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U Reach I Teach

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Everything posted by U Reach I Teach

  1. This is a very big win for the Panthers. This gives them a lot of confidence going into the Class A where they will play Nicholas again on their home floor. Beating them before the class A on their home floor will give them a lot of confidence.
  2. Dropping 42 on Bellevue, Beating Bracken Co. at home in 96, hitting 7 3 pointers in the first half against St. Pat, Leading my team to its 1st winning season in 15 years, but one of my favorite and best memories is playing for legendary coach Don Irvine. Coach Irvine is currently the boys and girls head coach at Burgin High School.
  3. I know the refs would call walks when there wasnt any.. 3 seconds or just call a foul on them and let the other team shoot FTs
  4. When I suggested the name I suggested it to be The Thrilla in Vanilla
  5. There are a couple that stick out in my mind when I think of Top Assistants. The first is Jason Butler. Coach Butler does the freshman at Mason County. Coach Butler has been a very loyal person to the Mason Co. Athletic Program as he has coached at the Junior High and High School levels. Teams under Butler are well coached, disciplined, and play extremely hard on both ends of the floor. I think he should be considered for a Head Coaching Position. Another Assistant Coach is Brad Riley at Campbell Co. Coach Riley has proven to be successful at the JV level. Coach Riley teaches the fundamentals of the game and expects 110% from each of his players, but who dont as a coach. There is a difference with Coach Riley.. Coach Riley expects 110% and gets it from all of his players.. He is a very good motivator and has out of this world knowledge of the game.
  6. AMEN PLAYMAKER 3! I totally agree with you.. The Lady Bears do pass up a lot of open shots!
  7. That is very BUSH LEAGUE! I like the idea though!
  8. Very nicely stated Thorobred.. What goes around comes around!
  9. Definately a team that I think the Lady Bears can beat and probably should have beaten tonight... I wouldnt say that the Lady Jackets were on their "A" game tonight, but the Lady Bears did nothing to take advantage of it.. I think the girls played hard tonight, but just couldnt handle the pressure from the Nicholas Co. guards...The Lady Bears needs to calm down and learn to handle pressure... Also, when the shots arent falling need to look to go inside more.. Talked with Coach Schultz and she said that she stressed the inside game, but the guards didnt look to get it in there.. Kept jacking from trey land.. I have a lot of faith in Coach Schultz and her crew... things will turn around and they will soon!
  10. I was at a game this past weekend where the official scorer was telling the referee that the visiting team had two TOs left.. The home team calls a TO and she marks it as the visiting team calling it... The visiting team calls a 30 second and the ref tells the coach you have called your last time out... After a discussion the RadioMan (THANKS by the way) stepped up and said the visiting team still had one and the official scorer made a mistake... She was trying to get the visiting team out of TOs. Now thats Bush League.
  11. For another night the shooting woes continue as the Lady Bears of Bracken County had more turnovers than points. The Lady Bears played a different tune tonight... They came out and was up 14-4... with 3 minutes to go in the 1st quarter... They only scored 22 the next 27 minutes... It was a very sloppy game to watch as both teams shot the ball horribly and both teams turned it over 20 + times. The difference in this game was at the Charity Stripe.. Nicholas shot 26 FTs to Bracken's 10. This is attributed to NC attacking the basket and the Lady Bears shooting 2-19 from 3 point land.. Good Luck to the Lady Jackets in the ALL A on Friday and to the Lady Bears who have Pendleton at home on Monday!
  12. thanks.. I appreciate it.. So, you attending any games tonight Mojo Coming to Carlisle to watch Bracken/Nicholas
  13. It needs to stay in the Fieldhouse because a lot of small teams dream of playing on the big stage in the Fieldhouse.. A lot of small schools (Deming, Augusta, Silver Grove, Calvary, etc dont get the opportunity to play in a facility like the Fieldhouse.. Keep it at Mason Co. Attendance will hurt too I believe
  14. For the first time in forever... Sports Mojo agrees with me :dancingpa
  15. The game is not in Carlisle.. It is at St. Pat. First round games are not at Nicholas Co. I think the Devils win this one in another close one...
  16. I remember this thread a while back on the Boys forum, I was just wondering what people have seen in the world of high school girls basketball
  17. What is the most Bush League thing you have ever witnessed in a High School girls game?
  18. Its never easy to win on the road period. Kauinui will not be playing for she is being repromanded for conduct detriminal to the team.. She should be back sometime after the Class A though... Ahrens will definately need to finish better then she did against St. Pat.. If she does and defense plays well, then the Lady Bears have a chance..
  19. These two teams will meet at Nicholas Co. on Wednesday January 17th. What are your alls predictions for this game?
  20. No small school is going to like the seeding issue... Because more than likely there is another team that they can play with but wouldnt get to in tournament because of their seed.. For example: Mason Co. is in a district with 3 Class A schools. None of those schools are going to vote to seed because they dont want Mason Co. All 3 are capable of beating each other on a given night.. They would all rather take their chances on the blind draw!
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