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Everything posted by Himmelfarb

  1. The grade school comment was in reference to 110764's post...and I stand by my remarks that there are a host of grade school ball players that work harder during the course of a game than a number of officials I've seen. ...and do you really want to talk about officials "being in decent shape to run the floor with the great athletes in high school sports?"
  2. It was a Tomcat...and yes, Frances, while I am moving down the list, I'm still in the record book. We rarely threw the ball...but when we did, it came my way!
  3. It was never about the beauty, nor were coaches making fashion statements. It was all about the discipline...and that molds a team and wins games.
  4. I for one remember every missed shot, every mistake and every display of improper attitude by the players. Furthermore, I would suggest that even grade school ballplayers have to work harder to do their job correctly than does an official.
  5. How cute...except most coaches can't do what it is they are attempting to teach their players. I and others have previously and, I think, quite satisfactorily qualified our criticism of officials with an acknowledgment that they are, in most cases, fine men and women without whom the games we love to see our kids play would not take place. That said, as long as those same kids continue to work to improve their skills year round, and practice and play as hard as they do...and as long as the parents of those kids continue to invest much of their own lives, time and money into the dreams and aspirations of their children, they and others will be critical of officials...when those officials make mistakes. Hey...players make bonehead plays and are chastened by coaches...and dads. Refs make bonehead mistakes and I see no reason why they should be considered above criticism.
  6. RickyP is right. One official signaled a full timeout and Coach Euton walked onto the court to speak with him. The girls came to the bench, sat down and the two assistants were standing on the floor. The other official told one assistant to sit down. He did not, but stood and questioned the ref. The ref then told the other assistant to sit down. Both remained standing and were hit with a technical. RHCS fans went ballistic...and rightly so. A Warren East player was allowed to shoot the free throws and the teams were called back onto the court. The timeout that Rose Hill called and was initially granted was taken away. It was, to say the least, a bizarre incident, but fairly typical of the way the two officials handled the entire game. When asked for an explanation afterwards by the scorers table, the official who called the technical said the assistant had threatened him. That was a complete fabrication. The refs were JV officials and should never have been there. They turned what was an otherwise very competitive ballgame into a confusing and frustrating night for players, coaches and fans on both sides.
  7. Say, who's going to be the first to mention last night's excellent officials? And could you explain that technical the RHCS assistant got for standing during a timeout?
  8. From an online newspaper: Rose Hill (1-5) --Faulkner 6, Terry 17, Gambill 2, Queen 24, Friley 3. Warren East (9-2)--Moore 8, Forrest 3, Rainey 30, Bonds 7, Mahoney 6, Briggs 6. Queen also had 17 boards and handled the ball much of the game for RHCS. I don't have Rainey's rebound totals, but she had a good all around game with several blocks.
  9. I often say the same, but have to remind myself that being on the floor for the entire game has much to do with the foul problems that plague the Lady Royals.
  10. If "We all know the situation at RH," then please explain to me how those in the know could have ranked them so high...and continue to do so. The whole point of mentioning the young players is to say that what is happening is exactly what should have expected...and it isn't going to improve. The wheels aren't falling off...they were never on. As for the "to[o] much Rainey" remark...how is one supposed to respond but to once again point out the obvious? And finally, let's be just a bit reasonable. "Hundreds of High Sc[h]ools?" May I ask you to name 5 that start a 6th or 7th grader? And, if so, are they questioned after every loss as if they somehow blew yet another opportunity? I for one don't expect this year's Lady Royals to win more than 6 or 7 ballgbames...and will not be bothered by it.
  11. Keep it coming...no problem taking it here. I simply grow weary of those who seem to think officials are beyond criticism...and in this case the slightest of such...and then liken it to having been smitten. And for the record, you cheapen the truth of the text to which you made reference when you use it in such a fashion.
  12. And, man, who 'da thunk it (insert avatar for scratching one's head). They graduated 3 of the only 6 kids that played last year and I just can't figure out why those 6th and 7th graders that have taken their place this year haven't "stepped up."
  13. The truth is too many 6th & 7th graders on the floor for Rose Hill. Queen had Rainey frustrated throughout the first half. Rainey (a wonderul talent) didn't really assert herself until, once again, foul troubles left RHCS unable to defend.
  14. Oh, yeah, yeah...I get it..."turn their other cheek"...you've made a biblical allusion...and the point is...and man, you're good, because it is really subtle...people at Rose Hill are supposed to be Christians, and (how do I convey that self-righteous sneer in print) they're not supposed to be critical of anything...because that's just...well, you know...intolerant. And, well, you...wow, what a lesson here....you manage to get your digs in from high atop your moral mountain and are gracious enough to then extend to Scooterbob a warm Christmas wish...and with capital letters. Scooterbob, shame on you.
  15. Terry stood next to her oppenent with hand on her side...as is done by every inside player on both ends of the court and throughout the entire game...and every game. The ball was passed to the offensive player and immediately the whistle blew. There is more contact allowed on the ball at the guard spot than what Terry initiated in this instance in the paint. It was a cheap and needless call...and not by any means the only example one could site from the game.
  16. It's a shame how Laura Terry was treated by one official...who made three horrible calls on her...the worst of which he justified by telling Coach Euton, "I told her twice to get her hand off the other player." This, while the two players were standing on the foul line waiting for the ball to cross mid-court...Terry simply maintaining contact with her opponent. As much as I and others complain about officials, it is mostly a fun part of being a spectator, a way to vent and seldom do those same officials really dictate the outcome of a game. Not so last night...the guy just took a kid out a game in which he and his partner allowed physical play all over the court and throughout the entire contest. Congratulations Emily for a very good game and a great effort. That kind of heart is contagious.
  17. Congratulations to Coach Bradley and his still very young team.
  18. By all means...the NewCath kids deserve a great deal of credit. They were down 10 early on, but fought back for a well-deserved win. They played clean, but aggressive and were the better team last night. Good luck the rest of the way.
  19. No additional stats to report...didn't get them before the statistician headed home. The young players sure give their all (at one point, with Terry and Faulkner on the bench with foul trouble, Queen was on the floor with a freshman, two 6th graders and a 7th grader)...and they will have their day, but they just don't have the size and strength to be effective at this time. This season will be a reminder of the difficulties inherent in small school sports programs. Keep working girls...there is much to be gained in the effort and experience.
  20. Congratulations and continued success there. No surprise about Fortman and Okoro. I would think they might have something to prove to those in that part of the state who overlooked them in preseason rankings.
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