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Everything posted by Getslow

  1. A lot of history behind those sentiments. Generations upon generations of mistrust. Hard to undo in a couple decades. Brown v. Board of Education was 60 years ago. Civil Rights Act only 50. And those were just the first steps on the road to reconciliation. It doesn't look good at times, but I firmly believe that race relations in these United States are better than they've ever been... but we've got a long way to go.
  2. What heartens me in this age of instant news and instant responses to it is that most people saw stuff like those tweets or Joe Walsh's comments and instantly write it off as the ravings of stupid people. I don't lament for the future because of how awful some people are; I'm hopeful because most people are still repulsed by it.
  3. I didn't want to get involved in this kind of stuff today. Not after everything that's happened. But what could this possibly mean? 50 years of decline? Based on what? It's better to be a non-white person in this country right now than any time in this country's history. I'd call that 50 years of positive movement. But you are right about one thing, it's still only the beginning. The fact that the things we've seen in the news this week keep happening is certainly evidence of that.
  4. I'd heard they had other suspects in custody but then in the press conference the chief of police said that the dead suspect told them he was alone. I haven't heard anything about the other suspects since. What is the status of the idea of multiple shooters at this point?
  5. Apparently a negotiator had him talking for a while before he was killed. Said he wanted to kill white people. Wanted to kill white police officers.
  6. Don't know about Ohio but in Kentucky you could probably stretch that into third degree terroristic threatening. It's a misdemeanor. Unsure about relevant federal statutes.
  7. ^ Shoudve ended the questioning right there. Makes Clinton look terrible and gets much of the information desired. But they didn't. Rep. Chaffetz proceeded to suggest invasions of attorney-client privilege and prosecuting attorneys who were unknowingly handed classified records. He yelled at Director Comey for a while and completely lost focus. Making this about the director and not about Sec. Clinton was pointless on his part and prolonged the whole affair when the media could have been hammering on other things. Why is everyone in Congress so awful?
  8. The Irish and the Wolveries will meet in South Bend on Sept. 1, 2018 and then in Ann Arbor in October 2019. I've always enjoyed it when these two get together and both could potentially be quite good when this series starts up.
  9. They're already turning the publicity and money from the SEC Network into coaching hires that appear miles better than what they were doing a decade ago. It appears they're on the right track to improving hoops, which as a fan of the Dayton and the Atlantic 10 is a bit troubling, as few leagues have done better during the SEC's lean years as far as getting those NCAA bids than the A-10.
  10. Pie? Pecan. No question. My grandma's recipe is the best.
  11. Watched the second half of last night's FCC/Rochester game while having my coffee this morning. Playing Rochester is always frustrating because of their style, which is to clog the midfield and defend like crazy. They're not quite as impenetrable as they were the last couple years but They're solid. Looked like FCC had some chances but had trouble putting shots on frame from inside the box. Rochester has been Louisville's best friend this last week, taking points from the two teams chasing Lou City in the standings: FCC and the Baby Red Bulls.
  12. Lake is crazy cold so it wasn't much for swimming that early in the season. But lots of good restaurants and good local beer all along Western Michigan. And for me, 75-80 degrees and almost no humidity in late June/early July means fantastic weather for golf. Played twice at a great course called A-Ga-Ming that I really liked.
  13. I'm not really all that taken with him advocating the idea that as long as citizens are accused of terrorism, they shouldn't have rights or trials... just kill them. That's one of those Trump statements that are so troubling about his candidacy.
  14. FCC and Lou City both had wins last weekend. Baby Red Bulls held to a draw by Rochester. Anybody in the stands for the FCC game last weekend? Bethlehem Steel played like it was a cold, rainy Tuesday in Stoke when they played Louisville a month ago. Ten in the box and defended like mad. Pretty similar against Cincinnati last Saturday?
  15. Both would have to be impeached. Roughly a zero percent chance two thirds of the Senate finds either of them guilty of "high crimes or misdemeanors."
  16. Oh, you wrote with such authority that I thought you knew something about it. This is speculation?
  17. Just out of curiosity, what do you think President Obama said to lean on the Republican-appointed director of the FBI?
  18. The problem there is that neither major party candidate wants to make this an election about which of them has good judgment. They both come up seriously lacking.
  19. Fun fact: Director Comey was one a Deputy Attorney General under George W. Bush who was approved for his 10-year term by a 93-1 senate vote. The lone dissenting vote? Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.
  20. Canada should be half decent but half their good players aren't on the roster for the qualifying tournament that they should be favored in. No Wiggins, no Stauskas, no Olynyk, just to name a couple. Olynyk is hurt but I wonder if Wiggins will re-enter the mix if Canada qualifies for Rio.
  21. It's interesting to look at these international rosters. Decent big men all over the place but Europe lags MILES behind when it comes to guards. Lots of countries like Lithuania that have very recognizable center and power forwards but names I've never so much as seen before playing in the backcourt. Lithuania might be decent. They were Eurobasket runners up last year to Spain. Australia has a few decent players here and there but I can't imagine much more than a bronze with Patty Mills and Matthew Dellavedova as the starting guards.
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