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Everything posted by lynks66

  1. So is the Clinton campain holding out for a re-vote in those states?
  2. I wonder if the rest of current Obama supporters will feel the same way?
  3. Thanks. I wonder what the chances of this actually happening are? What effects would it have?
  4. Is that still on the table as a possible option? I hadn't heard much about it lately.
  5. So you don't think our forefathers would want us to be able to vote for anyone that we wanted regardless of our reasoning?
  6. How is increasing capital gains tax be an example "responsible capitalism"?
  7. I'll take the dollar in the long run anyday. I am not trying to say that dems are socialist or whether or not European nations are socialist. I just think that taxing those who produce more than those who do not is a move in a socialistic direction. I could be wrong, and maybe this nation should raise taxes on those who produce and on those who take risks and become successful. After all, they should produce for the good of the country/society not their own selfish greed, right?
  8. I did not mean to shift the thread topic. I just felt that some of points brought up in this thread are linked closely to socialistic/collective principles (redistribution of wealth, higher taxes on those who produce versus those who do not etc...) Just because Sen. Obama and many of his supporters don't realize that aspects of his taxation plans are moves towards collectivism, doesn't mean that it is not the case.
  9. Socialism hasn't proven to be a very effective means of economic policy in the past.
  10. I would vote for Hillary too. Most of her socialistic policy plans are just panderig to the poor and uninformed, and it is unlikely that many of them will go through. Therefore, in my book, she is the lesser of the two democratic evils.
  11. I agree. Just like our current tax system. :thumb:
  12. I thought "progressive" was the new buzz word instead of liberal?
  13. He is by far the best politician in the field.
  14. Do you feel there are news sources more balanced than fox? Can you list a couple?
  15. Yet he finds a way to make a decent living doing it. Funny how things work out that way isn't it?
  16. Fair enough, although, I would put his chances at atleast 50-50 right now, but that is just my opinion.
  17. What makes you think that a McCain victory in Nov. would be "unlikely"?
  18. You are right.:thumb: We need to first cut the size of the government drastically.
  19. Not sure about Number 1 although I hate to see us deplete our reserves, but Number 2 will not work. (I have received that email several times too.)
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