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Everything posted by lynks66

  1. I think that's what most on here are arguing in regard to both sides of the debate. Many teachers work many hours in the summer and weekends and after school and are not compensated. While many other teachers show up at 8 and hit the door at 3:15 every day, and never do any work outside of that time frame. These teachers merit different pay, and neither are paid what they are worth.
  2. So what would you suggest be done to lower prices at the pump?
  3. So you're still not decided on who you will vote for this fall?
  4. I see so many posts on here that people put in links to blogs and various other websites that seem biased to say the least to defend their opinions. Does anyone know of any new source that you actually feel delivers an unbiased report of events and news? Or does a place like this exist? It seems for every link posted to something political related there is an equal and oposite link readily availble. (Newton's law I guess) I just wonder if there was a site that we could all come close to an agreement on in regard to their reporting of the news?
  5. Why are some on here defending Wright's words so adamantly, when Sen. Obama himself has condemned them?
  6. So you think his judgement is okay even though Obama has renounced some of his statements and has removed him from his campain? I find that interesting. But like I said, each to their own.
  7. I am unclear as to what this has to do with my post. Can you elaborate?
  8. I agree, the problem is, how will we ever know the truth about any candidate? Most if not all will do or say whatever it takes to get elected. I guess the only thing that we can look at with even a small chance of being untainted are previous actions. (ie. votes cast in the senate, support of certain bills, choice of those look to for guidance etc...) I just think in the case with Sen. Obama, he close linkage to Rev. Wright draws at the very least some question of judgement into the equation. Granted it has been blown way out of purportion, but I do feel that there are many legetimate questions about Sen. Obama's character have arisen due to all of this drama. Although I am sure some will argue that they have no problem with the fact that Obama is just now renouncing several statements by his minister over the past 20 years. To each their own. :thumb:
  9. Then how could any of us vote for any candidate? Since I assume most of us won't have a chance to sit down with the candidates or Rev. Wright for that matter. I agree that we should not be quick to judge, but at some point you have to go one way or the other on a person, (at least when you step into the voting booth.) jmho.
  10. So people will actually vote for or against a candidate based on their race?
  11. I see, I had just heard about some people voting for the person that they thought McCain could more easily defeat in Nov. (even if they liked the other candidate more) I didn't think that was your motivation, but I thought I would check.
  12. May I ask why you are voting for him this spring? Since I am sure you have no intention of voting for him in Nov.
  13. I am still not clear as to your answer. You do feel that the comments made by Rev. Wright are helping the cause? Just looking for clarification, I don't want to assume incorrectly. Thanks,
  14. 02Ram, do you see where I am coming from on this? I can empathize with many of the posts you have made, I just wondered if you thought the same about mine above. I can also empathize with many Obama supporters who won't let this change their opinion of him. If the roles were switched, and this were McCain in the same situation, I would likely question his judgement, but it would not cause me to vote for Clinton or Obama. A third party candidate maybe but not either of the democrats in this election.
  15. Do you feel Rev. Wright is aiding or hurting what you said above?
  16. No we aren't. However, I would think though that if I were in Obama's situation, and if I had attempted to make changes in a Chirst like fashion, that I would be mentioning those atempts at change now. It would be an excellent defense for those questioning his judgement in staying at this church for 20 years. And would have likely put the issue to rest early on. I just haven't heard anything like that from Sen. Obama. Do you see where I am coming from on this? I promise you I am not out to get the Senator on this topic. I just question his judgement on this issue.
  17. I think we can all agree that many of the things Rev. Wright said were inappropriate at the very least. If that was the case, I have one question: What change did Obama try to effect in a Christ like fashion?
  18. From Wiki " Racism inherently starts with the assumption that there are taxonomic differences between different groups of people. Without this assumption, prejudices against different peoples would be catagorised as being prejudices related to national or regional origin, religion, occupation, social status or some other distinction."
  19. Leatherneck - You are once again very convincing in your post. Very logical assessment of the situation.:thumb:
  20. Two questions: What happens if you are right in your decision to leave the church? What happens if you are wrong?
  21. I agree 100%. I wish that was the case. Oh well, good note for me to end on for the day. Gotta get some work done.
  22. I don't recall saying Obama was a racist. I have actually posted that I don't think that he is racist. Please don't put words in my mouth. As I have said before, you cannot choose your father, but you can choose your minister and spiritual leader. Apples and oranges to me. If it is not to you, then I guess we have to agree to disagree. If not, we could go round and round on this for days.
  23. I have never intended for any of my posts to be offensive to you or anyone else. I enjoy hearing the many sides of arguments on this site. I agree with the media wanting to sell publications. I just see this as a pretty big issue when voting or not voting for someone. Up until this point I never had even a slight reason to question Sen. Obama's integrity or beliefs, I have disagreed with many of his policies from the get go, but I never thought negatively about his character. I have even posted on here that he is by far the most likeable candidate. I just question some of his judgements in his chosen association with any man or woman who would make some of the quotes that this man has made. You apparently disagree with me on this, and that is most definitely your perogative.
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