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Trump tied to Russians?

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We have all seen the controversy about the Russians hacking the DNC and leaking emails in an attempt to help Trump.


Now George Will raised the idea that Trump won't release his tax returns because they will reveal he is deeply involved with Russians.


George Will: Trump won’t release tax returns because they show his ties to Russian oligarchs


Is Trump compromised by his close ties to Russians?

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We have all seen the controversy about the Russians hacking the DNC and leaking emails in an attempt to help Trump.


Now George Will raised the idea that Trump won't release his tax returns because they will reveal he is deeply involved with Russians.


George Will: Trump won’t release tax returns because they show his ties to Russian oligarchs


Is Trump compromised by his close ties to Russians?


So are Hillary and Bill.

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Now Trump is actively asking the Russians to hack us.


Trump Calls On Russia To Hack Into Clinton's Emails : NPR


"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," the GOP presidential nominee said at a news conference in Miami on Wednesday. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."


That is the liberal press he is referring to that will reward the Russians. You know, that far left liberal press that is anti-Trump and so supportive of Hillary.


Trump is a disgusting :poop:.

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No, he may have business with them, Hillary is the one who excepted bribe money. What reason could she possibly have to get money from Russia?


I think it is generally accepted that Russia and China both probably hacked her personal server when she was Sec of State...so he's not asking them to hack (since she's already deleted them and wiped the server) he seems to be asking turn over what you probably already have in your possesion.


Just my take on it.

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