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Run To State

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Everything posted by Run To State

  1. So, cars are also the problem with drunk driving?
  2. No, they're not. Misusing guns are the problem. Has your gun killed anyone? Mine either. A gun is simply a tool. Inanimate until it's either used or misused. Some people are the problem.
  3. I disagree. There are so many stories out there of people that successfully defended themselves with a weapon, you just rarely get to hear about it from the mainstream media, it doesn't fit their narrative.
  4. It doesn't mean society as a whole is less safe either. Guns aren't the problem, albeit the media and some others want you to believe that.
  5. That's simply not true, unless you're missing what some have posted or ignoring them. Here's what I posted in another thread: We can start by actually enforcing the many laws already on the books. I can get on board with more background checks (however this last shooter passed three if I recall correctly). I think we need to stop handing out psychotropic drugs like they're candy. We can see to it that the mandatory penalty for using a firearm in the commission of a violent crime is stringent. We need to do something to end leniency and revolving door justice. Criminals need to know that the penalty for using a gun in a violent crime isn't just a mere threat, but swift, certain, severe punishment. We need to stop being PC and stop worrying about offending people based on their lineage or religion.
  6. Give me snow over this garbage anytime.
  7. This should be an interesting commute to work here shortly. :angrybird1:
  8. Nor do I of patrons. Alcohol and firearms don't mix. I do think if they had more trained, armed personal at clubs a shooter could be stopped with a lot less carnage.
  9. Oh, sorry. Color me stupid. :ohbrother:
  10. Wow! One life ended and one life ruined over something that petty. :no:
  11. Clapton would get my vote for best cover. I love Dylan's original. GNR's version is horrific. I haven't heard Zevon's version.
  12. My two cents worth: I'm not a biblical scholar, I'm a Catholic, a Christian. I don't know everything there is to know. I'm imperfect, in my religion and as a Christian and as a human being. But what I saw in the first video (didn't see the second one since it's been removed from YouTube) isn't anything I recognize in my religion. I don't believe for a second that Christ would utter the things that guy did. I don't think Christ would condemn anyone for being born gay, nor do I. I don't agree with everything my church teaches, and I'm certainly far from an expert on the bible, but I can't fathom the degree of hate as what I saw in that video based solely on the fact that those in the LGBT community are different than heterosexuals. Using your religion for such a vile purpose as spreading hatred toward those you don't agree with isn't Christianity and is no better than Islamic extremists or any other extremist that want's those that are different dead or are happy when they're murdered. I know my God isn't hateful.
  13. I don't disagree, but I still think we need swift, harsh laws for guns being used for violent crimes. I also think that gun free zones are a target rich environment for these sick individuals and we need to do something about gun free zones. The problem with things like clubs as in the last attack is guns and alcohol don't mix.
  14. We seem to have found some common ground and I also think homegrown terrorists are as much a problem as any other. Now, if only our government can do the same and look at the problem and not the object. Again, we agree. One would think they could coordinate the different law enforcement groups and enforce the laws we have in place. If we'd try to go after the problem and not the object there would have never been a ban or repeal of said ban. If people would stop fear-mongering the popularity wouldn't be so high. Why am I welcome? I'm not a gun dealer or gun manufacturer.
  15. If you want to use the correct term then why are you being obtuse on the correct term? If you want to call them by the correct term, then do so. MSR. Modern Sporting Rifle.
  16. What's lame in actuality and reality is purposely or through ignorance spreading misinformation and lies about MSRs to aid their agenda.
  17. Fair question. We can start by actually enforcing the many laws already on the books. I can get on board with more background checks (however this last shooter passed three if I recall correctly). I think we need to stop handing out psychotropic drugs like they're candy. We can see to it that the mandatory penalty for using a firearm in the commission of a violent crime is stringent. We need to do something to end leniency and revolving door justice. Criminals need to know that the penalty for using a gun in a violent crime isn't just a mere threat, but swift, certain, severe punishment. We need to stop being PC and stop worrying about offending people based on their lineage or religion. This last shooter was on the radar and possibly slipped through the cracks because of what I just said needs to stop. This last shooting should have been stopped before it ever happened. Now, there will still be those that won't care. Criminals are such because they don't care about laws and as I've said often, you can't regulate a sick mind. Radical terrorists will always find a way until we find a way to completely eliminate them. But I think what I listed will do more than any ban will ever do. I hate to break it to you, but talk of bans have created a swell in the popularity. I work with two guys that just bought an AR because they think a ban is coming. The gun dealers I've talked to say sales are up every time a ban gets mentioned. So, in essence, people like yourself and our Democrats in the limelight are responsible for the increase of modern sporting rifles out there. The world isn't more dangerous because of MSRs, it's more dangerous because we as a nation seem to want band-aid legislation rather than to crack down on criminals and terrorists.
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