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Everything posted by warrior_69

  1. The best phone that I have had was probably the Motorola v180. The worst phone I had was the razor. The battery wouldn't last but about half the day.
  2. Well Having graduated in a class of about 400. I was never so glad to get the heck out of dodge our graduation was about 3 hours there was alot of noise going on but that didn't seem to bother us we just wanted to get out of there.
  3. That's a powerful three letter word. But it's true if they don't keep it in check Tim Rice and the Lady Warriors are going to be in for a long season.
  4. Is this storm heading to the southern part of the state as in the Lake Cumberland area?
  5. Ha ha ha! Please tell me your kidding? And I guess he's also going to get The Thunder from Down Under back too?
  6. I would have to go with the wwe's soundtrack and so with Hell frozen over which is Stone Cold Steve Austins Entrance theme.
  7. Work on Handling the ball and make less turnovers.
  8. Don't forget about Southwestern's Trevor Jones.
  9. Coach Kinney would be a good one for that job.
  10. How will coach Dave Schulz and company fair this coming fall in the 12th region?
  11. Any rapper is horrible. Rap is not music at all, it is for people that can't sing. I can't even understand any of the words to it. Its the worst noise I've ever heard.
  12. Is it really any of his business when she tithes? That is supposed between you and God not you, God, and your so called preacher.
  13. Well looks like Gilbert made an excellent choice.
  14. No actually what drive up the grain prices are the reports that farmers give at the end of each harvest season which is the last of November first of December. I forget the name of it but its a report that consist of how many acres were planted with what crop and what was the total yield for that crop. Then they take in to consideration about the drought and all that. These wheat prices will come back down when the harvest time for wheat is thats about June or July.
  15. You Don't have to convert them they will run on it just as they are. As a diesel vehicle owner I have tried to burn it in my truck and it ran like it had water in it or something.It didn't run very well at all.
  16. The A team Pedicoat Junction Green Acres Mr. Ed Rescue 911 The Flintstones
  17. Just curious as to how they can call it American Idiol when they have an Englishman as one of the judges?
  18. IMO she is the best of both worlds.
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