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Cell phone reception in NKY gyms?

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Ok, the past two seasons have been a disaster for me when I go to a gym and expect cell reception, well I could expect not to have any reception at all!


I had T-Mobile the last two years as I needed a company that supported SIM cards for when I go overseas which I now do a lot. But now with the iPhone being on other carriers and now able to work with SIM cards overseas I switched to Sprint.


I would like to know who has good reception and which carrier you are using. I will cancel my Sprint account if the Airave doesn't work in my home to give me a decent signal, and if I hear that Sprint won't work in most gyms. I enjoy getting on BGP while at games to see other scores, and I would like to post updates, T-Mobile ruined that the past two years.

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Looking down our schedule Brossart, Silver Grove, St. Henry, Newport, St. Patrick, Mason County Fieldhouse Holmes, Highlands, Calvary, Lexington Catholic, Campbell County and CCMiddleSchool, Holy Cross, Pendleton County, Nicholas County, Harrison County, NCC, and Augusta all work fine for me with Verizon 3G. Lloyd, Bracken County, and Scott are shakey. I think Scott will be OK from now on. No problems from their football field.


Last season I purchased a Verizon 4G MIFI Wireless unit, which was supposed to improve connectivity. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! It would flip from 4G to 3G, each time inturrupting my broadcast stream. Took it back to the Verizon store and insisted on my old 3G unit back. They wouldn't return it, BUT converted my new 4G to permanent 3G and I haven't had an issue yet.


Whoever mentioned packed gyms is right. A flurry of cell phone calls at a critical part of a game can cause a disconnection and knock you off of the air.

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Verizon is great unless you attend a huge event, i.e. sold out sporting event.


I second this. Verizon is spotless in every gym I've ever been in.


The only time I ever have any trouble with connection is at a big crowd event, Nippert, PBS, GABP during a big series, sometimes at Riverbend.

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I've probably been to over 50 gyms within the past couple years and I have never had a problem with reception. I have AT&T and would have nothing else.



Same - never have had any problems in a gym.

Edited by Clyde
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