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  1. Tough having QB2 that can run but below avg thrower and QB1 that can spin it but can’t run. Kind of makes you more predictable than I am sure Coach Wolfe likes. I predict a few of DMC’s above change-ups coming.
  2. Thanks very much. My first read gave me pause. This 78 year old brain needs a few more passes before I will pretend to grasp it. But, it is apparent that there is no subjectivity in the calculations which is very good.
  3. Not defending RPI, but no medals are given out in a 100M run after 40 meters.
  4. Have heard multiple times over the years that Calpreps should be used. Can anyone give a brief overview to their methodology or is it basically subjective? Obvious that KHSAA with RPI has tried to take the subjectivity out. But the complexities of expanding OP and OOP calculations to non-Ky opponents becomes too complex.
  5. Got to be impressed by Lex Christian’s OP.
  6. The replays I saw showed clearly….no face mask, no horse collar and no drop down. Nothing but a hard-nosed clean tackle. Chase was 100% out of line and out of control. Not the reaction a team leader should be having at a critical moment.
  7. Not knowledgeable to know how challenging/debilitating this kind of injury is for a young athlete. Had partial tear as an old man and could not play golf for six months.
  8. Love the Rams program, fans, and tradition. Have no clue why Highlands would schedule any 1A team. RPI killer to schedule down 4 levels, even with a lop-sided victory. All risk with minimal reward for the Birds. On the other hand, the reward for the Rams is huge if they can escape with a W. Go Rams…..going to be tough.
  9. Erdman’s injury happened on a SK touchdown pass where he made (what appeared to be) glancing contact with the receiver. My first impulse was it was probably a dislocated shoulder as he immediately ran off the field with his arm held low. Just didn’t see the kind of contact that usually preludes a collar bone break. But, I could be 100% wrong. Great athlete. Here’s hoping it is something minor
  10. My concern is the gashing SK QBBrady Lee gave the Tigers in RPOs was nearly brilliant. I believe Cash Harney is a step-up from Lee and could create too much pressure on BW’s defense to hold the Colonel’s for a full game. With Fryman out and Erdman questionable, I think CC will be too much offensively for the Tigers. Colonels win 30-17. Stay healthy everyone.
  11. I am seeing that BW followers appear to be abnormally more low-keyed this year before games? Could it be? 1). Modest/quiet confidence and not wanting to appear cocky? 2). When you got the horses and are playing against the big boys, you recognize that every season could be greatly impacted by just one unfortunate injury? 3). The desire to be classy and not wanting to jinx the Tigers? 4). Just keeping the powder dry until the real enemy gets a little closer? Just wondering?
  12. When you try to establish the run and can’t, everything becomes shaky afterwards. SC d-line looked all-world against the Cats….and now actual all-world Ga defense comes to town. The question is will we get into Ga territory before Kirby puts in walk-ons?
  13. The Bengals’ play against New England sucked so much oxygen out of our fan’s balloons they we might not be able to find much optimism for a while.
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