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Run To State

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Everything posted by Run To State

  1. So true of pretty much all mass shooters, at least in my mind.
  2. I agree, completely. Heck, our differences are minor in my mind. I'd be quick to try to help you, not hurt you. I certainly wouldn't want you or your loved ones harmed. There's already too much hatred in this world, we certainly don't need more.
  3. Sickening that someone can harbor such hatred for innocent people they've never even met. I just don't understand that kind of sick mindset.
  4. Absolutely deplorable. This is pure evil and sheer hatred. Sadly, I fear we're going to see more of these tragic events in the future in this country. My prayers for the victims and their families.
  5. I like most of them too, however I can't stomach Skyline. Nothing personal, just isn't for me.
  6. Most of older folks remember this from The Dating Game.
  7. Why in the world would the color of the package discourage smoking? The dumb ideas some people have.
  8. Ah, sorry I missed it. Sounds like it was a beautiful service.
  9. You're one of those guys I'd like to hang out with for a few hours and listen to music while enjoying a few adult beverages.
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