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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. I had this debate recently. Heres some names that were brought up. Bill Lambeer Xavier McDaniel John Starks Robert Parish Danny Ainge Ron Artest Bruce Bowen Dennis Rodman Karl Malone Bill Cartwright John Stockton Kurt Rambis Jeff Ruland Rick Mahorn I think Malone is the dirtiest of all time but what do you guys think.
  2. Best: Johny Depp, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robert DeNiro and Denzil Washington Underapreciated: Ed Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman
  3. Would the JV team begin this year? I would think this would take some time to develop.
  4. If any of these guys return it will be Bledsoe and the chances of that are slim to none. Carzier things have happened though.
  5. Anybody watch this week? It was a great episode and I can't wait for next week.
  6. :popcorn: This will be interesting to see played out.
  7. No sarcasm smiley from me. I think your being nit-picky and upset at someone just because the disagree with you.
  8. :thumb: Scribe is just a UK hater and taking it out on you.
  9. I heard Evan Daniels from Scout reported today that friends of Ross and Jones said they woud not be attending the same school. If true, it's down to UK and KU.
  10. Did they give you your mason jar?? To put your soul in.. I heard that joke and had to use it. Congrats! :thumb:
  11. Maggard IMO is the best at recruiting info. He's cocky but good at what he does.
  12. GT, do you think Selby is the best player in this class?
  13. I hope he commits but will believe it when I see it tomorrow.
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