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Everything posted by MoreheadEagle

  1. Totally different situation. France didn't invade the colonies and told us to become a Republic and then occupied while we figured things out. Plus we weren't a nation drawn up after a major wold war with no regard to ethnic, or religious backgrounds. Also, Iran had a big role in getting Al Sadr to back off in Basra. "And a source close to the prime minister says that Moqtada Sadr's order to cease fighting came at the instigation of Iran."
  2. Episode III's final duel was great. However the whole prequel thing was flawed. Anakin was bad from the beginning and didn't have this big fall from grace that we all expected.
  3. I like bathing too much. Any when I try to grow a beard it comes out patchy. I actually pass for a businessman or lawyer with most of my work wardrobe. :thumb:
  4. If the kid wanted to go then let him. The whole thing sounded like a bitter divorced guy trying to get a dig in at the ex. Oh and PepRock. I love to pic. I'm a huge BSG fan.
  5. I grew up Southern Baptist and I own guns.....who da thunk it!
  6. 1. Orthodox Quaker (100%) 2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (92%) 3. Seventh Day Adventist (90%) 4. Eastern Orthodox (87%) 5. Roman Catholic (87%) 6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (79%) 7. Sikhism (62%) 8. Liberal Quakers (61%) 9. Reform Judaism (56%) 10. Bahá'í Faith (53%) 11. Islam (49%) 12. Orthodox Judaism (49%) 13. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (49%) 14. Unitarian Universalism (47%) 15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (31%) 16. Neo-Pagan (31%) 17. Mahayana Buddhism (30%) 18. Theravada Buddhism (30%) 19. Secular Humanism (28%) 20. Taoism (28%) 21. Jainism (26%) 22. Scientology (24%) 23. Hinduism (21%) 24. Jehovah's Witness (21%) 25. New Age (21%) 26. Nontheist (18%) 27. New Thought (9%)
  7. Some agree that things have improved in the areas where there are more US troops. I'll concede that violence is down but one of the main goals of the surge was to give the Iraqi government time to stabilize the country and that hasn't happened. If I put 100 cops in a bad neighborhood crime will go down in the neighborhood but that doesn't mean the whole city is better.
  8. I could say the exact same thing about Pakistan. But they have nukes.
  9. Here's one from 2007 "72% say that the presence of US forces is making security worse." And another "It is in the South where people most strongly believe that the withdrawal of the MNF will see the security situation improve. By a ratio of nearly seven to one the Shia dominated South feels that the situation will get "a great deal/little better" (69%) rather than "worse" (10%). In the Sunni North however opinion is more evenly divided – 46% feel it will get better and 37% feel it will get worse." But these cited opinion polls must reinforce that I have "no grasp on anything political" or that only a "left wing wacko" can believe them.
  10. Apparently they don't. A majority favors immediate US withdraw. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/26/AR2006092601721_pf.html
  11. I agree with you, but wouldn't they optimize their profits if they weren't using too much oil at home? I think I read somewhere that the Saudis were looking at doing this.
  12. I was asking a question. I don't think they should have a nuke but I don't think we should bomb them.
  13. If anything all this talk just makes the rivalry even better. GO BUCKEYES!
  14. And you propose bombs to nudge a middle class to taking over Iran? We had a chance after 9/11 to try and make some headway with Iran as they offered help in Afghanistan. But Bush and his ilk tagged them in the "axis of evil" and their middle east policy does nothing but insight those in power in Iran to take more power. We've done nothing to stop Iran from doing what it wants anyway. We've handed them southern Iraq and given them a new ally in the Iraqi government. A war with Iran would not be a cakewalk. It's a bigger country in terms of population and geography. They actually have a military and could plug up the Persian Gulf like hair in a sink if they wanted to. Bombs aren't going to solve anything. BTW, we have no problem with India and Pakistan having nukes. But don't listen to me since I'm a "left-wing wacko" with "no grasp of anything political".
  15. No surprise here. Walker would have tried the NBA right out of HS had the new rule not been put in place.
  16. Read the Project for a New American Century (Cheney's playbook) and study up on executive orders and presidential directives. There are ways an administration could attempt a coup in the country. I would not put anything past Cheney & Co. Trust me, I'm far from a "left wing wacko". What I stated was a worst case scenario.
  17. This coming from a guy that believes that Obama can have 3/4 of congress ban guns at a whim. There is a directive that gives the president the power to declare marshall law. This president is an idiot, and has lied us into a war before. His VP acts like 1984 is a playbook for American policy. I wouldn't put it past them to start a war before November. And God forbid we get hit hard again, I wouldn't put it past them to at least discuss trying to enact marshall law to "protect" us. I hope and pray none of this happens. I also believe McCain is a warmonger who would welcome an attack on Iran.
  18. I love how you make the assumption that anytime a black guy makes a statement about race he's racist. Common conservative talking point right there. Obama has been trying to court white working class voters and he's pointing out that they've been skeptical of him, which polls indicate. "Everybody ascribes it to the white working class.....not wanting to vote for a black guy". Sounds a lot like he's quoting things we've heard pundits say for the past four months. Oh, but he's black and pointing out a race thing so I guess he's racist. Let's go get him a hood, matches and a kerosene soaked cross.
  19. I think he made an excellent point. When people lose their jobs, and lose their hope it's easy for them to get focused on things. Republicans have made issues out of religion, guns and the like. It's a good way to distract people from issues. It's easy to get bitter and blame illegals, or to get overly focused on non-issues like guns.
  20. Bush could enact Presidential Directive #51 or a slew of others that would give the president the right to declare marshall law in the event of a national emergency or terror attack. However, McCain has said he will "take care of Iran" and has promised more wars. McCain has also linked Al Qaeda and Iran several times, which there is no connection. Let's not forget his "bomb bomb Iran" song he sang to a bunch of supporters. I have no doubt in my mind that McCain will continue us on a path to war with Iran that the Bush/Cheney regime wants.
  21. He keeps associating himself with failed policies and once the Dems get a candidate they'll rally behind he or she. McCain offers nothing but the same.
  22. Worst possible thing we could do right now. Iran has done nothing to warrant us attacking them and they're not a pushover like Iraq. Also, unlike Iraq, they actually have the ability to have terrorists strike us at home. If we attack Iran they will retaliate and I could see the neo-cons in charge canceling elections in the wake of a "national tragedy". Unless they wait until November and a possible (unlikely) McCain victory. He would welcome more war.
  23. The 3-line is moving to international standards for men next season. I would add the charging arch like in the NBA too.
  24. The only thing I would change is the alternate possession rule. Jump the friggin' ball!
  25. Revelation was written to a Jewish Christian audience. Remember that the earliest Christians were converted Jews. Gentiles began to dominate Christianity later. Early Christians believed that in order to be Christian you had to first be Jewish. The book is written as a series of letters to churches in Jewish communities. Context is everything.
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