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U Reach I Teach

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Everything posted by U Reach I Teach

  1. Kasey goes unnoticed a lot but does a lot of great things on the floor.. Definately an unsung hero of this team.. She is a great player, but a classy individual as well! Good Luck Kasey
  2. Thanks Pressrow for the encouraging words... Its really hard when you go from 6-3 to 6-9... Definately struggling, but I do agree with you about the younger players... We do have a bright future, but its hard getting through the present.. Hopefully the message was received becasue it was sent!
  3. The Bracken Co. Lady Bear struggle continues... Once again not a real good effort from the Varsity. Coach Schultz tired of watching the laziness, subbed in 5 Freshman who cut the lead from 12 to 5 and had other opportunities to cut it even closer... A good performance from the younger group, but if the older players dont step up and perform it will be another long miserable season for the Lady Bears. A lot of unfinished opportunities and turnovers led once again to the demise of the Lady Bears. Coach Ormes and the Saints played well enough to win tonight. The Lady Saints pressure defense was excellent tonight and proved too much for the Bears to handle. Both teams play in the Class A next week. It will not be easy for either team as St. Pat has Deming and Bracken travels to Nicholas Co. Bracken County needs to work out the kinks and attitude problems before they play in the Class A on Wednesday. With another subpar effort from the older girls and the Lady Bears will be one and done in the Class A. The Lady Bears are definately a talented well-coached team, but they are not playing up to potential... Hopefully something changes!
  4. I will agree about Nick Anderson being a good ball player, but however, I dont think he needs to be in the same breath as Chris Owens.
  5. I have the solution for Pendleton Co. Find some guards that can throw a bounce pass to Belcher More touches for Belcher = more wins for PC
  6. Not only a great player, but a very classy individual.. Good Luck to Chris and all he chooses to do!
  7. Be Careful Bearfacts... I got repromanded by a moderator for Derogatory Comments just like yours... Watch yourself young man! He will be coming after you next!
  8. So, what nickname did you all decide on for Rose Hill star Dakota Euton?
  9. Definately Bear Facts... I just believe Knowles and Miller are better athletes at this point in their career... But as a coach I wouldnt mind Owens with the ball and a chance to win...
  10. Use SPELL CHECK so we can understand your posts!! FALT???????? you mean Fault I never blamed a game on an official, I just said sometimes there heards arent in the game! Show me where I stated that the Refs lost the game for a team!
  11. Agree both are very good players that go unnoticed because of the size of their school! Thats a fact! Nice post prime!
  12. I can tell you now Atown Pride that coaching doesnt cause anyone to lose a game by 39. For those of you that have never coached you wouldnt understand. Its the coach's job to get the players shots... Its the players responsibility to make the shots... Thats what so many people dont understand... Some people say take them out and put someone else in. Well from the JV games I have watched there arent any younger ones that can shoot any higher percentages.. Plus tell me people.... Is there more to basketball than offense and scoring points??? I think so.. A lot of players couldnt play dead in a cowboy movie on defense, but you guys think they should play.. Until you have been a coach and been there, I wouldnt say anything
  13. I am going on the record right now as saying that Chris Owens is without a doubt in my mind the 3rd best player in the region. Do I think he gets overlooked because he goes to a Class A school? You better know I do. This young man is not only a great player and student but a great player. The only 2 players that I feel are better than him right now are Darius MIller and Preston Knowles.. Chris Owens deserves more respect!
  14. I have always heard from many different people acrossed the state that the BBA (10th and 11th Region official association) was the best in the state. Well, if that is the case this season then we should let the coaches call the state tournament because I have yet to watch a game, boys or girls, where I would say it was a good officiated game. I watched two guys tonight who I feel should be arrested for impersonating a referee. I witnessed a game a few weeks ago where a referee told the shooter 2 shots when it was a 1 and 1.. Shooter misses the defensive team rebounds and has a 3 on 1 Fast break and he blows the whistle to stop the break (Mind you the game was in the 4th with seconds remaining... Defensive team down 1 or 2). The team that got the rebound then has to take it out and go length of floor.. Dont penalize the players because the refs dont have their head in the game.. What does everyone else think?
  15. Groves 23 Hardymon 18 Its been the story for the Panthers all year long...Fall behind big early and digging too deep of a hole to come back...| St. Pat's Chris Owens is a really nice player... It is a true pleasure to watch him play the game... St. Pat also got a nice game from #3 Nick Anderson... Anderson was their offense early! Augusta made their run with senior PG Josh White on the bench.. White appeared to be hampered by an illness and got the wind knocked out of him.. I guess it was too bad for him to return... Augusta's offense looked really good the 2nd half behind Hardymon and Groves. St. Pat was able to remained poise behing the good leadership of Head Coach Jason Hinson. Coach Hinson is a real nice young coach and his team gives him all they got... Good Luck to both teams the remainder of the year.
  16. With his game coming on Saturday and both teams struggling as of late, WHO WINS THIS GAME?
  17. This is called Delay of Game... just like hitting the ball out of the net.. You get a warning.. next time is technical!
  18. I know Harrison isnt as good this year as they have been in the past, but I believe this is a good game for the Panthers... Hardymon, White, Groves, and Staggs need to continue to play well if they are going to make a run in March. Also, they have a big game at home on Thursday against a very good St. Pat team that just waxed Deming by 39.. Good Luck Panthers!
  19. to be honest with you all... this means more to the parents then it does to players.. The parents believe it to be a slap in the face when a younger or JV player plays more then a varsity player... We as coaches fight that never ending battle!
  20. Polar Bears are playing well right now... I expect them to pull out a close one at home.. .GO Bears!
  21. Brother of a Saint please use spell check or a dictionary because you are embarassing yourself when you spell believe the way you did... I am seen enough games this year where even the 10th region refs are getting to be as bad as the 9th and 16th regions. I saw a referee stop a fast break on a 1 shot freethrow because he told them there were 2 shots... Shouldnt a ref's head be in the game better than this? Also, by the way... this was a 10th region game I witnessed it in.
  22. St. Pat since they are at home... Two pretty even teams, St. Pat at home... St. Pat and Coach Hinson win this one!
  23. You are correct LBBC! Also, could you give me a break down of the individual scoring for both teams... Who did play well for Nicholas County?
  24. Wow Pendleton County must really be playing well... I saw Nicholas County play a lot of games early and they looked really good... I figured the outcome, but never thought by this many!
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