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Everything posted by rockcastleraiders

  1. I agree:thumb: I really think his family wants UK, from all the "don't worry we can move" talk. I would love to see it, but I'm a realist.
  2. Anyway, best of luck to Tubby, Saul could be good. He has national championship experience and did a good job at Tennesse Tech.
  3. Yep, here at Lindsey Wilson College he is right under the current soccer coach in the "godly" category. Soccer has won like 8 national championships, and I'm not even counting soccer championships from the womens side!:eek:
  4. Bilas is great! Vitale is good when he is covering a game, but I can't stand him in the studio.
  5. Barnes wouldn't win 20 games in this upcoming season at UK.
  6. it's sure better than hearing about EVERY head coach in the NCAA is FOR SURE coming to UK:rolleyes:
  7. Rench (pronounced Wrench) A mixture of Johnny Bench and Pete Rose
  8. WOW! How can people get two different things out of the same article! I didn't read it but futurecoach and the other guy are getting two different interpretations and it is FUNNY! keep it up, I needed a good laugh.
  9. What are we considering Eastern Kentucky? I am from Rockcastle, and I'm a HUGE Tubby fan.
  10. May have been a down year, I can't remember. The Bell-Rockcastle games will be GREAT!!! this year. As I said before, we have ridiculous ammounts of talent but little experience returning.
  11. With Tom Larkey and Tony Saylor, they always are:thumb: Realistically though, this COULD be one of the worst years in awhile. With that said, it never turns out that way. We are basically replacing the entire OL and DL, and also we are for the most part, replacing all of our special teams. With a new and inexperienced (but def. talented) OL/DL we could really be hurting. Grant it, after Leger and company left we were supposed to be rebuilding. I think we won the region that year:D
  12. I wouldn't mind to see a "Cobra 2". As long as it is well done. By well done I don't mean the color of Sly's skin now. :lol:
  13. #5? That's an odd number for a big guy. I guess signing this late in the year hurt him.
  14. Couldn't of said it better myself! Allow me to add, I'll be praying for you and your family to recieve the comfort that only the Wonderful Counselor can bring.
  15. OOPS:sssh: I meant to say "expect the worst, hope for the best!"
  16. It's okay, that's the best rumor anyone has had about any of the coaching situations. So right now, I believe Billy D is the front-runner!
  17. Clear out your private messages box! :lol: So I can ask you a question, Wireman
  18. If they get them both, which I doubt, they will get to 20 wins next season! You heard it here.
  19. I would be content with Mark Few. He is recruiting well in the middle of "College Basketball Nowhere"
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