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Everything posted by Bronco99

  1. I am glad to see the Raiders from McCreary Co. moving up a little in the pre-season polls. I haven't talked with the coaches lately but last I heard they were having a real good preseason with 40 or so players out. I think everyone hopes they win 5 or 6 games and makes another trip to the playoffs. I can't wait for the season to begin. Good luck to all!
  2. I know some old-timers who never spit! Does anyone have a problem with someone chewing if they never spit?
  3. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  4. I agree, and as funny as some of the remarks are; my many years of watching the game of football (at every level) has made me realize this: the ball used in football is not round and does not always bounce like it should and the best team dosen't always win, so on "Any Given Friday Night" anyone can get beat and that is why we play the game!:banana:
  5. I also wish they would play this game on Sat the 6th because I would definately go watch it. I am sure the place will be packed but coul;d you imagine how many people would be there if it was on Saturday when almost no other H.S. football game was being played in KY. See if you can take care of this for me fat-man! Oh yea, I would move to Jhonson Co. but the KHSAA my rule me inellegible. For what you might ask, who knows, they would make up something.....uh......like making me inellegible to live in a house and then I would have to spend a year in a tent...........which would be ok during deer season!:sssh:
  6. I like both of these fighters for different reasons. I watched this fight without actually pulling for either one. The fact is who ever controls the majority of the fight usually wins the fight when it goes to a decision. Forrest was the agressor during the entire fight with the exception of the first round when he got rocked. For what ever reason Rampage let Forrest stalk him the entire fight which made it look like foresst was pushing the pace. Forrest also got the better of the ground game when it went there. Forrest stuck to his game plan staying at a distance throwing punches and kicks while Rampage only closed the gap a couple times per round. I think Rampage was looking for that one good combination that would take Forrest out (he almost had it in round 1) but it never came and this costed him the decision. If he would have pushed the pace and made Forrest fight on the inside he would have won this fight! IMHO! Congradulations Forrest you will make a good champion as those before you did.
  7. I was always taught that positive thinking inherits positive actions. When a program is trying to build itself to the level of their compitition it is important for the administration, faculty, coaches players and community to be positive and to exhibit positive thoughts about the program. With that said, the 2 royal butt-kicking's that Mccreary took from Bell and Rockcastle last year resulted in a small victory for Mccreary Co. Everyone may ask what kinfd of victory can you find in such a massacare (actually 2 of them) well i will tell you. Those two games helped the players realize that they needed to get stronger which meant they needed to be in the weighjt room during the off season. This resulted in the McCreary co. football program having 40 kids in the weight room everyday. Now to some programs that sounds average or even below average but McCreary Co. usually had between 10 and 16 in the weight room in years past. If you don't think this weight room participation will have a positive effect on the up-coming season then your crazy. That was the victory those players and coaches took away from those two big time losses. Positive thinking creates positive results!
  8. Just remember this was your pick come Nov. I think 2 through 5 has the potential to go in many diferent directions. This district is getting tougher year after year and the only thing I think in a sure bet is that Bell Co. will have the dominant team in the distict and 2 through 5 is up for grabs! IMHO!
  9. Please, I am looking for responses that deal only with 4-A district 7. We can worry about the other potential playoff games towards the end of the season. Thank you and let's here those responses about 4-A district 7.
  10. Can anyone in 4-A district 7 upset Bell Co this year? Also, rank the district in the order you think it will go. Here is my objective picks: 1) Bell Co. 2) Knox Central 3) Rockcastle 4) McCreary Central 5) Madison Southern Also, please talk about the possibility of upsets within this district or teams you think are capable of upsets. I will go first: Obviously I think KC is capable but I also think that McCreary may surprise someone. I think MC has the potential to upset people if they deal with the little things that have haunted them in the past. They went 5-5 last year and 4 of their losses could have went the other way with a little more preperation, discipline and limiting the times they lacked of focus (aka: meltdowns). I can tell you from what I have witnessed since the end of last season; the coaching staff has the players focused and working hard! Good luck to everyone!
  11. I totally agree, lack of discipline costed MC 2 or 3 games last year and KC was an outstanding team and I look for them to be again in 2008. All I was saying is that MC's performance was something they can use to grow on and use to get better. I know there is no automatic jumps to the top only hard work and learning from your mistakes. Maybe if MC only has a 1 min. meltdown this season the score might be a little closer and that is what I am saying. I definately wasn't taking away from KC because I think coach Mills has done an excellent job and they will be a very good team for years to come.
  12. That's how most people view that game. However, I was at the game and I know it was 12-6 with 10 min. left in the game and McCreary had the ball. At this point McCreary had a melt down for 3 min or so and KC scored 3 times during MC's melt down. The first 2 scores by KC were both through the air because they were not moving the ball on the ground and they were both in the first quarter if memory serves me correctly. This was a well played and very close game with a 3 min period that was like the twighlight zone for MC. So yes, I can see where the McCreary program can use this game to help motivate themselves for the 2008 season. Sometimes the score of a game does not tell the tale!
  13. KC playes in the toughest 4-A district in the state. It is never easy beating Bell or Rockcastle. McCreary was a lot better last year giving KC a good game and they look to be better this year. Also Maddison Southern has a new coach who has motivated their players and community and they should be a force to reckon with in the 2008 season. I am very excited about the upcoming season it shoul be a humm-dinger of a season. PS. I didn't mean to leave KC out, I have heard they have had a great off season and will be in the mix again this year, like I said" it should be a humm-dinger of a season!
  14. McCreary could be a sleeper with the best line they have ever fielded for the 2008 season!
  15. Hello, I have been out of town working for a while and was wondering if there is anymore talk about the up coming Raider football season? How many do they have in the weight-room are they going to any camps are there any surprise players ect... please share if you have any information.
  16. According to KC 2007 roster they lost about 12 seniors and return around 14 Juniors. How many of those Juniors started last year and how many outgoing Seniors will be hard to replace?
  17. He will be OK for his senior year! he will turn 19 after Aug 1st
  18. Can some of you Jacket faithful give us a rundown of next years schedule and how the Jackets will fare against each opponent. If this is question is off basis for this thread will a moderator please start a new thread with this question?
  19. He is only a 10th grader, he has 2 more years! As for the rest I agree; great players make great plays and causes those around them to step their game up a couple of notches. I think the Raiders have some very good athletes other than watts an I have also heard they have their biggest "O" line ever averaging about 6' 3" and 250 lbs. They could pose a problem for most of their oppoents in the 2008 season (I did say most not all). Lets remember whay district they play in!
  20. They hadn't mentioned that to me but that would be very interesting. I think he would prove to be a big problem for his opponents from that position. Everyone knows he can run and he pitches for the baseball team so he should have an excellent arm. He would be a true triple threat from the QB position. I will try to talk to the coaches and see what chance there is of this happening. SSF if you find out any more please let us know!
  21. Why will this be the year? Watts is just a sophmore! Also, this isn't B-ball where one man can steal the show. In football an Aaron Watts makes things a lot easier but you still have to have a strong supporting group of kids if you want your team to find real success. It takes 11!
  22. I have many times but we tend to go in circles and at this point it is all redundent. You have your opinions and I have my facts. When things like this happen 95% of the people have opinions and about 5% have the facts. So, are conversations about this have become tiresome and do nothing but put me to sleep at this point. However, I repect your right to your opinion. I am just tired of telling you the facts and you not listening because the facts don't go along with your opinion.
  23. The family moved from one residence to another with in Johnson County after the waiver was granted (because of flooding damage) and failed to notify KHSAA. While checking on a different situation found that this family didn't live at the first residence which was listed on the transfer form. In hind-site the family would have notified the Khsaa of the move and this kid would have been eligible all season.
  24. True that! The kid did wrestle over the summer in Virginia Beach were he wrestled top high school kids from several states and only lost one time by one point. Again, none of what I have said means he would have definately made the finals, that is just my opinion! Also, this kid wrestling is probably a topic for a different thread! Apologies!
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