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Everything posted by loveoffootball

  1. I would like to see the other Falcons bring home this win big. I am guessing 34-28 with the Falcons squeaking out the win!
  2. As an FC fan, I feel pretty good about this game this week, but that always makes me nervous. I was there in 2005 when OC beat FC in the playoff game. It was a heartbreaker and I can still see the tears all the kids shed. We just can't overlook OC for a minute...and I know the team isn't. Coach is preparing them well for this one as usual. I say lets shut them out...and go BIG!!!
  3. Hooah!!! Thought this was going to be a closer game, but definitely not even close!!! FC could do just about whatever they wanted to do on Hancock. Go Falcons!!!
  4. I would love to see another FC shut out, but something tells me that Falcon defense will need their game on this week to accomplish that. I will still take FC by 4 td's!!! (or more!)
  5. I'm thinking Falcons by one TD....close but Monroe will prevail.
  6. I would say that is an accurate statement. If my calculations are correct with how the girls broke down the push ups each cheerleader did at least 223 tonight. If they wouldn't have split them up towards the end of the game they would have had to do 462...WOW!!! Quite the guns on these young ladies!!! Great game Falcons...even in the messy weather!
  7. I have got to go for the "Falcons", but I also think this could be a pretty close game. I do hope the Falcons surprise me with a not so close game!!!
  8. Wow really...that's a nice compliment. I know our guys are looking good on the field, but not everyone recognizes a small 2A winning school! Thanks! Go Falcons!!! Sorry I know this thread is about Highlands...and they look great this year...but I couldn't resist!!!
  9. I totally agree with FalconBacker...come on other Falcons, don't get too down over a Win...work to correct the mistakes, but continue to pump up your boys...they can and will make improvements every game! Good Job Falcons for the Win!!!
  10. Wow...I was there and still all I can say is WOW. Didn't believe this one would go quite this big! Great job Falcons. Enjoy your week off!!!
  11. I also agree this will be the Falcons closest game this year...I am guessing here...32-20 Falcons win!
  12. Oh my that would have been a lot of push ups!!! LOL!
  13. I watch Antonio play every week, and he amazes me with his talent and diversity every week. He is my vote!!!
  14. Congrats Falcons...another one down! We hope to see you later this year!!!
  15. My pleasure! Glad both Falcon teams are rolling right along. I definitely look forward to possibly FC hosting a playoff game vs. Monroe. As you said earlier, two great teams will make for a great game!!! And by the way, Antonio puts up those kinds of numbers and only plays part of the game...definitely should be a top candidate for Mr. Football. Andrews had a few amazing plays tonight. But our Defense was over the top with two TD's scored within the first minute of the game tonight. Great Job Falcons!!! Those pushups for the FC cheer team just hurts me watching them. They each totaled 173 pushups for the night!!! (That is with the team splitting them up after the score reached 40...they could have done 242 if they hadn't split them) That's a strong cheer team!!! :notworthy:
  16. Monroe by at least 3-4 TD's...just too strong not too!!!
  17. Andrews hit on Friday night was a jaw dropping, unbelievable hit by any defensive player, AND very unexpected by a QB. I don't care what level, 1A, 2A, 6A, etc that you are, you have to look at an amazing player when they come along, no matter where they attend school!!! I would love to see video of that hit, because live it was absolutely amazing! One hit doesn't make a Mr. Football candidate, but it sure places some icing on a cake when you look at this particular candidate. Just an amazing all-around player!!!:notworthy:
  18. All I can say is...."You wish you were a FALCON!!!" Ha/Ha!!!
  19. I must agree with Falconbacker and Bill...this is a game of tradition. Unfortunately as tradition has it, not a very close game lately. Fort Campbell and Fort Knox are the only two Army high schools in the United States. Traditions like this don't usually stop just because one team is better than another in this decade...give it time, and who knows maybe Fort Knox will become a bigger power again. My guess is the score will be 50-0...or so. I also agree that many FTCKY JV players will get to see game time this week!!! Good for them...and good to rest our Varsity injuries.
  20. You are quite welcome. Glad to hear the other Falcons did well tonight also! Go Falcons. I agree with Bill...Falcons got sloppy on simple things tonight otherwise this game would have been a real blow out.
  21. Wow, hope you are right. I am a devoted Falcon fan, but I know that we never walk into a game and think it is ours before it starts. My Falcons will play there hearts out and it will be another great night of football, just hope you are right about another blowout. I really don't know PCHS at all, but just hope for a good game of Friday night football!!!
  22. Go Falcon cheerleaders! Tough kids all the way around!!! Falcon team looked amazing on Friday. AND we couldn't get any better than Coach B for FTCKY...him and his entire staff are awesome with these kids. Takes special coaches to lead a special team like this to such success!!! Keep it rolling right to the "Top (of) the Hill!!!"
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