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Back to School?


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What's the reasoning behind starting school so early? Snow days?


I can't remmeber the last time schools where missed alot due to snow. Other than a day here or there. We don't get any snow like we used too.


I remember starting after Labor day, but the Fall break is really nice now. (some schools 2 weeks and some 1 week)

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Raceland started back today.


What's the reasoning behind starting school so early? Snow days?


Most schools are back earlier now because they added a fall break, a week long break in October. It's not snow days, Raceland has had like 10 snow days in 10 years.

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What's the reasoning behind starting school so early? Snow days?


Could be several reasons. Some schools need to start early because they do miss alot because of snow, while other systems may only miss a day or two. It also depends on your school calendar. Some schools are on the "Year round schedule" Usually 2 weeks off in the fall and Christmas. With this schedule you get out later in the summer and start back earlier. We did that one year at GRC...it didn't work for us.

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