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Everything posted by MoreheadEagle

  1. I visited the church website and didn't see any of this crap. And so what if it did? McCain is endorsed by nutjobs, and Republicans regularly speak at Bob Jones University. It's ok for Mr. McCain to be proud of his nutjob endorsements but not for Mr. Obama to have a pastor that says things some may not agree with? I know many progressive evangelicals that go to Baptist churches but don't agree with their stance on some social issues. I see a huge double-standard here.
  2. If I get blasted for posting something from the DNC on another thread then this has got to be considered worse. It's a right-wing blog that refers to Sen. Obama as Mr. Osama.
  3. As I said before. This all stems from him being black. It scares the poop out of people. And not only that he's black but he's not a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton type that is divisive. It scares the poop out of people that white folks actually like this black guy.
  4. http://images.salon.com/comics/tomo/2008/03/03/tomo/story.jpg Seriously. I don't see anything wrong with Obama's stepbrother that he probably never sees wanting Kenyans to hold on to their culture. This is a country that has had to deal with colonialism, AIDS, and all sorts of things, why not try to unite people as Kenyans? Also look at the guy McCain is being endorsed by. Hagee hates Catholics and wants the USA to attack Iran to start WWIII and the second coming of Christ. He's also endorsed by Rod Parsley who pretty much advocates theocracy in America. All this is is that there is a black guy running for president and it scares the crap right out of some people. Oh No! He goes to a "BLACK" church that wants to help the "BLACK" community, and Africa which is full of BLACK people. Run! Hide! Someone forgot to tell this woman that you need to be black to get into his church too. BTW: Second dude from the top right is wearing a Kentucky T-Shirt.
  5. Gooch. Just pray about it. I left my position as a youth leader (on the path to ordination) b/c I started to really worry if I believed everything that Baptists believed. I figured out that the answer was no so I left my church and I'm still searching for a new church home. Don't change religions over a girl, but be considerate about her beliefs. Above all.....pray.
  6. :thumb::ylsuper::thumb: I couldn't have said it better myself.
  7. We're tempted to turn off other would-be believers. On the DC talk "Jesus Freak" album (I'm showing my age) there is a little quote by the singer Carman that states: "The greatest single threat to Christianity is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips but deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." I have a friend who is a staunch atheist (but who is a very moral person) who doesn't buy into the whole God thing b/c of the actions and words of those who say they know God.
  8. The court is 94 feet and the top row to the floor is easily 200 feet. So if you can throw from the foul pole to home plate that's probably a good distance. Plus you have gravity in your favor. I would be lucky to get it to the nearside free-throw line.
  9. Just three I could find in the couple minutes I have free http://www.house.gov/budget_democrats/analyses/08The_Bush_Economy_FINAL.pdf http://democrats.senate.gov/dpc/dpc-new.cfm?doc_name=fs-109-2-96http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/9/4/183147/4194
  10. It certainly doesn't help that the Admin. is made up of oil men who have no interest in doing anything that might cut into the energy companies' profits. With stricter lending laws we could have avoided many of these stupid loans and now with a bankruptcy law written by lenders in effect many folks can't find a way out of debt. It's not just the Admin. it's about 6 years of a rubber stamp congress too.
  11. Yes blame the media for the rash of foreclosures, the falling dollar, huge trade deficits, skyrocketing oil, job losses, falling wages, rising health care costs. Yep, all the media's fault. The economy has been on a steady downturn and is now in a nosedive. I can see why people want another party to take over since the current one hasn't done a very good job.
  12. In a pew research poll, voters favored Democrats on the economy with 53% and on health care with 56%. On Iraq with 47% http://www.pollingreport.com/prioriti.htm
  13. Look for the war to be at the forefront. Obama wants troops out of Iraq and McCain wants them there for 100 years. On the economy and Iraq the American people will go for a Democrat.
  14. If Clinton doesn't get the big majority of older voters she doesn't win. Obama has been chipping away at the white male, and female demographic and the older voters are keeping Clinton afloat. Also, Sen. Clinton needs to win Penn. by a huge margin or else she can't win enough delegates. If Obama had won Texas, he would have gotten enough supers to put this thing away. Let's be real honest here. My grandpa is and in-laws are lifelong yellow-dog Democrats who won't vote for Obama. Their reason? Well, he's too young, they don't like his wife (funny b/c they liked Hillary), etc. The real reason? He's black and his name isn't Jones. I had to sit my father in law down and explain to him that watching Glenn Beck isn't going to give you a bit of truth about any of the Dems especially Obama. I had to explain that he's not a muslim black panther who attended a madrassa and his wife doesn't give the black power salute in their black cult church.
  15. A democrat will win the vast majority of the states that voted for Clinton anyway. California, NY, Mass., and most of those states will go Democrat anyway. Obama has more crossover appeal that will help the Dems in Ohio, Indiana, Penn., Ill., etc.
  16. I'm not Catholic so I never have understood the seven deadly sins thing. To me Sin is Sin. The movie Seven was great though. Poor Gweneth.
  17. You can scream about the benefits of merging until you're blue in the face but there is HUGE resistance to it in many places. Rowan County would benefit from merging with Morehead but there are citizens of the county that are still mad b/c the city went "wet" 20 years ago. Kentucky needs to encourage it, you're right there, but it probably will fall on deaf ears.
  18. I never recall him promising not to raise taxes. The fact is that the state's universities were given a mandate to double college graduation in the Commonwealth by 2010. This mandate was made 10 years ago and we had Patton, and Fletcher and the congress not living up to their part of the bargain by giving the universities the money they needed. Now Bashear is threatening to do the same thing. He allowed the bonding issue to be passed (which is good) but we need new revenue. Raise the taxes and be done with it.
  19. He attended a school in Indonesia which has a Muslim majority but it's not a madrassa.
  20. I think it's a sad statement on some Christians in America today that judge Senator Obama as a Muslim based on his name. Churches give millions each year to evangelize to Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans, etc. There are as many Christian Hussein's, Ali's, Obama's, as there are Smiths, Jones, and Clark's.
  21. Dedicated. I played sports but hated running. My theory is that running is only good when your chasing something or being chased. In soccer we ran A LOT but b/c we have to follow the ball. XC and Track athletes have my utmost respect b/c they do something I hate and are good at it.
  22. You could still have certain classes where boys and girls are still together. Music, Art, and possibly language classes would be good places to keep the classes integrated. Math, science, and PE would probably be better separate.
  23. Exactly. Plus, the distraction factor is lessened so the teacher's stress load will be less. You won't have boys trying to impress girls during class with juvenile behavior.
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