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Everything posted by loveoffootball

  1. Fort Campbell by a ton...more pushups than I am afraid their cheer team can handle!!! I wouldn't want to be a Kenwood fan this week. It will definitely be close to a home crowd for the Falcons too, so close to home for an away game. I agree that the starters should be benched just after halftime.
  2. I personally was brought to tears by the pre-game gift from CPA. We will always miss our Tim #73!!! CPA was a class act both on the field and off. Great game tonight between two good teams. I wish CPA the best the rest of this season. Go Falcons!!!
  3. We are all at a loss. It's such a disbelief amongst our kids. Bill, we all have the upmost respect for you and your Family. This one hurts. God needed Tim to do more great things with him. Our prayers are for you and everyone at Fort Campbell. It is such a huge loss to us!!!
  4. At least you are not currently in Iraq or Afghanistan. That is where people from Fort Campbell spend a lot of time living, calling to, and/or sending packages to. I was in the FTCKY Post Office today and the line was out the door with folks shipping to places all needing Custom labels. On the note of public or private. FCHS just happens to be the area school that those living in this area go to. They don't have a school of choice nor did they pick the school out of the blue to go to. So in that since, not really a private school. Also no one pays to attend either. Government pays for the education here! It is the neighborhood that is restrictive, not the school. The school is open to all kids who live only in the Fort Campbell neighborhoods. And I don't even want to go into the idea that the Army controls who they send to FTCKY...because that is just dumb...no one really controls where their next duty station is. The mission of the Army is much greater than High School football, even though we would all like to think that high school football is as important, really not, in the scheme of things! Think about it!!!
  5. Thanks Falcon Backer, great article about a great kid and Family. He is so humble that if you would have attended the after-game meal with the Falcons immediately after the win on Saturday you would have found him sitting with the coaches young kids and just hanging out with them as sweet as could be. This is a star player that as a teenager, could have blown off these young kids and went and hung out with his friends. BUT that is not Josh. He was just as happy to talk to and entertain those young kids. His team friends admire him for that. He is a real role model!
  6. Sorry but you sure sound like a sore loser! I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because it was a very good, hard fought game between two teams that had the desire to win, but this is just whining! Let it go!
  7. Semperfifalcon: Thanks for the support to Fort Campbell. What most probably don't realize is that you are not from Fort Campbell, that you are one of those great Fans of the other Falcon team from Monroe (Who Fort Campbell just played a little over a week ago in the last round of playoffs for the region). The Fort Fans appreciate you though standing up for our boys. I was there at the game and watched a very physical football game go on, on both sides of the field. I saw NCC players get just as into this game as the FC players. Were either trying to be disrespectful, as implied? I doubt it. I just think these kids from both teams really wanted this game and they all played a hard fought football game. Enough said. Congrats to NCC for another great season, and a very close game. Please know that the Fort kids play hard, but are NOT disrespectful. They are more than ready to shake all hands and congratulate the other team on a good game. I would hope your team would be that way too! (And from what I saw, your team did just that!) FC...Back to Back...way to go boys! You had the heart and determination to bring it home again!
  8. We missed you being there Bill. It was another awesome ride home. About 35 miles out from the Army Post, the police, ambulances, and firetrucks picked up the convoy of Football Player school buses, cheerleader vans, and lots of parent cars. And brought them all the way down the Penneyrile Parkway that way. They entered into the Post with horns blaring and many supporters waving and yelling. The school gym was filled with hundreds of fans to congratulate the team. You would have loved it. Wished you were here. Great game FC. And wow, NCC you are an incredible team. It was an amazing game of football. But I just can't be prouder of the Falcon team for bringing another State Title home! Go Falcons!:ylsuper:
  9. Not sure what the point is to the actual game BUT.... Actually what most people don't realize about Fort Campbell, is that all the Students MUST live on the actually Army installation of Fort Campbell in government housing to attend FCHS. Bill is correct to say the the installation is large and it covers across part of TN and part of KY. And yes it has to do with the Post Office location believe it or not...BUT ALL OF Fort Campbell even the ones that live on the TN side, have a Kentucky address. So technically they all live in KY! And the school has been established as a KY school. Just another tidbit: To be a part of Fort Campbell High School all students have either a Mom or Dad that is currently serving their country with a Fort Campbell military unit. Which makes them different. Realizing that the team this year is a rebuilding year from last year, but that next year will be one again...and so will the next and etc. Every year Fort Campbell has a certain percentage of it's players transferring in and out of the school due to military movement. This next year's movement will be another high percentage due to the fact that 3 BCT's just returned to Fort Campbell from a 15 month deployment and another two Brigades are due back before the end of the school year. And another Brigade is currently deploying out as we speak (QB's dad's unit is in the process of leaving). So their is constant movement on Fort Campbell, and it always affects our students. BUT FCHS always finds a way to overcome and re-teach and be strong year after year!!! So your question about do they live in TN, many probably call 48 other states home instead of KY or TN, but this is where they currently are. Enjoy the game on Saturday!!! Bill wished you were here to watch in person...stay safe!!!
  10. Josh is an amazing young man. He will go far. He just needs to keep his spirits up. His Dad will be with him in spirit the entire way. You could see that in his play last night. Not bad for a young man who lost his Dad in Afghanistan this year. I think all our Falcon fans hurt for him and his family. But they are a strong family and have handled tragedy with amazing spirit. We all imagine that their was one proud Dad looking down last night. Go Josh, we believe in you! Falcons bring it home next week, you all sure deserve it!
  11. LOL...let's see, is ANY Fort Campbell players Kentucky born really? And what does this have to do with the game anyway! Keep in mind which team you are talking about. These Families at FC are all active duty military. It is a very diversified group, who have all come from all over the country! Andrews is a die-hard Fort Campbell Falcon, and born "Military Brat!" (I say "Brat" with true affection and no offense intended!)
  12. As another FC fan, I would say that your last statement just proves FC is just like the Gators, and not Ohio! :jump:
  13. I respect your opinion of the game (although I disagree), but I most like your sentiment. A good game can be played by both and a respect can be had by all. I am truly proud of what the Ft. Campbell kids represent and personally know how tough it is on them on a daily basis to stay focused, because life tends to hand these kids challenges in a different arena. They do stay focused and they have overcome. It's nice to see that others appreciate this fact too. Monroe's team also has had an amazing season this year and they definitely have earned their own respect from FC. I wish for a great game of Falcons! "Go FC Falcons!";)
  14. I am sure, both ways! I saw a few hurtful hits at the Fort last night. I wouldn't have wanted to be an OC receiver last night. A few went stumbling off. Football is definitely physical. We would expect no less. Andrews is a tough kid. I have seen him take many licks and jump right back up again! So it should be a great game. Look forward to it.
  15. Tough to compare, since FC played Franklin without Andrews their quarterback. If they had him playing I believe that game would have gone differently!!! Just more food for thought there!:thumb:
  16. Look forward to a good trip and a great game! Guess the "Wish you were a Falcon" cheer may not work this week! LOL!
  17. It's actually even region, not district, and FC and Owensboro are both yes District 2, but REGION 1. Sorry. They do travel again. I am not sure of why two years in a row for FC, maybe someone smarter than I on here could clarify that too. My guess is that the Regions must have shifted a little with the playoff schedule this season???
  18. My heart goes out to all these kids and what they withstand at FC. They are an amazing bunch. Says a lot for their coaching staff to be able to bring it all together for a good. I also send my heartfelt prayer that we can bring them all home safe. As Fort Campbell brings home about 10,000 Soldiers this winter they are still deploying out over 2,000 more. It is a never ending rotation. Good luck to those also just heading out. And safe returns to those coming home. Falcons give them all again something to be proud of.
  19. I look at it this way, I know many people who would travel all the way from Iraq and Afghanistan just to see their boys play in the State Finals again. If only they could. Funny you don't see any of them on this posting crying about traveling to a game!!! Life could be so worse. Try only being able to listen to your son's game from the confines of a computer radio station, praying that the link will not be lost. So quit crying, let's just play ball folks!
  20. Amazing team. I thought last year's team look good by playoffs, but this team has begun strong and isn't looking back. Safe travels Bill. I am sure your son will be thrilled to show you in person the talent of his team! It's just too bad many of FC's parents can't be here to see this year. I am again amazed by the strength of this team both on and off the football field. Go Falcons!
  21. Thanks for what you do! I'm sorry to hear that you can't see in person your son play this season, but we sure do appreciate your efforts on that end. Good luck to both you and your son, as his season begins. And hopefully you will get home sometime this fall for a live game. Thanks to the Fort Campbell radio station who carries the games for you Dad's and Mom's away from home can at least hear the games. Would love to see the advancement made where we could figure out a way to live stream the video feed of the game for you guys! Thanks again.
  22. I also vote for Shawn Berner. Amazing coach and has an amazing staff around him. Always a good sign of a great coach. He mentors these kids with heart and desire to give them more. Fort Campbell sure appreciates all he does for his team.
  23. There were a lot of photographers on the sidelines. Does anyone know where we can find some of these many photos that were taken? Very interested in photos of the FC/NCC game!
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