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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. Jesua was the Christ! I dont think we can put that into a simple category.
  2. Pats and Packers Packers Win, Brett Farve Retires.
  3. Harrison County, Greenup has only gotten this far due to the new playoff system.
  4. Some market based industries. Its called moderation.
  5. I am a Sociocapitalist! I like the free market, but I think somethings like the Domestic Oil Companies need to be government regulated.
  6. We cant play the would of, should of, could of game. Thats like saying if the trail blazers had drafted MJ instead of Sam Bowie, they would of won 5 NBA titles.:fire:
  7. He is the M.Jordan or Tiger Woods of Track. You saw Pre run, and you would say, I have NEVER seen someone run like that. He used the outrageous strategy of never pacing himself in a race. Which is sucide for most( I am a college long distance runner)
  8. Sorry about the lack of choices, I have just finished a 18 page paper before I wrote this thread. lets just list who have made the biggest contributions.
  9. Which athlete made the biggest contribution to his or her sport?
  10. The Curse of Number 2 Strike Again Zona 28 Ducks 21
  11. I am allergic to poultry, so therefore Thanksgiving has never had any appeal to me.
  12. So his involvment with Habitat for Humanity is not worth anyhthing.
  13. I try to defend Jimmy Carter, cause lets face it, the man is a great humanitarian. But this comment makes him pretty hard to defend.
  14. What if you know good and well that you can never possibly pay this bill. To do so would ruin you financially for the rest of your life. No one should have to make this decision.
  15. No it is not, not by a long shot. But I have no problem paying for someone who has not been blessed like myself. Hypothetical RTS: Say you or your child comes down with a very serious sickness or disease, something that requires a major medical procedure, or extensive medical care. Yet, your insurance does not cover it. Dont you think your child or yourself deserves to live.
  16. Here is a thought: What if there was a two strike rule. One murder, life without parole. Two murders( in prison) your gone.
  17. . When were you given the intelliegence and authority to determine who recieves medical treatment or not. I honestly dont care what happens in other countries, because there not my country. I still believe in the America that goes by its own path. Who will take care of anyone, reguardless of Race, ethnicity or national origin. I will say this,Everyone in this world deserves the best healthcare! When you base healthcare levels on money, then you begin to put a price on people's life.
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