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  1. I don't know if its as bad as cocaine, but I've come to believe that sugar is addictive. I quit caffeine about 15 months ago which was also really hard to kick, and came with some pretty rough side affects, mostly just feeling awful, drained and headaches (which I rarely get). I've cut way back on sugar and processed foods since March and am now almost under 200 (I played college baseball at 190-195). It's still really tough because I still have a sweet tooth, so instead of processed sugars, I've been eating fruit (oranges, apples, berries) to get something sweet into my system, usually 2-3 servings per day. I also usually add a low carb, zero sugar protein shake before dinner to make me feel full and be able to eat sensibly and not crave some dessert. High fiber fruits help minimize any blood sugar spikes for me, so that's an added bonus.
  2. I felt like this would be an interesting tournament. Any one of 5 or 6 teams could have won this tournament.
  3. Yes, the timing isn't great. But we also don't know what other personal factors may have played into this situation beyond the commute. What if there's a family reason that wasn't there in November that is there now? Someone could be sick, or maybe his wife got a promotion or any other multitude of things that could have happened between the end of the season and now. I just had to give up a high school coaching gig a few months before the season started because of a work opportunity that suddenly became available, and wouldn't have been available had I waited until the end of the season. And yes the timing sucked, but it was the best decision for me and my family. Which when it's all said and done, that's who you have to answer to at the end of the day and who is most important in your life..... your family.
  4. Again, I get the frustration. And yes, they've had some talent. But in all of those years, the only year I think he had the most talent and lost was Luke Maile's senior year. In all those other years, there have been more talented teams in the region. I'm guessing you're talking about Kevin Gray as the other coach, but he's had some very talented teams at Beechwood, none of which I'd say have over achieved. I agree he's a very good coach, but he just got beat in the region tourney by a team that was 8 games under .500 for the year. Highlands and Beechwood have owned the 9th region for most of the last decade and that's not because Krumps can't coach anymore.
  5. I'm not sure that with the history of that program that they wouldn't get at least a few high level candidates. But what happens when whoever they hire doesn't win region for another 5 years? Even if you do win there, people seem to get impatient..just ask Eddie Eviston and Rurthsatz. You've also got the unique problem with the teachers retirement system, which would likely prevent (or least make them think twice) any established public school teacher from taking the job. Unless Krumps commits a crime against humanity, he should be able to coach there until he's ready to leave.
  6. Be careful what you ask for. While I understand their recent lack of region titles is frustrating, the reality is outside of Luke Maile's senior year well over a decade ago, I don't know that they've had the best team in the region. Baseball is a funny game, especially in a single elimination tourney when you can run up on someone's number 1 guy. Yes, some of Krump's in-game decisions are quite old school, but I don't know that a different coach would have gotten better results in the time since their last region championship. Winning 20 games year after year IS hard to do. To say he's got to go after losing to a really good Ryle team that will likely win region and could make some noise at state is a little harsh.
  7. Not surprised at this one. As I said earlier, every matchup in the first round could be an upset.
  8. I think this job will have a very large net cast for candidates, well beyond NKY. The retirement issue is a big problem for Sullivan, so I'd say he is a longshot at best for this job. Aside from Sullivan, I don't know that there's a big enough name in NKY for this job.
  9. That sounds like a lot of money (and if someone stole $50k from me it would certainly hurt), but it's really not all that much over 3 years...a couple to a few hundred dollars per week. Not at all a life changing amount of money, and definitely not worth the risk of getting caught. But it's just enough money to bring some serious charges, repercussions and total destruction to your reputation. And definitely do enough damage to make your husband leave a very high profile, public position because of the heat it that come with the crime. I've also been involved in investigating enough internal theft cases that the total amount stated publicly, is probably less (and in a lot of cases, MUCH less) than the actual amount stolen.
  10. That's the rub with how the winner is determined in this game. It ultimately comes down to personal feelings of the jury. Almost every jury has at least a couple people that base their votes on stuff other than gameplay, which is why your social game is way more important than your physical game. And most contestants know this....look how many contestants have tried to hide their background/profession in fear of people labeling them as "not needing" the money. Kenzie's background, combined with the fact that she did just enough in the game physically and behind the scenes, along with a super strong social game gave her the game, even though she wasn't the strongest player. I'm fine with Kenzie winning even though I was kind of pulling for Charlie. Super glad Ben and Liz didn't win as they were two of the more annoying players in recent history (which this season had a bunch of annoying, weak players)
  11. It probably didn't go missing all at once. Probably occurred over a period of time, a few hundred here and there. That's how people are able to get away with these crimes for a while. Plus Chamber's primary sources of income are membership dues. There is no exchange of goods or even services. And probably only a couple of paid employees, with her being the only one actively involved in finances, so very few if any checks and balances. Divert a dues check here and there, and boom over a period of time, it adds up. And it's pretty easy to hide money from your spouse. You can open an account online, have statements sent to your email address, all without your spouse having a clue. This is likely a crime of opportunity that started small, and slowly grew bigger as she continued to get away with it.
  12. This should be a really good tournament. Any of the number 1's could get upset in round 1.
  13. I have to give Kenzie credit. She didn't do a whole lot, but her social game was very good. I'm a little surprised Maria didn't vote for Charlie, who really did play the best overall game and I think was most deserving. This season for me though was that there were a lot of weak players, many of which had no self awareness, and were just out of touch with what was going on around them.
  14. That's a pretty strong lineup. The Jets still cashing in on the Aaron Rogers effect with a bunch of prime time games. Weeks 3 and 7 are the only games that don't excite me all that much.
  15. Yep. It comes down to the fact that there are meaningful games in the NFL every single week. Outside of a few teams at the end of the regular season that have already clinched their spot, there are several big games to watch. Stars players don't sit (unless they are hurt), and so many games have playoff impact. No other sport has the urgency during the regular season that the NFL has, so each game is truly an event. The other sports leagues with a high number of games, load management for star players and the shear length of the season just doesn't allow the regular season to have the same impact and watchability that the NFL has.
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