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Mr. Athletics

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Everything posted by Mr. Athletics

  1. It's not that way in the 8th. I think most boys teams support the girls and vice versa. The eighth region doesn't have any parochial schools involved, however. Both the boys and girls tournaments have been successful at the gate and really create excitement for the schools. The 8th winners always take some of the best crowds that Richmond see every year. The eighth has not been dominated by one or two schools; the region winners have been several different school and each year the boys and girls have a competitive tournament. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke."
  2. Girls play all day on Wednesday while the boys play on Thursday in the first round of the Class A State at Richmond.
  3. By the way, congratulations to Trimble for doing a great job in hosting the tournament. That is 2 years in a row now that the home team has won the region Class A. Can Owen County make it 3 in a row next season?
  4. Congratulation to both teams. Tough loss for the Lady Demons. Trimble will play Paris in the last game of the day on Wednesday scheduled to start at 9:30. They will need their"A' game against a very tough Paris team. Was Miller in foul trouble (No points)?
  5. You are correct, Jeanie. You are NOT going to shoot over Ashley Miller, 6'2" (13 rebounds, 7 blocked shots) in the middle so you had better put some shooters on the perimeter. I wonder how many blocks she had in the 4th quarter.
  6. Heeger only made 1 three in the game but didn't take many shots for some reason. Good question, Jeanie.
  7. You are correct, Madman. The 8th region will have 8 teams next year adding Owen and Henry to go along with Gallatin, Eminence, Williamstown, Carroll, Walton Verona and Trimble.
  8. Trimble has the size advantage and are playing at home; Williamstown has the quickness. I will take the size of Trimble but won't be surprised if the Lady Demons pull a mild upset.
  9. Sorry to hear this news. With hard work, she can make a full recovery. Shea Green of Owen is one that comes to mind who came back from an ACL to have an excellent senior season.
  10. Congratulations to the Coach Stewart and the Lady Raiders. It just goes to show that anything can happen at tournament time. Walton Verona did not execute at all down the stretch and the Trimble girls never gave up. Trimble has played a tougher schedule than most "A" school and they really do play better at home. Trimble plays a good zone. Hargett seem to dominate the first 3 quarters but did not get a lot of touches in the 4th. I think Trimble was down by 9 or so in the 4th quarter and WV couldn't put them away. WV seemed to get "tight" down the stretch. Good luck to Williamstown and Trimble in the finals.
  11. Williamstown by 40. Coach Wilhoit won't run the score up at all. Eminence is very young and he won't be able to help it.
  12. My point is that they do not call and are not going to call something every time someone get bumped or hand checked if it doesn't have an impact on the game. Most officials that I have seen work are hesitate to make any calls late in the game that would be controversial. They want to let the kids decide the game at crunch time and that is the way it should be. Officials are well paid at the HS level which they should be because of the abuse they take from some idiot fans.
  13. I believe in the old saying "Winners never quit and quitters never win". However, if a child is miserable and doesn't want to be on a team any longer, then maybe quitting is the best thing for the player and the team. One should keep in mind that quitting a team lets a lot of people down.
  14. Glen Drury always has his teams play great team defense at Anderson. He may very well be the best coach in the 8th region and one the top in the state. They contest every shot and do not give up any easy baskets. They also are very physical and have excellent size. Defense and rebounding can take you a long way on those nights when shots are not falling.
  15. Physical play is here to stay whether you like it or not. The young ladies had better get in the weight room in the off season. College ball is even more physical. The strong survive. Officials don't want to blow the whistle any more than they have too. They want to get their pay check and get out of there. That's just the way it is.
  16. Congratualtions! Any other schools besides Midway? Can she go and play at a higher level or is she just a good high school player?
  17. The Lady Demons will not be challenged AT ALL by Eminence. They will be well rested for the final.
  18. Williamstown by 40 over Eminence Walton Verona by 16 over Trimble Walton Verona over Williamstown by 18 in the final Paris over Walton Verona by 14 in Richmond
  19. Officiating basketball has to be the hardest job---much tougher than football, baseball, softball ect. You can't call every little touch or bump. I think the good officials work a philosophy of "advantage/ disadvantage". I know the 8th and the 9th regions are much better than it used to be years ago. They all try to do a good job but at times it is difficult. The key is being consistant in both halves and from game to game. If anyone out there wants to give it a shot, I am pretty sure the KHSAA would help you get started. Some of the best I have seen are Ernie Ligon, Steve Kellam, Terry Coldiron, Dave Watkins, Brian Sandlin, Sean Knollman just to name a few.
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