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Everything posted by TRUE REDHOUND

  1. OK everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Some makes more sense. Desales wouldn't be this far if they were a push over. It will be a hard faught game.
  2. Yep thats what i am hearing. I know exactly who you are talking about i don't have to ask. I have heard it from some LC players as well as Corbin players.
  3. Well you can spend your friday Deer hunting, which is a good idea, and getting ready for for the next day. Or you can find a game close as possible and go
  4. Slow? hahahahaha Even there big and physical linemen have very good speed, all over the place they swarm the ball very well on defensive and re-establish the line of scrimmage well. I will be no cake walk for OC it will be a game played to the wire IMO.
  5. Man, can't even ask a honest question. I am not trying to stir stuff up at all. That is what i have heard from redhound fans and LC fans alike.
  6. Don't think there was nothing wrong with interviewing the players, they know first hand. Hey its media, breaking news get over it.
  7. dont execpt when i hear it from VERY reliable sources. Heard it often and so have alot of others. Do some digging in the dirt for us LC. Alot of people have heard that.
  8. They may never see O'cath Desales may have somthing to say about that. They have a real solid team, and it sounds like everybody is overlooking them, thats not a good idea.
  9. I love to see sombody from this area back in it again, i watched them play friday they have a solid team and just might be able to pull it off. I will be pulling for the jumpers in this one.
  10. CLINT CASHEN ANDY MILLARD ERIC BLACKWOOD Allways came up with big plays.
  11. Going to be a rough year for the campers. Exactly how many contributors are they loosing, and how will that affect them. Please from an un-biased view.
  12. Yes Corbin had a rough start, but they also played some very tough cempetition. Keep counting desales out, they will suprise you. They are the most physical team i have seen in a long time. They also have alot of athletes to go along with all the head knocking.
  13. i knew if they played like they did against Corbin they would have no problem. Great win colts.
  14. This is about football, i like these guys they are good friends but they got basketball scholarships not football, they couldn't tough it enough to play football, there is a basketball forum i think.
  15. Gonna have to go with Desales in this one. Have not seen a team as big and as physical in a long time. They have as solid of a defense as there is. Desales will run on them and then suprise them with the air attack.
  16. Tommy Greer....... what a joke :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  17. I think they should let Coach Larry "Cotton" Adams take over the head job.
  18. is right. #25 from somerset was the one causing the problems. The referees should have kept their eyes peeled a little better, we were 80 yards away and could clearly see the altercation, no punch was thrown and no one deserved to the ejected. Good job somerset, one more step to your dream. Great season paintsville.
  19. Thought this was about football...... or maybe not!!!!
  20. Like to see Christain Co. pull it off they have Corbin ties in former Corbin Coach Mike Whitaker
  21. Not just that year but years before, imagine trying to cover a guy as atheletic and as big as Isaiah Mills running the post route, weighing 280 and standing 6'10.
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