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buzzer beater

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Everything posted by buzzer beater

  1. Huge win for Temple. Nice game by Christmas.
  2. Please. If Tubby had this team and last years, they have more wins and a higher seed in last years tournament, and they actually MAKE this years tournament.
  3. Believe Sampson, Iverson, Hoffarber, Carter, Joseph, and Nolen have all came since Tubby arrived in Minnesota. Oh and BTW, those "other recruits" won a total of 9 games before he landed in Minnesota :thumb:
  4. While you and most UK fans are laughing on this one, he is about to be selected to play in the NCAA tournament with a program who won 9 games the year before he got there :thumb:
  5. Who's with me that Kentucky will receive a beatdown from LSU today????
  6. That would be an interesting match up.
  7. That would be a good field, and Kentucky has a 4 seed :sssh:
  8. He could do fine at Kentucky, people just can't stay off his back because he doesn't get 15 and 8 a game or 10 and 10. He does what he can in the situation he is in. He takes a lot of heat.
  9. Look at what those 3 guys have done, and who they have brought in compared to Billy G.
  10. No I doubt he could, so just because of that does that make him a terrible player? No it doesn't.
  11. Is this gonna be you and the rest of Kentucky's big blue nations excuse all year? Porter isn't near as bad as you people make him out to be. Sure he isn't Ty Lawson, Flynn, Fields, but he isn't an absolute HORRIBLE point guard like some say. Galloway and Liggins are products of that brilliant coach of yours. If not for Porter in the Georgia game, UK would have lost by 15+. He didn't have a terrible game today, scoring 9 for Kentucky. Sure teams succeed with a great point guard, that's obvious, but Kentucky being in the position it's in does not fall on the shoulders of Michael Porter. I could care less about the other two, Liggins is the most overrated recruit I have saw in a while, and Galloway has shown he can play at times when ole Clyde lets him loose.
  12. What about his team having a very good shot at making the NCAA tournament? What about his team defeating UofL this season? Something UK and ole BCG couldn't do :thumb: You are right :laugh: :laugh: :sssh: :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  13. There are coaches all over with guys less than Patterson and Meeks still having great years. They need a coach, a good coach, to coach those players.
  14. Minnesota will make the NCAA tournament.
  15. Saw this one coming a mile away. It's sad how much changed on here after a win against Ole Miss, OLE MISS. If I were you Kentucky fans I would want ole Billy Clyde out of there before things get any worse.
  16. It's between Wade and LeBron, both deserve to win it. Maybe even a share of it.
  17. Haha, no. Far from that actually. I want to see Kentucky actually back to the way it was, winning. The more Billy G hangs around, the less a chance I will see that day.
  18. Really don't wanna see Kentucky in the big dance. That just means another year of Billy G.
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