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Aiden Seamus

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Everything posted by Aiden Seamus

  1. If you watch the beginning of the show there is a disclaimer that says it's "based on real events." It goes away very fast, so if you've got DVR, try to pause it during the disclaimer and read it. On top of that. I have seen conversations with Matt (the big Stone Cold Steve Austin looking guy) where he said the repos were re-enacted. To top it off, the same people from Operation Repo are working on making a movie along the same lines as the show.
  2. Very much so. Supposedly the stories are "real," but I'd guess they jazz those up quite a bit...and then the scenes are re-enacted by actors. Ever noticed that no one's faces are blurred, even though they're doing incredibly stupid (and often illegal) things? They are real repo men, with real jobs, but the stuff on the TV show is definitely staged. I know...it hurt me too when I found out.
  3. It is great, but I cried inside when I found out it was fake.
  4. KY just got 10-run ruled. Final: Texas - 12 KY - 0
  5. As of right now...bottom of the 3rd. Texas - 12 Kentucky - 0
  6. Invite no one, lol. JMO here, but it's pointless, and nothing but a waste of money to have a birthday party for a one year old. The kid won't remember it or know what's going on. Yeah, maybe they'll get an extra sugar high from the cake that day, but that's about it. Is this a birthday party for the kid, or for your wife?
  7. Russellville is getting crushed on again. Texas up by 8.
  8. Don't forget quarters or kings.
  9. What's wrong with flammable? I've always thought that flammable and inflammable meant the same thing. :confused:
  10. Well, not FROM the college, but you can get the ISBN's and go to ecampus.com or chegg.com and rent the college textbooks for the classes you need.
  11. You can rent books now as well.
  12. But what if you have to read before then?:popcorn:
  13. ...and don't leave early, even if the professor can't see you leave.
  14. I've always been taught that it is not a "real" word. Now, I kind of chuckle anytime I see or hear someone use it.
  15. From what I've heard, Slone is going back to UK, sitting out a year, and is going to try and walk-on next year.
  16. Am I just not noticing them, or does Richmond have an anti-mosquito bubble around it?
  17. I work outside all day, every day, and I can probably count the mosquitos I've seen this year on one hand. I don't think they've been bad AT ALL. Haven't been bitten by any this summer, and have only seen a couple. Richmond's weather has been wet and rainy too, but I'm not seeing many mosquitos this summer and I'm thankful for it. On top of working outside, I go to the dog park about twice a week as well. No problems there either.
  18. I pray that Whale Wars will be off the air shortly; it's just not entertaining to me, but neither is Deadliest Catch or Ice Road Truckers...or Ax Men for that matter. Now, Pawn Stars...that's a great new show.
  19. Yum Yum Roll - (Spicy Crab) Spicy Tuna Roll Yellowtail Roll Best Yum Yum Roll I've ever had has been at Miyako in Lexington.
  20. Bud Selig Tom Brady Kobe Bryant Honorable Mention: Chris Chelios Todd Bertuzzi Barry Bonds Joakim Noah Tim Tebow Michael Vick Manny Ramirez A Rod
  21. The article said it was a few days prior. Possibly while he was shooting that new OxiClean commercial?
  22. No, never found anything out, but haven't had anything strange going on lately. Not related to my apartment, but I had my Jeep stolen a couple days ago. It's since been recovered.
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