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Everything posted by MoreheadEagle

  1. Right On! Also teach kids about birth control and how to use it. Many instances of unwanted pregnancy comes from young men not knowing how to properly use condoms. Also, don't put such a stigma around purchasing birth control. I was in a convenience store in Alabama last year that had condoms under lock and key with the sudafed. Why do that? Kids should know that yes abstinence is best but if you're going to do it use a condom and use it properly. Teens have been having sex since the dawn of time and there's no way to stop it, but there is a way to lower abortion rates. I find it funny that Europe has no restrictions on abortions but lower rates than the USA.
  2. So someone who is pro-choice shouldn't be in the military? I guess I should tell my buddy who's in the Army to go AWOL.
  3. Well I had just lit my Kentucky's Best cigarette with an old Powerball ticket that wasn't a winner, and I was thinking that I should probably go to church after bingo tonight.
  4. Because if we pass casino gambling the fires of hell will swallow up Kentucky! Horse racing and bourbon are okay but slot machines were invented by Satan and using them will curse your immortal soul! Now where did I put my glass of Knob Creek and racing bill?
  5. So 500 million are terrorist supporters? Again That's like saying 500 million Christians supported the Nazis
  6. Sad day in the Bluegrass. I hope the university comes up with a fitting memorial. I'm sure they will.
  7. Obama was making a point about comprehensive sex-ed and that he would want his daughters to get pregnant or an STD for lack of knowledge. It wasn't the best way to put it but how many times have you heard someone make the a remark about an unwed mother being some sort of punishment. For a guy who has fathered two lovely little girls I doubt he feels babies are punishment.
  8. You obviously agree with yourself in this statement since you don't want the 14 year-old girl to have a choice in her pregnancy. If a person is 18 and is entrusted with defending our country they should also have ALL the rights an adult has.
  9. I don't think that. However, when prohibition ended the mafia lost a lot of business. Anheiser-Busch was able to rebuild their business and become the major corporation we have today. People want to buy things from established businesses and not some seedy person. I'm not saying that all crime will be gone, but there are many people who get thrown in jail for having a joint and that's just a waste of time and money.
  10. Many of the problems associated with things like drugs, and prostitution comes from the prohibition of them. I think marijuana should be legal for the same reasons a plethora of other vices are. If de-criminalized, we wouldn't have to spend millions/billions on incarceration, enforcement, and investigation. It could be taxed, and safely administered by reputable and regulated companies. It would no longer be a back alley thing. The same could be said of prostitution. Now don't get me started on our prison system, but we could keep a lot of people out of jail by de-criminalizing pot.
  11. I only disagree with the bolded. If you smoke a little of it then it's not going to hurt you. Maybe discriminate against employees with a certain amount in the test.
  12. Barney Frank wants to de-criminalize small amounts. More power to him http://www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0308/Frank_calls_for_decriminalizing_small_amounts_of_marijuan.html
  13. Nope but I'm going to buy a Powerball ticket later.
  14. It's very hypocritical that I could get some investors together and start up a Horse Racing track right now or an off-track betting site but I can't open a casino? This isn't about expanded gambling, it's about casino gambling. There is nothing stopping the expansion of some forms of gambling.
  15. I could open a new horse track and that would be allowed. This whole thing was about putting it on the ballot and letting the people decide. IMO, the opponents knew it would pass if the voters had their say so they decided to kill it. Shame on them.
  16. Well I guess they're going to have to raise taxes to help fix some budget problems. Oh well, I'll still go to Kenneland to gamble.
  17. Great season for WKU. The Sun Belt is going to be improving over the next few years.
  18. I had UofL in the Elite 8. Way to go guys.
  19. If you don't know someone is bi-racial you would assume they are black, asian, etc. just by looking at them. I've met a lot of bi-racial people who identify themselves as black or asian b/c that's how they look.
  20. I think the white attitude comes from this idea that once some event happens (emancipation, civil rights act) that everything should be hunky-dory. Also, low wage white workers in the south lost their jobs to slaves that owners would hire out, so the old "they took our jobs" argument has a long history. And many white folks might think that black people are "ungrateful" for what they've got or that they get "special treatment". Not that it's much. Frankly, racism is just ignorant and stupid. But, I can see why blacks might hold animosity more and I don't see why some people take everything that points out differences as racist and criticism of US policy as anti-american. There are many in this country who want us to wear our lapel pins and shut up.
  21. Not surprising that Pat Buchanan wrote this. First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.--link[/b][/b]
  22. Mike Huckabee on Wright As easy as it is for those of us who are white, to look back and say “That’s a terrible statement!”…I grew up in a very segregated south. And I think that you have to cut some slack — and I’m gonna be probably the only Conservative in America who’s gonna say something like this, but I’m just tellin’ you — we’ve gotta cut some slack to people who grew up being called names, being told “you have to sit in the balcony when you go to the movie. You have to go to the back door to go into the restaurant. And you can’t sit out there with everyone else. There’s a separate waiting room in the doctor’s office. Here’s where you sit on the bus…” And you know what? Sometimes people do have a chip on their shoulder and resentment. And you have to just say, I probably would too. I probably would too. In fact, I may have had more of a chip on my shoulder had it been me.-- Huckabee (link)
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