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Everything posted by leatherneck

  1. Fine. Then the Constitution should be formally amended to permit the fed govt the powers that people think it should have. Until then, however, the fed should be restrained to only those powers listed in the Constitution.
  2. Last I heard (which was probably 7-10 days ago), Dale had contacted both schools but neither had responded with a yes or a no. If I have time today, I'll see if I can get an update.
  3. I'm not doubting that it may happen at some schools, but that's not a KHSAA problem, that's a local school board/principal problem to address.
  4. Let's just say it came from a very reliable source associated with Highlands football.
  5. The way its set up now is after the basketball season for those schools eliminated from the basketball tourny. And for a lot of schools, it's not held during the baseball regular season. Admittedly some schools will be practicing baseball, but for a lot of schools, the weather conditions are too poor to at least be outside practicing. I can't speak for any other school, but the football coaches and baseball coaches at Highlands coordinate their practice schedules to permit those kids interested to do both. I don't think Mueller asks the kids playing baseball to participate in spring football, but allows them to if they want to and the baseball coach permits them to do it. It really has worked very well. Frankly, without such cooperation, at a football dominant school like Highlands, if the kids were forced to choose one or the other, the baseball program would probably be on the losing end. But there is no reason to force the kids to choose one or the other. We are talking about a grand total of 10 football practices spread out over three weeks (and most of the baseball players don't even attend all 10 football practices). It's really not that big of a deal. Certainly no bigger of a deal than Drew Simons missing multiple days of two a day football practices a couple of years ago to participate in AAU basketball tournaments nor no bigger of a deal than Brett Hamlin missing almost all the two a day football practices years ago to participate on his select baseball team. It's just too easy, if you want to, to work with the kids to let them participate in multiple sports.
  6. I think we only have one game open, but we have two possible dates available because of the bye week (Highlands is starting in week zero, which means we have a bye week).
  7. I thought he played more tight end/slot receiver on the O side of the ball.
  8. I believe the reason is because Central is a magnet school with a strong nursing prepatory curriculum, which attracts a lot of females. Someone more familiar with Central can correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Because at some schools, kids that otherwise might play baseball, won't in order to participate in spring football.
  10. Bingo. The people opposed to spring football like to point out that Ohio doesn't have it, but "conveniently" forget to mention the very, very strong football states that do have spring football. With high school football in Ky being as far behind as it once was, spring football has helped a lot. I can only speak of how Highlands does it, but in my opinion it has helped a lot. Mueller does a lot of hitting in the spring, perhaps more so than he does during two a days. It gives an early glimpse of how last years younger players are going to be able to handle the step up to possible starter. It gives a longer recovery time in the event some one gets hurt. It lets kids know how they stand strength wise and speed wise, which enables them to become better focused during their summer conditioning program. It enables the coaches to assess kids and install a different system if they desire to do so. Spring football can, if properly utilized, make a very big improvement to a program. No doubt that it helps the larger schools that don't necessarily count on the same kids to also play spring sports, than it helps the smaller schools, but that is not a justification to get rid of spring football. Sandman, having watched a lot and I mean a lot of spring football practices, I can assure you that it has provided big, big benefits to Highlands football. And yes, kids can practice form tackling and blocking on their parents if their parents aren't wimps. As for the timing of spring football, while I understand the argument, I think the criticism is being overblown. With most of the schools being eliminated from the basketball tournaments about the same time (what are we talking about 32 teams-16 boys and 16 girls- making it to the state tournament, most schools start spring football at about the same time, give or take a week or two. In a balancing act to make the negative impact on baseball as small as possible, the rationale has been to start spring football as soon as possible for as many schools as possible before the baseball regular season begins. And with the trend to artificial turf fields increasing, inclement spring weather will have less and less impact on the quality of spring football practices for more and more schools. Moving spring football back to June at first blush may make some sense, but would further negatively impact players', parents' and coaches' summers. I realize the situation isn't perfect, but I think we all need to realize that there is no perfect situation that will make everyone involved in high school athletics happy.
  11. Way too early to know the answer to your first question. Heck, there may be kids that never played qb before that may want to play the position and be best qualified to do so.
  12. Would be interesting to see how many opponents during 2008 had kids going to college on football scholarships or have received scholarship offers for next year. For Highlands in 08 we played: Ryle-Tate Nichols has offers. Colerain-I think I read that 8 kids have accepted offers to play in college for next year, although I'm not sure without more research on what level. I know one linebacker (Simpson) is going to Indiana on a scholly and another linebacker (Lozier) turned down offers to go to UC as a preferred walkon. Holmes-not sure of any scholarships or offers. Dixie-same as Holmes. CovCath-Van Sant to Georgetown. Connaughton I'm told by some will get offers. Hopkinsville-Dillard to Austin Peay. Scott-none that I am aware of. LexCath-Vogelsang to Wake Forest. Madison Central-Warford is going to UK and Simpson to WKU. Any others? Lou. Central-Cobble and Wilson to UK. Patterson has offers including UK I believe. Bryan Station-Philon to UL. Any others? Paul Blazer-Bonner to EKU. Johnson Central- none that I am aware of. Whitley-I think a running back (Jones?) is going to Morehead. Christian County-Langston to Austin Peay and another kid (excuse me for not remembering the name) is going to Campbellsville. If anyone knows of kids getting scholarships at those teams, fill them in. And list your team's opponents that have kids getting scholarships.
  13. Obviously there are several factors that any kid and his parents should consider when deciding what school to attend. Some factors matter more to some kids and his parents than other factors do. For some, getting to play quickly is a big deal. For some, playing in a particular conference is important. For some, the type of offense/defense played is a big deal. For some, the distance for home really matters. For some, the size of the school matters. For some, the relationship with the coaches is a big deal. For some, the quality of competition matters. For some, the preparation to play in the pros matters. For some, the academic reputation of a school and the perceived quality of education likely to be received matters (and inversely and unfortunately, for some, they put little or no emphasis on the quality of education they are likely to receive) The point that many have been trying to make is that knowing Austin and his parents, the academic reputation and perceived quality of education to be received will be a very important factor. With Mom and Dad both being law school graduates, with paternal grandparents both being educators and with one maternal grandparent being an attorney and the other an educator, I have a very strong feeling that the academic factor will be a HUGE one and will in my opinion have a much higher priority than playing time, style of O or D and most if not all of other factors I listed. That's not to say that the other factors won't be considered. Not at all. But there are going to have to be some strong negatives next to Stanford's name on the sheet to outweigh the big academic positive. Distance can be an issue for some people, but I think we need to keep in mind that we are talking about a very affluent family that can easily afford to fly back and forth to California every weekend to watch Austin play. Sure it would be more convenient for his family and friends to drive to Lex to watch AC play, but it would be foolish, just absolutely foolish to allow 4 or 5 years of convenience to outweigh the lifetime of benefits and advantages that a Stanford education could deliver. Academics might not be the "end all" of "end alls", but it is a much, much important factor than you seem (at least to me) to be making it to be, or at least it is with some people and would be to me if Austin was my son. He makes All SEC or even All America playing at UK, UF etc. and suffers a career ending injury and what does he have? Squat. He gets a Stanford education and he may be set for life. PS. Marines don't give up or surrender.
  14. :thumb: Never understood those folks that think it's wrong to hold a performer's political positions and comments against that performer but think it's totally fine to refuse to buy products or own stock in companies that act in a manner they disagree with (ie, animal testing). The underlying motivation is applicable to both: not wanting to support someone or something that acts or believes in a manner I disagree with. By the way, from what I know of this situation, I'm with Palin on this one. Alaska's kind of a big state and shooting them from the air is, I'd think, the most practical and cost efficient way to locate and dispose of the wolves.
  15. Agreed. At 6'3", Adam is probably considered to be too short to play O tackle or guard, but could play center. He's going to have to prove he can add 40 to 50 pounds to his frame. The kid does possess quick feet and a great first step. If he can add the weight/muscle to his frame and not lose his quickness, he will start at center at a D-1 school some day. Smart kid and very coachable.
  16. If my intel is reliable (and I've heard it from two very reliable sources) you don't have anything to worry about in re Wolfe.
  17. Great news Hazz Been. I know you felt he could play at the next level and that he was a great kid. Congrats Charlie. I'm another Highlands fan that was impressed with you when Highlands played LCC a couple of years ago, particularly in light of the fact you had a bad hamstring in that game. Good luck at EKU.
  18. I'd heard a rumor to the effect that Dale approached Simon Kenton, but it wasn't going to work out. I assume SK has a schedule conflict, which is a shame because playing Highlands would be a great playoff preparation game for SK. I also heard a rumor that Dale approached both Bell and Johnson Central, but hadn't heard back yet. Distance may play a role in them not wanting to agree to play Highlands at Highlands this year.
  19. I don't want to get into the Duffy thing other than to say I agree with some of what you said and disagree with some of what you said. I had a nephew (my older sister's son) that cut the Duffy practice regime and my nephew was not what you would call the svelte, athletic type. If he could cut it, any kid that loved football could have made it if they really wanted to play football. Duffy had the mentality that there were football players that would do anything to play football and there were kids that just wanted to be on the football team (with whom he didn't want to spend time coaching). Totally different philosophy than Mueller's and I agree with Mueller. As Blue Jacket pointed out, the major motivation for joining the public league was numbers. I was the President of the Jr. Football League at the time and remember clearly the rationale for joining the public league and fully supported the move (we really didn't have much choice unless we just wanted to have two teams in the league playing each other every game; not a practical alternative). I do agree with you and Blue Jacket that the participation in the public league was not a total failure; nothing close to it. Having said that, when Mueller replaced Duffy, Mueller felt numbers in the 7/8 grades would improve and that we should move those kids back into the Jr. Football League for all the good reasons the League is such a success. Mueller was, once again, correct and we have seen a huge increase in 7/8 grade participation.
  20. Hey DMZ and Malichi, 4 of the above mentioned kids are blue teamers! Looks like the blue team tradition of linemen will continue. :thumb: On a serious note, having done a little (in Peterson's eyes, very little) coaching of the blue team this past year, I know that there are some very talented linemen that will be frosh this season. As others have pointed out, these kids aren't of the "big, heavy and slow" mold. No doubt each of them has work to do this off season, but if they take it very seriously, I expect to see a very quick and talented O and D line this year. Add that to the "skilled" players mentioned and we should have a very good frosh team this year. No more runner up stuff; I expect a frosh championship. :madman:
  21. The persons that received the bonuses might not have failed at all. In fact, they may have performed exceptionally well. If I run a division that creates huge profits for a company and my comp package states that I'm entitled to receive a bonus if I did so, should the fed govt have the right to tell me I'm not entitled to my bonus because the other divisions performed terribly and their losses greatly outweighed the profits my division created? I don't think so. And I wouldn't be the least bit ashamed at receiving my bonus if I had earned it.
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