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Everything posted by UKMustangFan

  1. People are far more an annoyance than pets.
  2. Overall roster is why GB is behind Cleveland IMO. Plus, Aaron Rodgers is a notoriously difficult dude to be around.
  3. I've seen Tori Spelling mentioned all over the place for unicorn....Apparently her name means "bird" in Chinese. T-Pain is the name I've seen most for the Monster.
  4. Yes, if not the bottom, right next to it. Average QB, aging (oft-injured) star WR, awful Oline, average secondary, average LBs. Only bright spots are Mixon and Geno, and Atkins is getting up there in age.
  5. As with 99.9% of dog attacks, the issue is with the owner, not the animals itself. Sorry your little one had to endure this. No excuse for a dog to not be properly leashed/restrained when in public.
  6. I'm pretty sure the Lion is a Kardashian/Jenner. Wasn't the height 5'6" or 5'7"? That would exclude Khloe or Kendall. My guesses: Peacock - Donnie Osmond Monster - T.I. Unicorn - No Clue The Deer - Peyton Manning The Lion - Kylie Jenner
  7. Super Bowl wins or Super Bowl appearances? If it's appearances, Manning has been to 3, so that'd make 4.
  8. No one should be okay with Hue even getting an interview, much less the job. Dude is one of the worst coaches in NFL history.
  9. I'd bet a large sum of money that it's either Hue or Vance. Would be beyond shocked if anyone else even has a legitimate chance.
  10. McDaniel will take the Browns job, if he's offered. No chance he passes on the opportunity to mold Baker.
  11. Sounds like Neal Brown is going to be the guy in West Virginia.
  12. First Bell, now Brown....It's time to admit there's major dysfunction in that locker room.
  13. He's asked for a trade, so it sounds like he doesn't want to be there either....:idunno:
  14. AB showed up on Friday with a sore foot/knee. Tomlin gave him the day off and requested he get an MRI. Didn't hear from him again until his agent told Tomlin on Sunday morning he was ready to go. Left the stadium early Sunday. Never went and got the MRI Tomlin asked him to do. Didn't show up to meetings on Monday. Train-wreck.
  15. The whole development was just sold a few months back for $100MM. The company that purchased it is planning a complete "renovation" and overhaul of the area and businesses/attractions.
  16. Absolutely. 20-25 should be the # of games. No one wants to watch garbage teams play other garbage teams in meaningless games.
  17. AAC & MAC had entirely too many teams in bowl games.
  18. Tampa Bay is reportedly targeting Brian Kelly for their HC vacancy.
  19. Received a Goose Island Bourbon County Stout (2018) in a gift exchange this year. How long should I wait before I crack it open? 1 year? 2? Longer?
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