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How does Trump's proposed defense spending compare?

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I can't say I believe in more spending. There is egregious waste in the military industry and none of that is for the service men and women.


It is interesting that both parties seem identical on spending thoughout history, but one side gets credit for being pro-military.

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I do think Trump will spend the money in the military much more efficiently than his predecessors...at least I hope so. Nobody ever talks about HOW the money is spent...only how much. If Trump can negotiate the prices down 10%, the increase in spending will even have more impact. I have heard him say he expects to get involved in the process.

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ALL of the carrier groups were in home port at the close of the previous administration. It does cost money to have them deployed but to have none on activity deployment was unprecedented. There were no carrier groups in the Med or in the Gulf theaters.


The military is the only viable pot of money to grab to fund the medicare. Medicare and interest on the debt are the two monsters of the Federal budget - NOT the military.


Read (and weep):


Medicare Spending to Exceed $1 Trillion in 2

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