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Everything posted by jahearme

  1. Montgomery Co. He's a special education teacher.
  2. I think this is a great opportunity for Harrison Co. to bring in some new blood. I have always gotten along with Coach Graham, but just couldn't get it done when it counted. 8 total playoff wins and half of those last year isn't what the folks in Cynthiana were looking for, I don't believe. The 1994 team was the best he ever had in my opinion, with the 2000 team a close 2nd. I wish Coach Graham luck at LCA and Harrison Co. luck in finding a new coach. I would be VERY shocked if McKee went to Harrison Co. He's got a great job at Scott Co., as does his wife.
  3. It's simply sad that they really rank 8th graders.........
  4. I might do a wheel. That makes much more sense. Thanks for the help! I just hope I can tell the person at the window correctly after 5-6 mint julips!:creepy::lol:
  5. Here are my Exacta and my tri. I will box both. Big Brown/Gayego/Colonel John exacta box. Big Brown/Gayego/Colonel John/Pyro trifecta box I'm also going to play Colonel John WPS, hoping to beat the "unbeatable" Big Brown.
  6. Maybe next year. We had to turn in our list of people in February.
  7. I'll be in 117. Not sure what box yet though.
  8. Yeah, there's no "major combat" going on there now, it's all "minor." Tell that to the families that are losing loved ones EVERYDAY! :madman:
  9. This is the first timme I've ever had a problem with mine, but man, is it a pain! It feels like someone is just pressing down on my face! I hope this doesn't become a problem with all the seasonal changes, but I'm afraid it will be. My Dad has some serious sinus/allergy issues.
  10. Oh come on! The only REALLY bad thing in Louisville is that basketball team! This will be my 6th Derby in a row and we have a great time in the city. Of course it helps when you get to go to the Crown Royal/Playboy party every year! :dancingpa
  11. That's pretty awesome! Congrats to this young man and the Breds. Who do they play in the finals? Is there a homerun derby still?
  12. I really think Pyro will bounce back with a vengeance after his poor showing in the Bluegrass. I also like Colonel John.
  13. I agree with you. Mike would get the job done. However, it is still awful what has gone on here.
  14. Here's an interview from a California newspaper. Looks like he's as good as gone. http://www.sanluisobispo.com/224/story/342240.html
  15. Looks like Coach Whitaker put the Thorobreds in the wrong "pod!"
  16. Basketball, baseball, and swimming are the only ones that are most common. I had a golfer once that was also a wrestler. I always thought that was kind of funny.
  17. I've purchased several things and have sold 4-5 things. I'm actually selling some Derby tickets on there right now.
  18. Got it. It's a LONG bus ride between Ryle and Scott High! j/k
  19. Congratulations to all of these girls!!! They are all very deserving.
  20. Why did this game end in a tie???
  21. I've competed at many different levels in golf. To me, the level I am competing at has a lot to do with how much I want to win.
  22. We have a drug testing policy for employees of the school district I work in, but nothing for students. I would be in favor of testing ALL students on a random basis. To me, you can't single of only athletes or only those who participate in an extra curricular activity. Every student's name must be in the "drawing."
  23. I think that's his first name. I think he's employed at McNabb Middle School in Montgomery Co. right now.
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