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Auxier RiverRat

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Everything posted by Auxier RiverRat

  1. Be patient my friends, a few years of this and gametime will be in the booth.
  2. I would hope not but I know a guy that the NCAA contacted because he made UK and Florida return address labels. They ask him to stop using them and he did, so they left him alone.
  3. Room looks great but if a contractor is doing it wouldnt they have to have a copyright deal with UK or the NCAA?
  4. Never thought Id be saying this but....................Arkan. just cant do it yet.
  5. I know Im always looking for a step back in my career.
  6. As a Uk fan I guessing im more nervous than the rest of the SEC.
  7. It was hard landing a coach. Seemed pretty easy to me. Billy D said no and we sign our guy the next day. Looked real hard to me.
  8. Is UK struggling to find a coach? They waited on Billy D to get done with a tournament and he said, does that mean its a struggle? Has plan B also said no?
  9. Officail stat line: R. Morris DNP - Coach's Decision
  10. So if you are from EKY and thought it was time for Tubby to go you are a racist? This thread is wrong in so many ways and should be removed from BGP. This is about a basketball coach leaving not a chance to take a cheap shot at an area of YOUR OWN STATE. So if I want Brooks gone am I also against the white race?
  11. I find it funny when espn and others say the fans are crazy and drove him away. 10 years is being pretty patient if you ask me.
  12. Write this down.............if the new coach doesnt lock up the kid from Mason County early next year he/she will be ran out of town also.
  13. I really like Tubby but this article isnt far off. Lets face it he was great at Tulsa and Georgia because seasons like this one would be some of their better ones. He does better at the smaller stage and will do fine with his new school. I agree with Doyel.
  14. "Even though white is the traditional symbol of surrender, the students expressed hope that the whiteout would help Kentucky wipe out Florida." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My favorite part.
  15. Maybe not in your eyes, but I know a guy who is no longer on here because of the "big three' and their bashing of his every post. Im not trying to start with you RP, I enjoy your post, just stating maybe you should remember this before going after others for this.
  16. I have no dog in this fight but could it be the beating some used to take from the self-proclaimed "Big Three". I recall them doing the very same thing you are accusing others of. I just cant remember who was in this group.
  17. Truth of the matter is, if you start taking lower areana seats from people the donations stop. Basketball has alot to do with all the students getting an education at UK.
  18. Because they dont know any rich people with lower seats:D
  19. Not true, I said at that age I would, not he would. Dont change my words to help your post please.
  20. Most kids hate to practice so I dont see this new gym making that big of a difference.
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