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Everything posted by corndog23

  1. Thank you for posting this, I was about to myself. This is a very calming article and it should reassure everyone that Cal is completely NOT at fault here in this situation.
  2. Wieters is a fine prospect...but I wouldnt be calling him the best catcher in the league. I mean, the guy hasn't even faced a big league pitcher and you are saying he will be the best catcher in the game by seasons end. Come on now...Mccann, Maur, Martinez, Russel Martin, Soto...Theres no way.
  3. I would bet that almost every school in the country has 1 or 2 low character guys on their team in a SEASON. Not to mention how many they have had over a 20 or so year career.
  4. Who cares if it is forgotten or not? I dont. Lets win ball games.
  5. As long as we win ball games, I dont care what people say about Coach Cal and our program.
  6. What exactly would they have to deal with? He 100% made a mistake, but a guy smokes weed and gets a 2 game suspension. Im not understanding the NCAA's thought process on situations like this. What would you have done in this situation?
  7. Just because it is a rule doesn't mean it is a good rule. I dont think the NFL overtime rule is a good one. I think it should be changed. Same with the Jarmon ruling.
  8. I agree that Jarmon is at fault, but what I do not agree with is the NCAA's ruling. UK self reported this violation, the NCAA came to test the individuals, (Jarmon wasn't the only one who had been taking the supplement) and he promptly failed the drug test that UK KNEW he would fail. They came back a month or so later, tested Jarmon again, and he passed with flying colors. Im just not sure how this ruling is really looking out for the student athlete. The NCAA could have made a better decision. 5 or 6 games would have been plenty.
  9. Tell me something...How can taking a protein shake and some vitamins for a 15 day period in the off-season warrant a year long suspension from college athletics and ultimately end a collegiate career early? How is that warranted? I mean, some athletes get tested positive for smoking weed, an illegal drug to use in the United States, and they get like 1 game or 2 games suspension. Is the NCAA more powerful then the government?
  10. That is the way college athletics are now-a-days. Kids dont commit to schools unless they are life-long fans. Kids commit to coaches. I thought that was understood.
  11. 13 years ago. Cal was found to have not known about it also. He has the cleanest of clean records. Its not like he has 8 recruiting violations under his belt or something.
  12. I am shocked to find out that someone actually likes that piece of trash. To each his own I guess.
  13. One of my friends had a cat named Shawn Bradley, you know her I think...I hated that cat. :lol:
  14. I REALLY have a strong dislike for Eli Manning. Terrel Owens also, but who doesn't hate T.O.? I always hated Shawn Bradley in the NBA for some reason. Joakim Noah, Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson, Allen Iverson and Shaq also are not my favorites. The only MLB guys a really hate are the Yankees, yes, every one of them, Barry Bonds, Markl Mcgwire, Sammy Sosa, Manny Ramirez, and pretty much any other roider out there.
  15. Unless Cal turned him into Blake Griffin...:eek:
  16. I think you mistook the word "would" for "could".
  17. I did...Sorry if that is not what you did, but yes, some do. Dont be so naive.
  18. I never said it wasn't stupid. I just dont think it is the huge deal that some are making it out to be. I used to go hang out in abandoned buildings and construction sites all the time up until I got out of high school. It was a fun thing for me and my buddies to do. We never vandalized anything so whats the harm??
  19. It looks like him and his buddies just wanted to go hang out at an abandoned house. Its not like he robbed a gas station or anything.
  20. It truly sounds like this is what is going on here. On the surface, it really doesnt seem like that big of a deal.
  21. Timmy Knipp is going to be a very VERY good big man. IMHO he will be the top big in the state next season. With the exception of Pittman of course.
  22. Bruce Pearl could not out-coach Billy Gillispie. Now I liked Billy G, but most on here did not and thought he was a hack. In their 4 or 5 head-to-head match-ups, Coach G coached CIRCLES around Pearl and it was OBVIOUS. My question is, if BCG was such an idiot, then what does that make Pearl.
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