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Villa T

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Everything posted by Villa T

  1. Rumors are just rumors. No, little Bobby was not playing.
  2. Thanks, so the head coach is Bill and he's coaching the DL's?
  3. Robey playing TE!!! Could be a weapon. Only team that gave T a run for their money was Western then CAL. Appeared offense hasn't missed a step from last year. Defense, saftey allowed a few TD's by going after the pass instead of playing the receiver. One of the DB's did a great job in defending and intercepting. Defense was missing two returners from last year, so the leadership was lacking alittle. Overall, not a bad showing for the first time out.
  4. ^ I meant Deathridge would pitch tonight. Can someone please tell me why Osbourne wasn't thrown out of the game by throwing dirt in the catchers face? Does Osbourne think he can get away anything. I should wonldn't be him tonight if there's a close play at second........Good luck Ballard.
  5. I bet Deathridge for Ballard...
  6. I think there is some truth in what you say RETIRED. Ballard's freshman probably could not compete, but on the JV level, Ballard could play their JV team against a private schools freshman team and it would be a good experience for both teams. This has been done with other schools.
  7. Sounds like a few sour grapes was in your wheaties today. Wow, scholarships given at private schools, I've heard of financial aid based on financial need, but no more than 50% of full tuition. In just my few years around here, I've never heard of a Ballard kid coming to Trinity......Can you give me at least one name from the Ballard area?
  8. How could anyone question who they play against at this point? Trinity does not have to prove to anyone where they stand in June. It's where they end in December is what matters.
  9. Hey big Ox, you miss the point. When Brutcher is a SR is when he'll have to worry about Brohm. There was another Brohm who started as a Sophmore at another local school. So I take it that Brohm did not compete in the 7 on 7?
  10. Talent in Basketball and Baseball, but something is missing from the football team. Can't really say it's Catlett, but All Tell does make a good point about not playing certain teams.
  11. Just curious, isn't Brohm going out for QB at St. X? This could be bad news for Brutcher next year. Did Brohm participate in the 7 on 7 competition?
  12. I'm sure you can go into any University's web site and see if their football program has any upcoming camps. If not, the two weeks is meant for relaxation on the beach.
  13. ^ I think JimmyRef has messed up all the "quoted boxes" above.....
  14. Nothing has changed. Last years 7 on 7 at U of L was much later then the 6/1. I'm sure Beatty would entertain a call from your coach on a 7 on 7 workout if aceeptable dates can be worked out. And truth be said, 7 on 7 is not real football, yes it works on routes/timing for the receivers/QB, but the QB has no real pressure besides a stopwatch.
  15. Also JimmyRef....to your point of Coach Petrino, do you really think these young, inexperience referees will not get yelled at during regular season? Give me a break. Don't be hating a past U of L coach who did so much for the University of Louisville....
  16. Trinity players were all taking their SAT's. Remember, Trinity normally gets 2-3 weeks more practice than most local teams from the prior year.
  17. Greg Glasscock hit the bomb. His at bat before the HR, he hit it over the left field fence, but was foul. Not sure why the T coaches took Shack out in the first inning, if his fielders were playing smarter, Ballard wouldn't scored 6 runs. Then they bring Cecil on the mound who chances it up, but he's only good for a few innings. Then they brought Roney in, who had his right thumb wrapped up for the last two games, he couldn't even throw a curve, but he did pretty well keeping Ballard at bay, except for the 10th inning. I was surprise he wasn't taken off the mound, but that's why the coaches get paid the big money. As for Ballard, Taylor Bugh and Chris Bloch, both juniors pitched a gutsy game. They won the game in my opinion. Coach Greg Gilbert, former Rock coach did an excellent job. Good luck Ballard..........
  18. At least it's being held in the same city. Are there any "All Star" football players playing baseball? I'm sure there might be, but is their team still playing?
  19. What a loaded question. Aaron has some very good qualities about himself, but to be called best player...hmm. It will be interesting to see how his arm feels tonight in the regional championship.
  20. From the few games I attended at T, didn't really see any tailgating. Only a few high school kids listening to some loud music.
  21. FINAL, Trinity wins 10-9 in the bottom of seventh. CAL put a scare in the Trinity faithful. Should be a dandy in the 7th Regional final on Thursday afternoon.
  22. Bottom of seventh, score is 9-9. This is crazy, CAL has new pitcher on mound......
  23. Top of seventh, Trinity's up 9-7, CAL's at the plate bat. Should be interesting since T's pitcher is getting tired.
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