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Everything posted by retropop

  1. To quote the late sportscaster, Jim McKay: "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." No doubt these words apply to the crazy emotions of game like this.
  2. Practice makes permanent, but it is proper practice that makes for improvement. It is maximum (within reason) proper repetition that exponentially increases improvement. Coaches are not all equally able to create practice situations that make this happen, which sometimes is due the abilities of the coach, but often may be due to the competitive situation of the school itself. That said, if and when the proper techniques and playing insights are taught through the implementation of fundamentally sound drills, most players should show improvement IF THEY WORK HARD CONSISTENTLY AND ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT COACHING.
  3. Two solid and well-coached teams are in Friday's final game. Predictions? Also, will this game be broadcast on either radio or the internet?
  4. Although it is early for predictions, how are things looking in advance of the 6th, 7th and 8th region tournaments? Being hot, healthy and having good luck is the mode all coaches want their teams to be in heading into the post-season. C'mon and go out on a limb and let's hear it!
  5. Are there any details? Wow, this is an amazing score that I just saw on the KHSAA scoreboard.
  6. In less than two months we will be at NKU for it's first time to host the girls' sweet 16. For those of us who are unfamiliar with the venue and its surroundings - food, lodging, traffic/transportation routes, etc., what should folks from out in the state expect and need to know in advance?
  7. Male seems to be making some big strides in mid-season.
  8. This should be an excellent LIT! A great way to spend several cold winter nights watching some fine teams.
  9. Thank you for your very honest and insightful post into the machinations of the thought process and considerations of what went into the decision that your family made. The happiness of your daughter is what all parents seek, so the hope is that the long-term proves that she made a good choice. That said, karma, hindsight, etc. are anything but ludicrous. Think about it - long-term considerations should always override short-term ones. And hopefully there will be more "best years" of life beyond four years of high school b-ball for your daughter. I am compelled to believe that the overall mission and scope of high school sports is not selecting this program or that program. That formerly was something associated with realms of college sports and/or the professional free agency, not high school sports. I by all means intend no personal insult with this, but looking across the current the entire landscape of KHSAA athletics - and this is not directed to any one person, family, team/school, county/city - a number of sports throughout the state are dominated by programs that are accumulating talent - and that is not proper, honest or fair. That is not what high school sports are supposed to be. That said, any workouts in advance by any high school coaching staff member, while an athlete is playing for another high school despite still being in middle school, is an area where the KHSAA should be concerned.
  10. Thanks for the explanation of "somehow" - wow, that's an amazing bit of info to learn. As far as the 8th graders (and almost everything else, really), I was thinking of all around the county, not any particular school. As far as being reasonable, well, thank you for the kind words. (My wife occasionally thinks differently. :lol2:)
  11. The accumulation of talent does not always make for a cohesive "team." The several schools in Jefferson county that have talent-laden rosters have effectively magnetized talented players that would/should have played elsewhere, had they stayed at their designated schools and not sought a transfer within JCPS. A number of kids mysteriously disappear from the high schools where they had previously "played up" when they were middle schoolers, moving to a high school that successfully accumulates talent (Mishler actually had been a two-year starter at Ballard before somehow being approved to play for Eastern after her freshman year). This happens at both public and private schools, by the way, so finger pointing at private schools is hypocritical by the publics. An interesting point is that a number of these girls who figured they would be playing varsity as freshmen do not see the floor in varsity games, and quite possibly are not even dressing varsity games. Sadly, it will interesting to see how many of these young ladies actually stick with basketball for all four of their years in high school. It's only reasonable to believe that some of them are second guessing their decision about where they went to play high school b-ball. When these situations occur and parents' and players egos are out of alignment, it makes the coaches' jobs much more difficult - but that comes with accumulating talent. Sometimes it works out; sometimes it doesn't - Karma. Current JCPS middle schoolers and parents beware.
  12. How good is Whitko? Are the Lady Eagles rounding into top of 7th region form in time for the LIT?
  13. I wonder how the reporting of stats is going, as a number of schools are not listed as contributing, and if there actually will be fines for schools that are non-compliant this year. A number of schools, believe it or not, do not have the personnel to make this possible, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out Schools lacking the personnel are also the most likely ones to be unable to afford the fine. If the policy has not been implemented, I have not heard of it. Can anyone clarify this?
  14. Jasmine Whitfield/U. Cincinnati (So. Oldham, 2012) 14.0 ppg; 6.4 rpg Mary Dye/IU Southeast (So. Oldham, 2012) 14.1 ppg; 9.8 rpg Tearra Banks/Austin Peay U. (Ballard, 2013) 14.1 ppg; 5.0 rpg Maddie Martin/Spalding U (Ballard, 2013) 7.9 ppg; 5.8 rpg Javonna Layfield/U. Dayton (Ballard, 2014) 3.4 ppg; 2.5 rpg Drea Matchen/U. Pikeville (Ballard, 2014) 17.8 ppg; 6.3 rpg Alex Martin/Spalding U. (Ballard, 2015) 11.1 ppg; 5.1 rpg; 3.8 apg (All of these ladies played for Coach Frank Wright.)
  15. Monday of Christmas break enables odd basketball results. This is not an excuse, just a fact based on years of observation. "Merry Christmas to all ..."
  16. Thanks, Col. Why has the format changed from an 8-team, 3-day event into this new arrangement?
  17. SH has a history of getting kids from Butler's feeder program, so it seems.
  18. Amazing. I wonder if the Ballard AD and principal signed off on this?
  19. Could this to be a banner year for the Lady Mustangs? Hopes may be on the rise in Goshen.
  20. Again, oh no? Wasn't she injured last year?
  21. They are so deeply talented with skills and athleticism - plus a good combination of youth and experience, that they are by far better on paper than all others in Jefferson county. But they don't play on paper. If/when they meld together as a solid unit vs. the best opponents, then they will/may go very deep come March. They do have a lot of kids (and their parents) to keep happy, though, and they will hopefully have a strongly unified team. That will be the great challenge they face.
  22. Wow! One must go way, way back to see both Trimble Co. and No. Oldham listed while Oldham and So. Oldham are both left out. It seems that the smaller schools have experienced a positive shifting of the balance of power. Interesting.
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