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Everything posted by MoreheadEagle

  1. It wouldn't surprise me if we see more supers pledging before the convention.
  2. Clinton will probably win in May but by then the primary's might be finished. Obama just has to get enough delegates in each state to keep his lead. In Nov. Clinton could win Ky. b/c of old loyalties. Obama won't win a southern state in Nov. except those with high African-American populations. Florida, Georgia, and Virginia are the only southern states I could see a Dem winning, but Clinton might take Ky.
  3. I would agree on 2004 but in 2000 Gore should have (an in the eyes of some) did win the election. In '04 Clinton should have run and barring that Kerry should have run a campaign that didn't pussyfoot around when it came to the Swift Boaters. Oh, and the sudden arise of the gay marriage issue in key states didn't hurt Bush either. In '08 the Dems have two of the best candidates, and know how to not get swift boated. Plus they're running against a Bush third term, and since the voters think Dems can handle the economy better and want us out of Iraq, I'd say this is just a bump in the road. The media love McCain and refuse to point out his constant gaffes about Al Qaeda and Iran.
  4. No, b/c I listened to the whole comment and what he was saying made perfect sense. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society." -- Barak Obama
  5. Franky Hannity has no room to talk. Seems he is chums with a Neo-Nazi. Racist Hal Turner is very open about his friendship with Mr. Hannity. "I can tell you from my firsthand, personal experience that Sean Hannity does, in fact, agree with many of my political and social views. I can also tell you that Sean Hannity disagrees with some of my political and social views. I won't go subject-by-subject to say which he agrees with and which he disagrees with. You can figure that out easy enough on your own! Suffice it to say that my recollection is that when Sean and I spoke by phone, while no one else was listening, he and I exchanged the kinds of views that most White, Irish-Catholic guys hold, but won't speak in public." - Hal Turner
  6. That's actually a very good point and a personal beef I have with the media. A white woman goes missing and the whole world stops but I can go to Wal-Mart and see posters of missing black and latino girls and there isn't a peep on Nancy Grace about them.
  7. I didn't make it public? My bad. I made it in a rush while my wife was yelling at me to help her make Easter Dinner.
  8. I don't know how to add so just click other. I'm Baptist, no longer Southern Baptist though.
  9. McCain is the engineer of the straight talk express? I don't know.
  10. The problem as I see it is conservatives finding 10 second sound bytes to play on a 24 hour loop. I have seen nothing in the videos that is race baiting as you call it. I am not blinded by my desire for Obama to get elected, if I saw something racist about his church I would be offended by it, I was offended by Wright's "G-D America" but after careful reflection and looking into the matter, I didn't see any difference between that condemnation and the condemnations of America for allowing gays, and abortions that are preached from white conservative churches every Sunday. This whole escapade has shown white America that many of them do not have any idea what goes on in a large number of black churches. It's foreign to them and the media will pray on their ignorance. Obama gave a great speech Tuesday that called for understanding and unity, but leave it to the MSM to continue to play the same 10 seconds over and over until people are convinced that this is all the church is about. In all this the media has ignored McCain's repeated gaffe about Al-Qaeda and Iran. The media knows that the vast majority of people are not going to look into things themselves and are going to tell them what the media wants them to hear. In the case of Faux News, it's going to be a a constant pounding on Obama as they do everything they can to get McCain elected. Apparently this Rev. Wright business hasn't hurt Obama too much as the latest Gallup poll shows him with a lead over Clinton again. By the time the General Election rolls around this will be fodder for a swift boat campaign but little else. The media is trying to turn Obama into the "Black Candidate" but it's not working as well as they would have liked.
  11. Therein lies the problem. I watched the videos and I didn't see anything racist about them and as for Anti-American, I saw the same condemnation of American policies that I've heard Baptist preachers give for years. I certainly didn't see racism when Rev. Wright was railing against America for not treating white women equally, or the conquest of Native Americans. None of that looked or sounded racist to me. What you're getting from the Mainstream Media (MSM) and mainly Faux News are two second sound bytes taken out of context, one of which is Wright quoting a US Ambassador.
  12. Like I said, I'm not going to convince some (mainly you two) that Wright isn't racist. However, I would appreciate it if you would actually watch the videos and give it more thought than just a sound byte or what Hannity, Limbaugh, and Faux News are telling you. I brought up the SBC b/c what is to say that Trinity UCC has rejected the "racist" parts of Cone's writings. The SBC has rejected the racist parts of their heritage but still adhere to about 99.9% of the theology.
  13. I watched the video the asian times was referencing, and I loved that Hannity wouldn't let Wright get his words in. Although that's Hannity's style. One cannot brush over black liberation theology by the writings of just one of its founders. Consider the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. was a black liberation theologian. Every faith has its bruises. Consider that fact that the Southern Baptist denomination was formed b/c of their support for slavery. Are Southern Baptists racist?
  14. I was pulling for Holmes but congrats to the Royals.
  15. I spent about 2 hours of my free time today watching videos on Rev. Wright. These videos included more than what the media is constantly playing over and over and over. It's best to listen to the context rather than just a 10 second edit of what someone says. To be quite honest, I watched some of Rev. Wrights sermons and was quite blessed by what he had to say. Here is one video And a whole channel devoted to putting things into context. http://youtube.com/user/TRINITYCHGO And Another I know this isn't going to convince some of you that Wright isn't a racist, you've made up your minds on that. However, I think what he says needs to be put into the context of the sermons. I would appreciate if you would watch some of these videos before dismissing the Rev. outright.
  16. Gov. Richardson would be my first choice for a VP followed closely by Gen. Wesley Clark.
  17. Good points. We've only had 1 Catholic, 1 bachelor as President. A black man or a white woman has a huge uphill battle trying to get elected. My mom is an Obama supporter and a yellow dog Democrat but is iffy about Clinton b/c she doesn't think that is a woman's place.
  18. A good column that puts things into perspective. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-schaeffer/obamas-minister-committe_b_91774.html
  19. Someone forgot to tell this white lady she could go to church there and Rev. Wright has stated in his sermons that he has white people in the ongregation. . None of those things you bolded are racists in and of themselves and if you find it racist I think you really need to look at your own attitudes.
  20. Here is a link to an NPR story on Obama's church and Liberation Theology. It gives some insight into where the church is coming from. Click Listen Now. It's about 3 minutes. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88552254
  21. Give us the 20 year pattern then. Rev Wright has give thousands of speeches and sermons that these couple things are all we have.
  22. Rev. Wright's comments were offensive and in the eyes of some anti-american (whatever that means) but I have yet to find anything he says that is flat out racist. If he was racist there wouldn't be any white members of his church and the ministry of the church would be exclusively African-American. He is a controversial figure but I don't see anything that is flat out racist.
  23. Have me as your running mate and we'll have a deal :lol:
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