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Everything posted by sidelinedoc

  1. I was out of town. Went to the Dolphins/Falcons game. Congratulations to the Musketeers. They wanted it more and got it done.
  2. I am signing off for the day. Good luck to both teams. If I'm not on the threads tomorrow or Sunday, it's because I will be on a free trip to Miami for the Dolphins/Falcons game. Free airfare, room and game ticket! I'm there, dude!
  3. I hope you notice that Coup is not denying it. :lol:
  4. Amazing! That is the same time it took Coup to pick out his wife's birthday present. I still think she'll like my present better!!!!!!:popcorn:
  5. All joking aside, I still maintain this should be about a 2TD differential. I do not see a blow out, due to the rivalry/pride thing. Russell wants to amend for it's showing at Putnam last year.
  6. No, probably more like the Ironton score last week. JMO. I think the baby whisperer heard correctly.:lol:
  7. CP, we have been nothing but nice and you have to try to make this about another team? You guys need to worry about tonight, not 2 weeks ago.....
  8. Never forget 9-11! We may be cheering for different teams tonight but we are all Americans!!!! Go Red, White and Blue!!!!!! :thumb::thumb:
  9. Tell Mrs. Coupon to come over to our sideline tonight and I'll give her a present for her 21st birthday!!!!! How did you get such a fine woman anyway? :popcorn:
  10. I think he has had a transfusion.:lol: He better have, anyway.
  11. Ryan, we need to find some players that bleed orange like our AD does. There is no one that is more proud of Raceland than Bill Farley.
  12. I wish I could pass some of my passion to the players, I am about to explode.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLDRAMBLER!!!!!!!! Rams, go get him a win for a wonderful present!!!!!!!! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  14. Good luck to both teams tonight. Here is to a well played, injury free game!!!! I sure would be at this one if we weren't playing.:thumb:
  15. We are hoping to schedule that one heart for quadruple bypass this evening! TCB!!!!!!!
  16. Happy Birthday to a great man. I hope it is a blessed day for you!
  17. The ADI sports department is very educated and well versed. If I were you Coup, just mail this one in and we'll call it a night. :lol:
  18. No, but Ryan and Ramfan04 will tell you that certain decisions are based on the week of practice. I don't know who will start anywhere tomorrow night.
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