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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. I dont know where this thread went, so I will repost it. Many people on BGP profess to stand up for Moral Decency on TV, yet these same people post how much they love wrestling, which is obviously devoid of morals. Does this make sense?
  2. Shouldnt we stay on the side of caution, and just get rid of the DP. Therefore we dont have to worry about making mistakes that cannot be reversed.
  3. If your Son was say 15, would you let him go see it. Or would you wait till you were sure you have brainwashed him against different points on view on a subject.
  4. Honestly it was a good movie! You can interpret a movie however you want, no matter what it is supposed to represent. I am sure a Picasso painting is supposed to mean a certain thing, doesn't mean I think it does. Without all the hub-bub, this movie is truly Award Deserving.
  5. I recently saw this movie, I dont see what the fuss it about. Really they rip on people who mindlessly follow authority.
  6. I drive a 08 Honda Civic, and I love my foriegn car. I would never think of buying that junk from detroit.
  7. And many murders honestly thought what they did was the right thing to do at the time.
  8. I dont think the death penalty curbs the crime rate. The only way that would happen would be if we did public hangings or lashings. Then we would be just like the countries we want to invade.
  9. I think Rich can do some good at Michigan. He better get there soon or Bobby Petrino might decide he wants to coach at Michigan and take his office.
  10. You have no room to bash Tubby. The man I dare say has forgotten more about basketball than everyone on this board knows about it. We have no idea what pressure he was under, and I am sure he did the best job that he could. So unless you know you could do the job better than him, I suggest we stop the bashing.
  11. Is HHSDad Playing in this one? CPA- Certified Public Accountants.
  12. How many days till Baseball, Football, or Soccer season starts?
  13. I would not be suprised if they go to the NCAA this year. It is alot easier to coach when your whole school, state, and fan base is behind you 100%. Mark it down, Tubby will win a Championship (Big Ten, or NCAA) during his tenure.
  14. When people drag a spoon or fork across their teeth when they eat.
  15. Dodd was my number one. I am voting for him anyway.
  16. This is a sad story. With the current American Health Care System, we begin to put a individual price on individual lives.
  17. We have to ask ourselves where do we draw the line. Would Christ water board and torture??
  18. I believe Bill Orielly once told McCain that Torture was a good thing and he (McCain) didn't know what he was talking about. On the daily show, John Stewart responded by saying: "And next O'Reilly will school Stephen Hawking in a debate on quantum physics and wheelchair ramps.
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