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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. Right, I agree these people are law breakers. My argument is that, law breakers or not, they are entitled to the best health care that can be provided. As is everyone else who is currently living on this earth.
  2. UK comes in well rested and ready to start the hunt again. Woodson has a BIG day. Cats 28 Vandy 14
  3. That is a case in which someone is about to be hurt, and that officer can obviously see the guilt of the person. Also I do believe that Police officers will use deadly force as a last resort.
  4. These are human beings were talking about. I am disgusted that you would discriminate medical treatment based on someone ethnicity. The simple fact is that someone is hurt, someone is in need of help. You dont just sit there and tell them, if they had come to the country legally, then your life would of worth sparing. That is the farthest thing from the ideals of Christ. You sicken me with that statement RTS:fight::fight:
  5. We can debate the legal, illegal issue all we want. But the simple fact is, people get hurt, and the amount of money they make should have nothing to do with the quality or extent of their healthcare.
  6. This game could go either way...Raceland seems to have alittle bit of an attitude problem and knowing some of the players on that team im not surprised. I hope for all of ramland that the Rambler staff can get that fixed in a hurry and get Raceland into top level for The View
  7. I have always wanted to name my kids He or She, so I could capitalize a pronoun. Wow, I am a nerd.
  8. It seems that their are more illegal immigrants that want to work and put into the system, than American Citizens.
  9. Then if believing in unconditional charity makes me a sucker, then I want to be a sucker.:ylsuper::ylsuper:
  10. Both teams coming off tough losses. Can we all agree that whoever wins this one, is going to be fed to LCA?
  11. You cant pick and choose what Mosaic Laws to follow, if you are going to follow that one. Then you shouldnt be eating shellfish, because that is considered unclean by Mosaic Law.
  12. Show me that a human cannot make a mistake, and I will be for the death penalty. Until then, I will let God decide when people exit this earth.
  13. I shall ask for the abolition of the death penalty until I have the infallibility of human judgment demonstrated to me. -Marquis de Lafayette http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/12/national/12DEAT.html?ex=1376020800&en=68a074149c394948&ei=5007&partner=USERLAND I cannot seem to find a proven case of innocents executed. Can we count the Salem Witch Trials for proof of wrong execution? LOL Just Kidding, I retract my statement. But I will say that if so many people as of late have been released from death row upon new DNA and other evidence. Isnt it safe to say that innocents have been executed along the way.
  14. Question King Fish: Are you ok executing 10 killers, and 1 of those ten being innocent.
  15. In no particular order: The world according to Garp Dr.Strangelove and I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb A Few Good Men Crash Failsafe A close sixth....Forrest Gump
  16. I dare say Fletcher has made it so we wont see another Republican Governor for quite some time.
  17. http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?scid=6&did=110 http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?&did=2238 Some of my sources
  18. Can you be pro life and still support the death penalty? I say no. It is a proven fact that the death penalty has taken many innocent lives. Have fun with this everyone!:devil:
  19. I have no problem paying for someones illness if they are sick. As you all can tell I am quite the idealist.
  20. It is a proven fact that the death penalty has taken many innocent lives.
  21. Then isnt she just staying within the social boundaries out of fear of ridicule, than anything else. We should never be pushed, or peer pressured into a decision, no matter what that decision is!!
  22. Good For Tubby I believe that if he would of done what he did at Kentucky, anywhere besides for Kentucky, they would name the city after him.
  23. What I said was more for shock value. I said it more for the fact that, I dont have all the answers. Murdering of innocent life is a horrible thing. I am not pro-choice, but I dont like the pro-life argument either.
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