possession again.
  13. Coach Trosper mentioned on his Sunday Coach's Show that the Director of Officials personally contacted him about this game to apologize. He also said that the Director told him that the interference call in question should have resulted in an automatic 1st down.
  14. Tale of 2 cities. Or should I say weeks as it relates to Conner. Monster comeback by Conner. Padgett with 7 catches and 2 tds and he earned every one of them. Got hit hard on all. Conner D really showed some pride in the 2h. Conner overcame a very sloppy and very unexpectedely flat 1h to rally for the victory. They will be at full strength for the first time all season next week vs S Oldham after some injuries and suspensions. Nice job Cougars!
  15. Very entertaining and competitive game. Back and forth all night. Conner scores the winning TD with 2 mins to go on 4th and goal. O line looked strong for for Conner which allowed Padgett to have a big night. I'd say 100 yds rushing and close to 200 yds passing. Big fumble by Cooper with 3 mins to go on their own 20 yd line set up the winning score. Good game to all.
  16. There is no relation to Scott Padgett. His family ties do in fact come from the Padgett's who attended and played for St Henry throughout the 90's (John, Rob, Mark, Mike).
  17. Surprised there hasn't been more discussion on this game, especially considering all the Conner hype on this site! I like Conner big 49-14.
  18. Haven't heard anything yet. Strange week for Conner. Playing a game on Wednesday (that is cancelled) and are scheduled to play Grant County on Saturday. You don't see two football games scheduled within 4 days of each other too often.
  19. Agree, Fogle can rake. Hits for average and power. In fact, the furthest ball I saw hit all year was the one he hit at Tates Creek. It cleared the fence, the trees, and landed on an apartment rooftop I'd guess some 450 feet away. Cameron, Maines, and Padgett should provide a very productive 1-2-3 punch for Conner next year.
  20. Nothing that I have seen. It's a typical grass field that is completely destroyed between the 20's by season's end. I have a feeling it's going to be even worse this year due to the dry conditions. IMO the field did not look as good for the first game as it has over the past few years, which can be attributed to the drought. Playing on it, especially in wet conditions, whether it's football or soccer, is going to make it a dirt lot within the next few weeks. Sad because I know several individuals dedicate alot of time to trying to make it look nice but, unfortunately, it's a losing battle.
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