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Uncle Jed

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Everything posted by Uncle Jed

  1. Aren't you a Raceland supporter? You'd better like Rose Hill's feeder system currently on you team this year you have three from there.
  2. Would a school qualify if they have won multiple state middle school championships and placed four or five on the list of top ten players in the 16th. (depending on who's list you agree with on this board.)
  3. Would a school that placed six on last years ADI all area team qualify?
  4. Leo mentioned Las Vegas, which is in Nevada. He made it sound like a Utopian society, with great restaurants, comedy acts, night clubs, golf courses and hotels. My point was that crime does follow these places. That may be an acceptable risk for you, but it isn't for me.
  5. Nevada has been mentioned as a model for kentucky to follow. Will we follow in all these areas as well? Crimes Per 100,000 citizens Crime Nevada Kentucky Murder 9 4 Rape 43 30 Robbery 281 86 Burglary 994 644 Theft 2013 1679 But Navada does have new fire trucks.
  6. You're probably right. Once again the people in the eastern part of the state are going to be shafted. They will have to drive farther to loose everything they have, and ruin their lives.
  7. What does someones thinking about a girl who is pregnant have to do with abortion. It is just an excuse for doing the wrong thing. I don't understand how a Christian can not be anti-abortion. I think that is selling God and his plans short. As for Euthanasia, I have nothing against oriental children.
  8. Like I said I have been involved with these people. Nothing is off the record. They record everything. They go through all the proper channels. If they show up in Owsley Co. where there are only three police officers you will see about twelve troopers on that day. I'm not saying I agree with it or even like it, but the police are required to protect them. Now this new law makes it illegal for them to come to Kentucky to protest a funeral where it would make a difference. Therefore they won't show up because nobody will protect them.
  9. People need to take the Phelps' seriously. They call themselves a church, but in reality they are a business. I have personally dealt with them. Prior to a protest they contact area law enforcement and the court system. It is very unlikely anyone will be able to get to them, due to their incistence on protection. They are wanting something to happen. Criminal court means nothing to them. They are trying to get into a situation where they can sue someone. Fred's daughter or daughter-in-law is a lawyer. She is very pleasant prior to the protest. They are professionals.
  10. I have to wonder if a jury would convict a grieving family member for assulting these people. I don't think they would in this state.
  11. I recently retired from the KSP. The pay is a lot better now than when I started. I wouldn't recomend it for everybody, but it did raise my two sons and is now providing me with a good retirement. Its a good job.
  12. I see I'm fight an up hill battle. Me and my family have had a very good expierence with Rose Hill for more than twelve years. I just get upset when people speak ill of the school. That being said I hear Tony Arthur is really playing up to his potential. That could be trouble for other schools.
  13. This quote came from BCStorm in the 16th region thread. I am responding here so I don't get that thread shut down. Of the top ten players at Rose Hill, and this may not be everyones top ten, Eauton, Jackson, Fuller, Arthur, Malloy, Bush, Barber, Quackenbush, Gambill, and Davis, eight attended Rose Hill grade school. One started after his family moved to the area while he was in junior high. The tenth started as a freshman. I would say this is comparable to other teams in the region. Also keep in mind if not for a tragic death then the number of kids who attended grade school at Rose Hill may have been nine with only one starting as a freshman. Something people don't want to admit to is even OJ and the gang attended grade school at Rose Hill. Even though I spent some time on this I still believe it is silly. Rose Hill has lost more athletes than they have gained. Ashland, Russell, Raceland, East Carter, Boyd Co., Fairview, and Greenup Co. Have all benefited from transfers from Rose Hill. The door swings both ways.
  14. What is your definition of "home grown"? Would it be a star player coming in from the Ramey Home? Is it a player who has gone to a private shool since K4 and transfers into your school his freshman year? Every school in this region has had transfers. Who on Rose Hill's current team do you consider a transfer?
  15. I love to hear those who are intimidated by Rose Hill. But I would really like to hear more about Selby. Is he not playing this year?
  16. Bath Co. won't surprise me if they are winning. I watched this team play more than once last year and I really like them. I hope they play in the David Garnes tournament. It will be fun.
  17. I am not gong to say Rose Hill is more talented than anyone else in the region. I will say that the experience these young men have gotten in the past few years wil do nothing but help them. Remember they are still a young team. Even though there is nothing I would like more than to see them win the region this year, it may not be the year. But they will be contenders in the future.
  18. Would it be ok to say that RH will not be a door mat this year. I know some will never acknowledge the talent of Rose Hill. But I do believe that Rose Hill has some tough match ups for teams in the 16th. They are taller than most, faster than some, and they have about four three year starters, and four more who have seen a lot of time over the past three years. I can't argue with you. This group of kids have never won a district tournament game, but how can anyone deny that they can win.
  19. High school basketball isn't the only game in town. To say the likes of Eauton and Jackson who have played all over the country and have won championships don't have experience is close minded. And by the way Rose Hill has made it out of the district and won the region.
  20. I wish I knew his name, but Bath Co. has a very athletic kid, Blandon ?.
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