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Uncle Jed

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Everything posted by Uncle Jed

  1. This post only goes to prove you don't know what you are talking about. I'm not saying they are the best athletes in the region, I'm saying they are the best basketball players. They have a combination of size and skill that others just don't have. And they also play defense. I guess all I have are statistics that have allready been classified as mistakes by Armchair Coach, and the fact that people who know ability are courting the two boys. Your assessment of the rest of Rose Hill's team proves you shouldn't be in this discussion.
  2. We need not forget about Fuller. He hit some big shots.
  3. I do believe Euton and Jackson are the best players in the region. If I am wrong please show me something to prove it. I also believe Ferguson is number 3 in the region. The only reason he is not number one is size. The size of Euton and Jackson allows them to play in a manner that Ferguson is unable to play. I also am the one who mentioned Tony Arthur as one of if not the best defensive players in the region. I have seen a lot of 16th region games and I think I have been proven right. Then again if I'm wrong prove it.
  4. I read the article, looks pretty right on to me. Maybe you can provide a more indepth rebuttal than "Wow!".
  5. Officiating in the 16th region is like the weather in KY. If you don't like it wait a few minutes, it will change. Players undercut on rebounds, not called, hand checks, called. As a fan all you can do is laugh.
  6. It was good to see Tony Arthur have a good game. He made some good shots and he played a very good defensive game. That kid is tough as nails.
  7. Although Scooterbob and I don't agree on this issue I think its inaccurate to say he is attacking the kids at Ashland. He has strong beliefs about how this vote went. The way he sees it Boyd and Ashland benifit by seeding, Fairview and RH benifit from blind draw. Therefore by his biliefs the only school that gave in against their best intrest was RH. If he is attacking anyone it is RH. As for the question about how many coaches are from Ashland, the answer is two. I myself am one of the biggest Rose Hill supporters and fans. I live in Ashland also. I don't see what difference that makes.
  8. The question is what are you doing with your time that makes "going to some building with a sign on it that says 'Church'" irrelevant. If you are ministering to the lost, helping the needy, studying the word, worshiping the lord, and gathering with other like believers to accomplish those things, than I would say you are right. If you are sleeping in, working in your yard, watching ESPN, going camping, or anything else that doesn't bring glory to the Lord than I would say you are fooling yourself.
  9. Relax Scooterbob. With the talent levels being what they are, Ashland will probably be lobbying for a blind draw in the next couple of years.
  10. Ferguson 25 points 8 rebounds, that's bad news for Ashland. Good job Elliott.
  11. Every time I see Emely play I am more and more impressed with her. I think she needs sixty some points to become the highest scoring player in the history of the 16th region. She could have gotten most if not all of them last night, but instead she was focussed on making last night Laura's. Several times she passed up open shots and worked the offense getting Laura the ball. Her parents should be proud. Great show of class from Pam getting the younger players in the game. Last night Rose Hill was a team.
  12. In Matthew 28: 19-20 Jesus tells the deciples, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". This indicates that salvation is important, but I know first hand that salvation can be obtained outside of a church. I have lived it and have witness it on several occasions. I don't think there is any argument there. Jesus goes on to say, "and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." I think this is where the church come in. No man no matter how great and how righteous has ever saved anybody. The Holy Spirit does that work. But we have the responsibility to teach one another how to live, which is the job of the church. I may be wrong, but that's the way I see it.
  13. I love going to Elliott Co. for a game. The drive isn't that bad since the new portion of the road is complete. We have allways been treated well there. That being said Elliott wins by 8 no matter where they play. They are a better team.
  14. I don't weigh quite a ton, but I do bring up the average.
  15. For the record I don't believe that ref's are out to get Rose Hill. I just said it is plays like this that support the views of those who do. I do think however that there are some refs who target Britt. Maybe to them she brings it on herself. I just feel a ref should be unbias with NO agendas.
  16. I was not at the game, but I did listen to it on the net. I guess the anouncer is GoRadio and if so, please accept my conpliments. There was several times you commented that fouls should have been called, but the ref may have seen it otherwise. One of the times was this particular play. You said you felt Terry was fouled, but the ref, you called him by his first name, saw it differently. This was the same play that Britt received a T for. By your own post you admit Britt told the ref to "call something." I know you have seen a lot of basketball as have I. I have heard a lot more and a lot worse said by players to refs and nothing done. I believe this may support the conspiracy theory.
  17. I'm not sure that isn't an intentional charge!
  18. I reread my post and I meant to say a fould ON Queen.
  19. I don't think any 16th region team should be brought up in a discussion of the top teams in the state.
  20. Good pictures. I'm sure the first was a foul against Queen.
  21. This might have been the problem. Since the game before the RH game ran long the clock for warmups started at fifteen minutes instead of the usual twenty or twenty-five minute. They should have realized it, but they are kids.
  22. After giving ot tp O.J. all three ref's fell to the floor.
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