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Everything posted by leatherneck

  1. I'll take a team full of solid players any time. I did see one of the Bruns run the ball for Dixie's frosh team and he was very, very good. If he works hard and buys into the Highlands conditioning system and work ethic, he'll be a very very good player in the years to come. What position did the other Bruns play?
  2. Great point. I think the Birds are really, really going to surprise some folks this year.
  3. That makes it somewhat better. At least they devoted some time to what a lot of people consider the positions that determine the out come of the game. I missed that coverage. :thumb:
  4. And I think they make a ton of money with their sports stag and their Dad's Club meetings on Tuesday nights.
  5. Nice summary of the rewards of playing high school sports. I agree whole heartedly.
  6. Not one that you haven't hit many, many times before. My point was really not to debate the need for high quality line play and the dominant role they play in determining the outcome of a game. Heck, that's not even debatable, but rather to point out the comic irony of how a lot (most?) commentators talk in a passing comment about how important line play is in determing the outcome and then spend the next 5 minutes examining the "skill" position matchups. I just find it sort of funny. Then again, look at most of the commentators and the positions they played in college/pros and perhaps their infatuation is understandable.
  7. I generally agree with you, but I agree with Voice of Reason, that certain players, playing certain positions, can come back after sitting out a couple of seasons and make huge contributions to a team. Is that applicable to any of the kids that have been discussed? Who knows. But if their heart says they want to play football, they should play football. Face it, not many kids in any sport get athletic scholarships so unless they think taking time away from hoops is going to cost them an athletic scholarship, they should do what their heart tells them to do. You only get to play high school sports once. Have fun and let it rip.
  8. Perhaps this belongs on the college football forum, but since my comments are in general and not necessarily applicable just to college football, I'll post it here. A mod can move it if appropriate. Now, on to what makes me chuckle: how often do we hear that the games are won in the trenches. It's the lineplay that determines the outcome of games on the high school, college and pro levels. We seem to hear it over and over and over. Why? Because its the truth. Now perhaps I've missed it, but of the coverage I've seen about tonight's BCS championship game, it has been focused exclusively on the skilled players. Lots of talk about the great TE of Oklahoma and how he is going to be the diffence maker; lots of comparison between Oklahoma's TE and Florida's TE; lot's of talk about how tall the Oklahoma TE is and how short Florida's DB's are; lots of talk about the QB's and running backs, but I've heard zero talk about the line match ups. Perhaps I've missed it. But if it's been discussed, it hasn't been discussed much in comparison to the talk about the "skilled" players (as if it doesn't take athletic skills to play the line, which is a joke). Am I nuts on this or do others agree the commentators spend way too much time focusing on the positions that really aren't the critical ones? Disclaimer: I am a former O lineman and my sons have all been O linemen.
  9. Never mind, I'm staying out of this issue. I'm spoken my thoughts on Brossart in the past.
  10. You'd obviously know that better than I do. I can imagine if the job is done correctly, it wuld take a lot of time away from a writer's other responsibilities.
  11. Justin Johnson I believe is his name and he will be a senior next year. Very, very strong kid. With a year under his belt in the off season conditioning program he should be an excellent defensive lineman next year.
  12. You're assumption that I meant only the last few years when I said "past" would be incorrect, as I was aware that the middle schoolers had been lifting on Tues and Thurs for about the last 15 years. Otherwise I agree with your post. I am totally supportive of the baseball program and want it to succeed. I'm glad that Jeremy has initiated the weight lifting program for the baseball players. Its should have been done years ago. I'm glad that things are changing for the baseball program and agree that it's a good thing. I'm glad that there has been a change in the Spring Break policy because I think the change will be helpful to baseball program. Feel free to contact Jeremy and ask him about my support for him and what he's trying to get accomplished if you doubt me on that. You just may be surprised by what he tells you about a person that doesn't even have a son in the baseball program. What I don't like are the baseless claims and innuendos by people on here year after year after year that the football program/Dale is running roughshod over the baseball program. What happened with the weight room incident was a simple mistake in scheduling and nothing else. There was nothing malicious done by Dale or anyone else to favor football over baseball. And having spent some time on the phone yesterday, I know how the scheduling conflict was easily and simply resolved. I don't think the e mails to Dale played a role in the resolution, but you may certainly disagree with that if you like. Bottom line is that the baseball program is headed in the right direction with the right person in charge. Jeremy has the same zeal and enthusiasm for coaching that Dale, Willie and the rest of the coaches at Highlands have for their sports. And that is a good thing. Let's quit bickering amongst one another and pull together to support all the sport team at Highlands. I don't want to win just a state championship in football; I want to win state championships in every sport.
  13. Cousin. Dave's boy. Very nice athlete.
  14. Just google Title IX and you learn all you want to know, and some you don't want to know, about Title IX my friend.
  15. People in the know are too busy still working on the qb coaching situation to share what they know on this issue. You'll just have to wait.
  16. I don't know so I can't tell you. Then again, I wasn't the one making the allegations; you were.
  17. Might see Welz or Beck on the interior O line also. And don't forget Welz played some D line this year. Could Grubbs, Combs or Schlosser do a Dempsey and play some D line in addition to their O line responsibilities? I can't wait to see spring ball and see who steps up to take the open positions. Should be another intense spring.
  18. That would be fantastic. Rosie is an exceptional athlete. I'd love to see him back on the team.
  19. Curious to know who are the powers that don't want a frosh team and what their reasons are?
  20. Watched some games last year and plan on doing the same this year.
  21. Great post Strike. Baseball was by far my favorite sport growing up and I still really like watching the game.
  22. Glad the meeting went well. Jeremy is a first class person and coach. As others have mentioned the guy loves baseball and Highlands. He WILL be successful. He has charisma, love of the game and enthusiasm of Dale. Won't be long before we are hearing him say that this year's baseball players are the fastest, most athletic baseball players in the history of Highlands and that all of them are going to get D-1 baseball scholarships. Does anyone know who are the asst coaches? I know others have asked, but I didn't see any names.
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