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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. I can respect a persons faith. It plays no role. Yet I am somewhat of a hypocrite because I would never vote for a Mormon! I believe that anyone who buys into it, should be put on the same boat on the way to crazy island, with the scientologists.
  2. Agreed, But I am never for cutting down the rain forest.
  3. But you do need to make sure that no animal goes extinct in the name of human development.
  4. Maybe I was a little ambiguous, Barren is what I meant. I still do not want to see the earth go this way, by our own hands. Every Christian should be an environmentalist. I am a member of the Asbury College chapter of Arocha, a Christian Environmentalist club.
  5. AMEN BROTHER!!! One of the smartest and funniest shows ever to get the ax.
  6. Sometimes I feel this way, but God has created a beautiful Earth for us, I really would not like to see it destroyed by anyone other than himself.
  7. An awful lot of threads have been started lately that deal with nuclear weapons, and the countries that may or may not posses them. The question I pose to the brain trust that is the P&R board on BGP: Does the fact that humans have the ability to wipe life off of this planet, scare the living poop out of you? Sure does me!!
  8. What evidence do you have to support your claim?
  9. My fiance's father is a Sr.Minister, her mother a Youth Director, and I a Youth Minister In Training. She is absolutley uberly excited for this movie.
  10. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, its as easy as that. It required no picket lines and thousand dollar ad campaigns.
  11. Amen! I would like the see the people who put all this time, money, and effort into boycotting a movie, into perhaps Feeding the homless, helping orphaned children. You know making the world a better place! Here I go again with my idealist rant.:rolleyes:
  12. This is Harry Potter all over again. If you dont like it, Dont read,or watch it.
  13. As I have stated in an above post. If it is genetic, can it truley be sin? You cannot change how your brain is wired.
  14. I dont condone the killing of millions of innocents, just got get 30 bad guys. Call me a softy.
  15. With the current intelligence perhaps it would be safer if we just got out of the middle east completley, and didnt fool with it.
  16. Essentially! So if you take the chemical inbalance position, homosexuality is essentially is a birth defect, that could be correctable. Which brings up another ethical issue, I have heard of people who believe correcting defects such as downs syndrome, missing limbs, and others, is going against the way God intended to make you. If you take this view, then you cannot pick and choose which birth defects are God given, and which arent. Just a little food for thought.:fire:
  17. Yes. It does. There is a part of the brain( I have no clue what is called at this moment, if requested I will look it up) but it connects the right and left parts of the brain together. In men that part is narrower than in women. In gay men, that part of the brain is consistently larger, as in females. and Vice Versa
  18. We studied in Psych class, that Prenatal hormone imbalances could cause the brain of a biologically male person, to be wired like a female brain. If true, would Sexual Reassignment Surgery be a correct option?
  19. In high school I was always told I was lazy because I did not want to play basketball. ( I am 6'5 190). I honestly do not like the sport. It isn't always a lack of personal motivation.
  20. Economic Left/Right: -7.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87
  21. Top 3 1. Chris Dodd 2.Joe Biden 3. Barack Obama Bottom 3 Romney Paul Hunter
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