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Everything posted by Xman85

  1. You are in the wrong forum....this about Glaser...not MBA
  2. My coach (as you put it) only stated that he thought we had the best team in the state and that we did not win the title. We did not win the last game. But that would be the team's focus this year. Stating that X had what he (and most everyone else in the state) believed to be a better team but didn't win says just what that is bad about Trinity? It says that Trinity did a fantastic job of playing and coaching...which they did. It says that after getting beat badly in September...that they worked their butts off in just under 2 1/2 months to change the tide....How is that bad...it is a compliment! I am not saying anything bad about Trinity! By the way....doesn't UL (one of my 2 favorite college teams) have the same kind of motto?....Finish....because they felt that they were better than S.F., W.V. and V.T.....but didn't finish?
  3. 1. Seeing how my sophmore recovers from knee surgery and does the second half of the season. 2. Seeing how some different boys react to the Varsity game and/or starting positions. ...Naegli @ Trinity...Duece at X...etc. 3. Seeing how X's smaller but more aggresive and athletic O-line performs
  4. Here is the Football Stadium Fieldhouse....well some of it... http://www.saintx.com/news/news.asp?ID=2012
  5. Here is the baseball field... http://www.saintx.com/news/news.asp?ID=2010
  6. Jeff is good kid...hard worker and hard nosed....Its great to see that all of his hard work has paid off. :thumb:
  7. I got the opportunity to see behind the fences last night. The baseball field is really taking shape The dugouts are huge. The new turf baseball field is in place. The turf is colored to look like dirt...but it is all turf...even the white baseball lines are turf...The only real dirt (as I'm told) will be at homeplate and the on the mound. Here is a link with the photo...That photo is already way outdated. They are really moving with this project. The football team will start practicing here as early as next week. http://www.saintx.com/news/news.asp?ID=2007 The football field is currently being graded...now that the old track, bleachers, scoreboard, etc. have been removed. What appears to be to the concession area and ticket office is going up too. There are 4 gigantic steel I-beams planted vertically in the ground for what I am guessing will be a very large scoreboard...It is a guess since the drawings that I have seen do not completely show all details of the whole plan or do it justice....:thumb:
  8. X did not do what they needed to do to win that last game.....That has never been a contention on here from either side of the fence. It is just simply fact. X was considered by a vast majority to be the better team....not just Glaser and X fans....ranked higher...played a tougher schedule....won the earlier match-up easily..It is simply fact. Trinity played a great game and won what they deserved...(as I have always said) That is simply fact. X did have several things go wrong that night...the death in Glaser's family...Curley's foot....etc....These things happen in life and in football......X did not respond to these very well.....in fact they imploded...massing penalties at bad times...(not performing)...These are facts also.. Trinity had things go wrong also...X's first score was an easy ride to the endzone...it was looking like a repeat of the Sept. game.....the difference is that Trinity did not implode..they did what they had to do to win the "Last Game"...That is fact. Now why is it wrong for a coach to motivate his team by encouraging them to win the last game...which would be the state championship game? Why is it wrong for a coach to admit that X was outplayed? ...which is what happened. This motto is not a knock on Trinity at all....if anything it is a knock on X and how they need to improve....how they need to respond to setbacks.. This motto simply says that we did not get it done when we needed to....and we need to change that...It was our only foul-up in a great season. Now for Trinity fans to consistently state that Trinity was the favorite at the end of the season and this was not a big win is wrong. You are diminishing a great performance by Trinity players and coaches. To beat the #1 undefeated team that beat you by 30 points just 3 months prior is awesome. It is a win that the boys on that team will cherish forever...and they should...it was major! It was a great win and Trinity played one hell of a game...Be proud and quit diminishing the job that these fine young men accomplished....
  9. and a whole lot of sore winners.......you guys won against a better team...why complain..you should be proud.... What's the bigger accomplishment...winning a game that you should have easily won or winning one where you were the underdog and avenging a 48-16 pounding earlier in the year????
  10. "Eye of the Tiger" was in Rocky III when it showed Rocky in training
  11. That stat will become a thing of the past....the stat thats counts is that UL's offense is tops in the nation and has shown that it can score a lot of points on anybody...(Miami, VT..etc...) UL has been in conversations about National Championships and Heisman trophies. The Big East and the scheduling of other top programs will erase the .500 stat. The future's so bright...I gotta wear shades!
  12. CJ had a nice article about him today...He is a math teacher that was selected as the teacher of the year by the X students. He also received the X's Borders Excellence in Teaching Award. He has a 132-31 record as the Frosh coach. He is an X graduate ..class of 85'. He has coached baseball for 21 years..the past 7 at X. He was also a Varsity assistant.
  13. Yes...and I believe he is also the the owner or part owner of the Fire.
  14. I would have to have X's O-Line coach (Freshman)...Will Wolford....with NFL pro-bowl and Super Bowl experience as an Offensive Lineman...I think he just might know a thing or two about that position.
  15. I used to target the trees coming up Trevelian at Joe Creason Park, the trees around the circle at Seneca, and the overpass @ I-64 at Cannons lane. ...Sheets only though....no spray-painting.
  16. I would too. I feel that my boys are being robbed of some of the fun of St.X/Trinity week. X doesn't even hang sheeets on their school anymore. Someone always goes overboard and ruins it....I say punish those who go overboard and bring back the fun.
  17. Years ago ...the St.X / Trinity rivalry had a fun tradition....sheet hanging! Backers from both sides would buy bed sheets and then paint different...often colorful....statements about their rival. Backers would also paint encouraging remarks for their team. These sheets could be found everywhere on the Friday morning of the Game. I've seen them hanging from expressway overpasses, off giant billboards....etc... But the goal was always to get your sheet as close to your rival's school as possible. Hanging it where it was very hard to remove was a big plus. Hanging one on your rival's actual school was the ultimate prize...although difficult and dangerous with police patrols, student patrols, and faculty patrols. X usually staked out the Zoo and its giant billboard. Trinity liked Seneca Park. What are your sheet hanging memories?
  18. Old Cardinal stadium is an option that is being considered.
  19. Congratulations Rocks......you guys deserve it....although I would like to see one school take it from you... These honors that both T and X receive are awesome...when T gets one I'm just as happy because I know X will do everything they can ...to do better...just like Trinity has done when X was named by Sports Illustrated as being the in the top 20 athletic progams in the country. These things make both schools better because of the intense respect and rivalry... again...Good job Rocks..!:thumb:
  20. Sometimes you just have to consider the source and laugh!
  21. Truth of the matter is that X did not have the right attitude in last year's state game and Trinity did. Glaser even referred to this team's arrogance at last year's football parent's meeting. They weren't working as hard as he thought they should so he took them into the gym and asked them why the state title wasn't already on the banner....because they haven't won it yet. They thought that since they won last year ...they would win it again... When X marched to an easy first touchdown in the title game....they let their arrogance show again and let up.....problem was.....Trinity was not ready for a repeat of the September game. They stepped it up and played a great game. Penalties and other mistakes started to pile up on X. Trinity started to believe...and then showed why they believed. The X juniors should remember this and learn from it. It's not really payback...but they should remember that good teams like Trinity and any other team that makes it to the finals are not easily beaten twice in the same year. BG now believes too after their close call last year...should be a good game....I am curious to this years team attitude. They have the talent and the coach.
  22. I will always love X. I have very strong ties there. All the boys in my family graduated from X...My Dad, uncles, cousins, brothers, and now 2 of my 4 boys will be there in the fall. I will always root for Trinity except when they play X. I have many friends that went to T. I have coached many kids that now go to T. My sons have friends that go to T. It is a special bond between true X and T fans. We are of the same mold. All the other Catholic schools fit this too. I know kids at Holy Cross and Desales. I also pull for other teams according to certain players that my kids know (played ball with or neighborhood kid) or if I know or work with the kid's parents. I know a couple of kids at Male and couple at Manual. I like those kids and like to see their teams do well. I also like to pull for the underdog in other matches...as long as they don't go against my above teams.
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