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Everything posted by mhighfield

  1. Im just takeing a note from your post in the GRC- Scott County thread you said it would be an upset if you beat Scott County at THAT time last week cause they was #2 and you was #6 ...Your #5 right now where somewhere around mediocre in the state unranked....:popcorn:
  2. Was that the game in Mt Sterling,I was thinking it was like a 7-10 point game..But thanks..
  3. I think he was not meaning nobody was not concerned about Robbie and his injury(which i hope he ok)Just he don't want excuses Friday about injuries no matter who wins,Cause Tyler Black 1 of our starters is out for season and we have battled injuries all season..Thats it..:thumb:
  4. Should be all GRC right:p,Poor Ole Mason County comes in unranked against the #5 Cards :notworthy:sounds like a mismatch and somebody already said in the Mason-Montgomery thread that Clark looks a lot better than the Royals and should run away with it..Mason has battled major injuries all year and just trying to get healthy but we've played through it and did what we have to..If Mason wins would be a Hugh upset here...:thumb::popcorn:
  5. Poor Ole Mason we shall see Friday night huh...Did'nt Clark only win by like 7 at Montgomery earlier?Mason had a 35 point lead at one time here tonight...Don't matter what we do we just cant seem to get any love..:isurrender:
  6. You think playing against there old head coach add a little extra to this one?
  7. Me and Papa tried to tell you:lol:,Matchups just wasn't in favor of Ashland here at all..Solid win by the Cards though i don't care who it is you win by 40+ you did something...
  8. Yeah really,Other than being 18 degrees the weather here in Maysville and Morehead for that matter is clear as a bell still at 10pm at night..Geez...
  9. Where the heck was the home court advantage?:popcorn::popcorn:It was physical both ways!
  10. Paris and Bourbon County are 5-32 on the year,What is up here?This was once a basketball rich town but over the last few years it been like this I'm stunned..Anybody from the area have an answer is it internal school issues or the talent just not playing ball there?Like i said these are 2 basketball schools over the years..Is consolidation finally on the for front also?:confused:
  11. The sky is falling... Just to much pressure on this young team #1 and undefeated and all it was going to happened..
  12. Glad to see the Bears having some good success,Whats happened to Bourbon 2-18 WOW...
  13. Good road win for the Royals tonight spanking the Panthers..Pawsat and Harris are getting better ever game out,Can't wait till there back 100%..The depth and size is what beat Fleming here Mason had to much of it...You should start to see much more of what the true Mason team should look like as the next 2 Weeks goes on...Rowan up next at home as the Royals hit a nice stretch of home games coming up...Hugh crowd at the den tonight nice see as this rivalry had lost a little luster here lately..
  14. When Mason and GRC play 1st one to 40 might win lol,They both play some D...No surprise here congrats to the Cards...
  15. This game scares me more than most have,Arkansas comes in with nothing to loose being a sub par 500 team right now and im afraid the Cats may over look them.Then you have the fact that Arkansas can light the 3 up put those together that scares me...
  16. Tough game for the Royals,La Salle is a good team though...Ashland tuesday night...
  17. Brackens having a good year this year,You just never know what could happend..
  18. Manship is gone back to Montgomery yes,Tyler still up in the air,Cross your fingers..
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