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Everything posted by corndog23

  1. So is country, but that dont make it good.
  2. Im sure he was the best option, but somehow you are still missing the point. Want and Need are 2 VERY different things.
  3. You definitely implied it in post #21 when you laughed at SSC and his thoughts on the situation.
  4. Im not trying to argue that point. I know Harrison is projected to be a cut above the rest. What im trying to get you to acknowledge is the FACT that UK will be JUST FINE without Harrison Barnes on the team. UK will have options at the small forward spot next year. Darius Miller, Darnell Dodson, and John Hood come to mind. You know they will be fine, I know they will be fine, everyone else knows they will be fine. You're just too hard headed to say it.
  5. Well, I guess what you say about Harrison Barnes is also pure speculation. Maybe he is the next big bust? Maybe not? Who knows...what I do know is UK will be alright without the guy.
  6. You know what he was saying...come on now. EVERYBODY can use a kid like Harrison Barnes, but now, UK is in a position that it hasnt been in in a very long time. If a kid like Harrison decides to spurn UK, UK will not be stuck in the mud and not able to get out. They will move on and still be able to compete for a national title. You can take that to the bank.
  7. I believe the answer is Mel Ott.
  8. 18% is probably about right for the internet fanbase of the Cats. Thats about 1 in 5. For the rest of the fans that dont get on the messageboards, i think the number would be a bit lower, something in the 5 to 10% range.
  9. Mr. Schue, im probably the happiest guy anybody on this site could ever meet. Im proud to be from the state of Kentucky, and im proud of my State University and its accomplishments in athletics throughout its history.
  10. I dont see anyone on this board trashing DFerg on his facebook either. This discussion is about the idiots who did trash him. You and I both know that this isnt the only place that UK and UL basketball get discussed pretty heavily, there are tons of places to talk about either one. I love BGP though, there seems to be some pretty sensible folks to talk with from both sides of the rivalry.
  11. I get offended and feel slighted when someone talks bad about my State University. I think it shows that we, here in Kentucky, are filled with pride and loyalty to our state. But Im not going to go trash Dominique Ferguson because he chose another school. I know alot of our fans would though. You seem to want to lump all UK fans together though, which is alright I guess. Tell me this though, how many UL fans were absolutely DRILLING Jeremy Tyler for going overseas to play ball?? TONS. Its not just a UK fan problem Mr. Schue.
  12. I wasnt signed up yesterday and you talked to me. :lol: No worries though, im signed up today!
  13. Thats why im afraid of the google way. I want a surefire thing. :lol:
  14. How did I miss this?? Can someone send me a link? I feel dirty. :lol:
  15. Then why exactly did they take the tapes? He was allowed to be filming at that time, why did they take them???
  16. He was allowed to take film and pictures of what was going on. All was fine until Lebron got dunked on and his team lost. Its at that point Lebron whispers in a Nike reps ear. Shortly thereafter Ryan Miller is no longer allowed to keep his footage. What are you not understanding about this??
  17. Are you Lebron's brother or something? Im sure if he would have dunked all over Jordan Crawford at the camp the Nike representatives would have still asked for the videographers film. If what you say is true, that this camp has been going on for years and noone has EVER been allowed to even take a picture, then one would think that nike wouldn't let anyone even bring a camera to the games. True? You would think that the video people would KNOW better then to bring their stuff. You would think...
  18. Sounds like a Lebron homer to me. :lol:
  19. At the Lebron James camp, and Lebron and Nike confiscate the photographer's film so no video or pictures of it could be put on the internet!! What a joke. http://www.examiner.com/x-13583-Xavier-Musketeers-Examiner~y2009m7d7-Jordan-Crawford-at-the-LeBron-James-Skills-Academy
  20. You are a UNC fan...I expect you to think the way that you do.
  21. I disagree. The only reason its such a "huge" rivalry is that ESPN shows it on 8 different channels at the same time. IT is a great rivalry, but it is not greater then UK-UL...The football part of things here in the UK-UL rivalry put it over the top of the Duke-UNC rivalry. Not to mention they play eachother 3 times a year. There is so much more at stake for the State of Kentucky when UK and UL play that one game of basketball then there is for the state of North Carolina.
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