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Everything posted by loubballfan

  1. I have to agree with Trinity being a top 15 caliber team with Josh Sewell being one of the top, if not the best player, in the region at the 2, 6'5" Taylor Epley, getting low D1 and D2 looks, at the 3, two 6'5" players to rotate at the 5, 6' 2" Charles Foster, one of the top players in 2012 at the 2, and 5' 11" Daniel Corbett, very savvy point guard to run the show with several quality guys, including incoming freshman James Quick, coming off the bench. They should be better than last year but with Ballard and (everybody in Louisville's darkhorse) Seneca in their district, it will be a tough road!
  2. Sewell committed to Miaimi Ohio yesterday according to Miami scout.com website.
  3. I'd have to agree on the top three. After that, I think Tates Creek, Shelby Valley and others would have an argument.
  4. Can someone explain what happened this summer since Clark was beaten twice by about 30 by Scott Co. Was someone missing?
  5. Having spoken with someone whose opinion I trust, I would have to add Fucci to my list.:thumb:
  6. Haven't seen Fucci play so I can't include him on my list. Doesn't mean he's not as good as these guys but I'm not going to rank kids I've never seen play In reality, I really don't care what numbers kids put up as a true point guard doesn't have to score, he has to do whatever his team needs to lead them to the W! This is why I think Chad Jackson is so good in that he will rebound, defend, and distribute the ball more than he looks to score. In fact, I would say that some very good players make average point guards as they aren't looking to involve the other players on their team. (Just one guys opinion!)
  7. My top 5 would have to be: Chad Jackson- Scott co Thomas Jackson- Jtown Elisha Justice- SV Mike Gabbard- Boone Delquan Thomas- Eastern
  8. The majority of those were on free throws so, although a nice effort, it was not as impressive as it looks and Harrison was undersized as a defender. I would consider Hall to be more of a two guard than a point. I don't think he has the handles to run the point or the pass first point guard mentality. That being said, I think he has an excellent ability to finish at the hole and shows great strength for his size and I would see him having a chance to play at the next level.
  9. The reality of this situation is this: Dakota WILL PLAY Division I ball somewhere!!! Appropriately at the time, he was ranked as a top 10 player in the country in 8th-9th grade but the truth is you cannot predict which kids will be impact college players (Lebron excluded) until junior or senior year, when all the kids have reached their full potential. Dakota is not a top 50 college player and should never have been placed in that situation. However, he will make a very solid player at a mid-major. Therefore, for those on this board who like to project the future of current elementary school players, although I enjoy reading the posts about the younger kids(freshman or less), it typically has LITTLE to NO bearing on who will become an impact college player. My bet, as strong as the class of 2010 appears to be, is that there will be NO 2010 players from KY sign with a major D1 conference (SEC, Big East, Big Ten, PAC 10) I hope I am wrong but either way a lot of kids will get the chance to play college ball at some level. :idunno:
  10. They also have Miles Mitchell who will be a solid wing player. I'm not sure they will be in top 3 in the seventh but they could be a force if Nikolic continues to improve.
  11. So let me ask everyone's opinion, do you think kids get on the coaches list from their high school performance or AAU? I think once a kid is identified, they want to look at all aspects, including high school, and in all game situations but I still think they get identified in this day 90% of the time from their AAU performances.
  12. He can say what he wants( and I venture he is being politically correct to keep from offending the high school coaches) but I can tell you Calipari and the rest of the coaches make their decisions almost entirely on how a kid plays during the AAU season. They show up for the high school games simply to let the kid's see them and know their interest level! I just don't think you can tell much of anything when, 90% of the time, a division I prospect at 6'4" and athletic is abusing a bunch of average 6'0" players on the court in a high school game. Also, case in point, you can't tell me that Jon Hood got an offer from UK because of his high school career!!
  13. Those glorified pick-up games have reduced the high school games to an after thought for a lot of the college recruiters. They would much rather see a kid play against similar talent then watch them hang up 30 on a bunch of high school kids who can't play a lick. Again, one can argue over school ball vs. AAU all night but the point is, the organizers should put the interests of the kids first and they didn't do that in this case!!
  14. First I would like to congratulate the players that made the team! Now, I'd like to say that the whole process was an absolute JOKE! How can you schedule the tryouts during the AAU state championships. You are asking the kids that play AAU to leave their teammates and miss the semis or final game of a state championship in order to achieve their own personal gain. I take my hat off to all those kids for showing the class, in not leaving their teammates and coaches, that the organizers of the tryouts failed to show! The high school coaches have to wake up and realize that the AAU season is as important, if not more, than the high school season and the kids should be given every opportunity to excel in both venues. Again, congrats to those who made the team and hopefully there will be someone with some common sense planning the tryouts next year!!
  15. Excelllent observation and the reason that kids like Pittman and Sewell are so highly regarded by the colleges and others who seem to put up biggger numbers are not! I think the college coaches almost seem to consider size and strength more important than the players' skill set, figuring they can improve on the latter with their coaching.
  16. I wasn't there but I heard that the following players were NOT at the tryout: Dakota Euton Gelan Guyn Chad Jackson Josh Sewell Elijah Justice Rico Johnson Elijah Pittman I'm sure I'm missing other players who would be considered in the top 20 so I agree, it wasn't much of a tryout if you were planning to look at the top juniors. :idunno:
  17. IMO, the answer to all 5 of your scenarios would be yes. Either way, all these kids are excellent players and I'm not sure you can ever fairly compare these guys.
  18. Just won state AAU last week on a team where only he and Chad Jackson are considered top 20 players in state.
  19. I would have to think Sewell and Jackson raised their stock this weekend and have to move to the top of the rankings!! On a team with several solid players but none of the "stars" in the state, playing in a tournament with most all of the quality seniors to be, they led their team to a relatively easy championship(8-10 points or more in most games). I would have to put these two in the group when talking about the top 5 seniors-to-be in the state based on this performance or else someone needs to give some of the other players(Gabbard, Evans, Flannery,Kowolonek etc) a bit more credit.
  20. I wouldn't say that Male is the second best team in the region at this point. I think Eastern and Jtown will be preseason top 10 but I think the others (Male, Trinity, Seneca, Ballard, Manual) will have to prove themselves on the court before breaking into the top 15 in the state.
  21. Eastern- I must give them the respect for this years performance and looking at who they return next year they are ahead of the pack. Male- I don't see it. With Sewell and Epley, Trinity will have two players as good or better than any of Male's players and Trinity's surrounding cast will be pretty good with Corbett at point and several other returning players.
  22. I think that was a rumor and he will be back at Boone next year. It would be nice to see him get more quality minutes as, having watched the kid play for years, he could be a major asset to Boone's team next year!
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