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Things you are great at...


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The 'things you don't know' was an interesting thread, so I figured we could brag on ourselves a little bit.


What are some things you think you are great at? I'm not talking above average, or even good. I'm talking what are you better at than 99% of the other people on the planet? If you were to walk in a room full of people, you would be willing to bet a substantial amount of money that you were the best?


Some of mine...

Baseball & Slow-Pitch Softball

Driving distance in golf

Call of Duty and Galaga

Catching things after I drop them before they hit the ground

Thinking of ridiculous, yet controversial, hypothetical situations

Sports knowledge on Sporcle


I will probably think of more, but this will start us off. And don't be shy people. Tell BGP how awesome you are.

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While not a naturally gifted athlete, I've always been a good imitator, which was helpful in at least making me look like I know what I'm doing when playing sports. For some reason I could always watch the pros on TV and recreate what they were doing (albeit, not as effectively) in terms of things such as batting stance/swing, pitching deliveries, serving and groundstrokes in tennis, form on my jumper, etc.

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Areas of my expertise:

Early 20th Century American Literature (especially Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner and Anderson)

Ancient Roman History

History, Basic Theology and Philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church


Professional Expertise:

Bankruptcy Law (Unless it's a meeting of the Bankruptcy section of the bar association, even in a room full of lawyers this is the one area I'd say I'm an expert.)


If I had to say I'm "good" at something that you "do", then in a room full of totally random people, then I'd bet I'm one of the best cooks.

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:lol: This one is a little tougher than the other thread. I might now a little bit about a bunch of things, but being great? Hard to say. :lol:


Know.* Apparently I can safely mark spelling off of any potential list. :lol:

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